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Topic: Dice Mechanic -Need a Help
Started by: Kalladeron
Started on: 8/19/2008
Board: First Thoughts

On 8/19/2008 at 6:05pm, Kalladeron wrote:
Dice Mechanic -Need a Help

Firstly, excuse me for possible English mistakes, I am Brazilian and as I believe that you know that English is far away from being our language mother. 
It is my first post, but I accompany the forum. Well, I am writing a RPG but I am with one of the worst problems, I have larger part of the developed rules, but any no basic mechanics, I know that it seems strange, but the reason is simple, I don't get to decide which method to use. 
The system is for a medieval scenery, actually no so medieval. I thought about doing a Power 19, but the post would be too big. 
The system that I am trying to do needs to be two things: fast and with a clear system of success and flaw. The most obvious answer would be a mechanics pool, but I don't like values of attributes and such low expertise (average 3), while you value high (average 5, as I wanted) they will create very big pools. 
In that requirement two mechanics they appeared me, the bad is that both are already published: the unisystem (Buffy and Witchcraft) and Fading Sun. The positive point is that both systems get to have a mechanics of successes egg whites, in Buffy to each three points above 8 is a success (he/she had thought about the each 2 points) while in Fading to each three points happens a success (he/she had thought about the each 4 points). The problems. I want that the flaws for big margins result in drastic effects, as the effect that you/they happen in D&D with flaws for 5 or more. If it applies the same proportion a flaw for two or more is a dramatic " flaw ", which is extremely low in my opnion, because in a test with 70% of success chance (using a d10) there is a chance of critical flaw of 10%. To increase the data as 2d10, rarely the character fails, because with an average 5 for attribute + expertise the medium result in the data will be 16, the double of TN 8. Maybe to change basic TN and to use 2d10 is the solution, but I don't get to decide a reasonable " number ". 
The problem of the fading is different. The attribute average + expertise in my system should give something around 8, at the most 10. I know that the average is similar to it of Fading Suns, but to have a success chance the fading it uses bonus from +2 to +10, something that leaves me unsatisfied. I believe that it is faster, and easy, to work with penalty than with bonus, in addition if the call " easy " test is the pattern, it is strange (IMO) to give bonus. 
I am " really desperate " so much that I am thinking seriously about abandoning the project. I don't want a system or mechanics new fall of the sky, I only want to have an opnion of what would be better to fit with the premises of the system. 
Forced to all.

Message 26613#253929

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On 8/19/2008 at 6:37pm, imago wrote:
Re: Dice Mechanic -Need a Help

Hey, welcome to the Forge!

Kalladeron wrote:
Firstly, excuse me for possible English mistakes, I am Brazilian and as I believe that you know that English is far away from being our language mother.

Hey, it's ok. You're not the only one (I, for instance, am Chilean). People here are very understading,

It is my first post, but I accompany the forum. Well, I am writing a RPG but I am with one of the worst problems, I have larger part of the developed rules, but any no basic mechanics, I know that it seems strange, but the reason is simple, I don't get to decide which method to use.

The system is for a medieval scenery, actually no so medieval. I thought about doing a Power 19, but the post would be too big.

FIrst, I advice you to do the Power 19, even if you don't post it here - it's more useful than it seems. And I also advice you to post it, because it would provide us with greater insight of what you are trying to accomplish.

Second, (how) does the setting effect your game? How Effective will characters be on that setting, and why?

The system that I am trying to do needs to be two things: fast and with a clear system of success and flaw. The most obvious answer would be a mechanics pool, but I don't like values of attributes and such low expertise (average 3), while you value high (average 5, as I wanted) they will create very big pools.

Why was that the most obvious answer to you?

By the way, do you know about One Roll Engine (ORE) system? You roll a bunch of d10 (never more than 10, never less than 2; 4 to 6 depending on setting is the average), look for matches. There is (lot) more to it but those are the basics.

In that requirement two mechanics they appeared me, the bad is that both are already published: the unisystem (Buffy and Witchcraft) and Fading Sun. The positive point is that both systems get to have a mechanics of successes egg whites, in Buffy to each three points above 8 is a success (he/she had thought about the each 2 points) while in Fading to each three points happens a success (he/she had thought about the each 4 points). The problems. I want that the flaws for big margins result in drastic effects, as the effect that you/they happen in D&D with flaws for 5 or more. If it applies the same proportion a flaw for two or more is a dramatic " flaw ", which is extremely low in my opnion, because in a test with 70% of success chance (using a d10) there is a chance of critical flaw of 10%. To increase the data as 2d10, rarely the character fails, because with an average 5 for attribute + expertise the medium result in the data will be 16, the double of TN 8. Maybe to change basic TN and to use 2d10 is the solution, but I don't get to decide a reasonable " number ".

Well, it seems to me that those systems are intended to make Effective characters less able to fail and, in that case, by little margin, while you seem to have a different goal in mind.

The problem of the fading is different. The attribute average + expertise in my system should give something around 8, at the most 10. I know that the average is similar to it of Fading Suns, but to have a success chance the fading it uses bonus from +2 to +10, something that leaves me unsatisfied. I believe that it is faster, and easy, to work with penalty than with bonus, in addition if the call " easy " test is the pattern, it is strange (IMO) to give bonus.

See, this is where I personally disagree. You should roll ("Say 'Yes' or roll") only when it's important. Now, I'm not saying that easy tasks shouldn't be unimportant on your game, but why should you roll (with a chance to fail) for easy tasks?

Actually, the question is "what is at stake when you roll?"

I am " really desperate " so much that I am thinking seriously about abandoning the project. I don't want a system or mechanics new fall of the sky, I only want to have an opnion of what would be better to fit with the premises of the system.

Well, I think we really need the premises of the game, rather than just the system. Could you expand on this?

Message 26613#253930

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On 8/19/2008 at 8:52pm, Kalladeron wrote:
RE: Re: Dice Mechanic -Need a Help

So, Let`s go to Power 19!!!

1. Does What i your love about? 
The game is basically about epic adventures, mysteries and power. The game is an action mixture with medieval fantasy in a big world, everything this covered by the mantle of the enigmas. The world doesn't have a defined and same past the most recent events always possess a margin doubts her. 
One of the outstanding presences should be the ancestral ones, a size person to can that dominates the Essence (type of energy of the which the universe would be made), the concept is similar to the one of the present gods in other sceneries, however more humans, in other words, beings capable to accomplish done incredible, but no immune to everything. They form a parallel society, each one possesses their own subjects and desires and in this very imperfect healthy point. 
In spite of the world to be fantasy he is sufficiently real. Anything of flying magicians or to receive five hundred blows, unless you are an ancestral one. 
2. What of the players of the? 
The players can do from heroes and villains that vary of the most varied levels of power going of the heroic (standard), going by the awake ones until the ancestral ones. 
3. What of the characters of the? 
A lot of thing exists for herself to do think it is even difficult to explain, but they can struggle for one of the nations in war, recover the lost lands or to try to turn an ancestral one. I think will depend a little of GM, especially because each level (Heroic, Awake and Ancestral) their has their own adventure universe. 
Before I will explain a little. The game theoretically becomes separated in three levels. The heroic level belongs to people above the average, but still humans as odisseu and jasão. The awake level is more complicated, because it demands more experience and to accomplish some requirements in-loves, but it can be reached to the end of a good campaign while the ancestral level is rarely reached. To arrive at the Ancestral level will probably be the objective more wanted, but it is a " difficult day " that can include until the character's annihilation. 
I like to compare the way ascenção similar to the game Scion of White Wolf with his level Hero, Demigod and Gods. 
4. Do How donate your setting reinforce what the players of the? 
The scenery reinforces the history and epic adventures, but of course depends on GM. If he wants to narrate a campaign with heroic there is a lot of war, conflict and ancestral in smaller degree interfering in the people's life. 
In awake level there are secrets for us to be discovered, adventures involving the old plans (I glide where the creators of the world lived) besides trying of maintaining alive of the lunges of other awake ones that can want his essence to ascend. 
In ancestral level, there are the true mysteries and dangers besides other ancestral ones that can want to increase yours influences starting from his end. Each ancestral one has their own ideals, some are hostile, others became friends and others wanted to become mortal again. 
5. Do How donate the Character Creation process of your loves reinforce what the loves i about? 
There are a good list of attributes and expertise to individualize the characters besides the advantages and disadvantages. The reinforcement of the game feels in through the focus mechanics, heroism and faith that are the bases to ascend and the special abilities that you/they simulate heroic powers. There is still an equal system of antecedents to help to form the characters' report. 
6. Do What types of behaviors/styles of play donate your loves reward (and punish if necessary)? 
I don't believe that there is a style that will be punished, maybe the one that is motivated is the one of the players that you/they think. The game is of action, but no action the whole time. 
7. Does How plow behaviors/styles of play rewarded or punished in your loves? 
The main reward is the points of antecedents. They are about the points of experience, but they buy more temporary things as resources, allies, followers, status among other things. Players that think certainly will have larger opportunities to get points of antecedents. 
8. Does How plow the responsibilities of narration and credibility divided in your loves? 
The responsibility of the narration and of the adventures it depends on GM. The players interact indirectly with their antecedents that can yield adventures, but always with the narrator's elaboration. 
9. Do What donate your loves of the to command the players' attention, engagement, and participation? 
Simple, without his participation the play doesn't work. The players' participation is motivated especially because certain elements possess mechanics that need his attention as the ascension and the antecedents. 
10. Does What plow the resolution mechanics of your loves like? 
That is the problem that created the topic. Leaning in something that is easy to read the result and that can have success levels and failure as enough, good or great. 
11. Does How of the the resolution mechanics reinforce what your love i about? 
Complicated. For being an action game a fast snowballing it helps to maintain the climate while the success mechanics helps to demonstrate the evolution of the character's abilities (the abilities that I mention here are species of powers). 
12. Of the characters in your it does love advance? If only, how? 
Yes, three widths that the characters can advance all partly inteligadas exist. The character can have several antecedents, to become an ancestral one or even a very powerful character that you/he/she is not an ancestral one. Each road has their opportunities. 
13. Do How donate character advancement or lack thereof) does reinforce what your love i about? 
He/she reinforces increasing the characters' opportunities. 
14. Does What sort of product or effect of the you want to produce in or go the players? 
Amusement, good histories and action. 
15. Does What areas of your love receive extra attention and colour? Why? 
Ancestral, because it is one of the key pieces of the same scenery that a player doesn't want to turn one. Antecedents, to supply extra material for the narrator and to increase the range of the characters' action. And the abilities that are possible of acquiring through heroism, faith or focus. 
16. Does What part of your love plows you most excited about or interested in? 
Ancestral and the creation of the scenery. 
17. Do Where donate your loves take players that other love can't, don't, or won't? 
There are many othe games at the market that I believe difficult " take players ". Maybe here in Brazil for the lack of games, but it is a very tight market. 
18. Does What plow your publishing goals this goes loves? 
Possibly a PDF and an open system reference. I don't have commercial ambitions. 
19. Who i your target audience? 
Players that like epic adventures and want to amuse.

Message 26613#253933

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On 8/20/2008 at 8:00pm, Kalladeron wrote:
RE: Re: Dice Mechanic -Need a Help

Yesterday I read O.R.E (unhappily no everything) and it came me a mechanics roll and keep based on him. It would be like this: 
1 - the medium value of the attributes would be five being ten the human maximum. The skill also vary from zero to ten. 
2 - when a test is accomplished the player rolls his/her attribute + 1 in d10. Same values count as successes. The player can " keep " a success number same to his value of the skill+1. 
3 - the difficulty of the test is determined in number of successes or decrease of the total of rolled data (I still didn't decide). 1 success is the necessary minimum to be well happened. 
4 - it is never rolled more than 10 data. In case the total of data is larger than ten, he is considered that he got an automatic success.

I am still not sure if I will adopt her. I think the model task faster and easy roll of being interpreted.

Message 26613#253965

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