The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Ways to handle PDF downloads?
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 8/21/2008
Board: Publishing

On 8/21/2008 at 7:59pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Ways to handle PDF downloads?

Hey all, I'm looking for a software kit for the web to do basically one thing (so I don't need a whole CRM/CMS or anything): I want something that can "cool-ly" handle generating PDF links for users. 

So, I've got Maid RPG just about ready to sell as a PDF. But the screen version comes out to around 7mb. Which is probably fine, now that Gmail allows attachments that large and larger. But I don't want to tell people with smaller accounts "make sure you get a GMAIL account" (I may have to, just to be cheap and low-cost). 

Does anyone know of any web tools that can help?


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On 8/21/2008 at 11:45pm, greyorm wrote:
Re: Ways to handle PDF downloads?

Are you looking for something automated, or something you manually punch data into and it spits out a unique download URL?

Message 26628#254030

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On 8/22/2008 at 2:28am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Ways to handle PDF downloads?

Actually, I was looking at either way.  Basically a way I could give a unique URL (either manually without TOO much setup) or auto-magically to folks who presumably bought the game, so I didn't have to give everyone a single download location ("").

Here's the thing, though. I was looking for this, while thinking in the back of my mind "I'd like to work with IPR in the future".  I just turned "In The Future" into "Today", and contacted them. So most likely, next week I'll be offering the PDF through them.

However, if anyone knows a solution, it might help out other folks. My personal needs are met at the moment, though.



Message 26628#254038

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On 8/22/2008 at 6:31am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Ways to handle PDF downloads?

Ah, excellent!

But to answer your question for future seekers, one method is detailed here, if you don't mind getting your hands dirty with a little PHP and have a MySQL db set up. There's also this shareware program, which might be slightly easier to use. (However, I've never tried either so I can't recommend or comment on them.)

Message 26628#254058

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On 8/22/2008 at 1:36pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Ways to handle PDF downloads?

Wow, that shareware package seems to be exactly what I wanted, if I was still going that route. Nice find!


Message 26628#254072

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