The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)
Started by: Matterhorn
Started on: 8/22/2008
Board: Publishing

On 8/22/2008 at 6:35am, Matterhorn wrote:
The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)

Hi -long time browser, first time poster.
I have been working on a bronze age pirates meets Lost low fantasy campaign for a while now. Yesterday I was struck by a bolt of inspiration and decided to write some rules for it instead of going off the shelf. I had a read of the Forum rules above and I am asking for some advice for a suitable website to post the text so that I can link to it here. It is about 10 pages in Open Office and I assume that a straight copy/paste is not the preferred way of doing it.

Message 26633#254060

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On 8/22/2008 at 5:22pm, Dustin Bingham wrote:
Re: The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)

Hey Matterhorn (what's your name, by the way?)

Have you looked into Google documents?
That might be a good place to write out your ideas.
Look forward to reading them!


Message 26633#254094

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On 8/22/2008 at 5:38pm, Rob Donoghue wrote:
RE: Re: The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)

I ended up doing a site to answer exactly this question, so I'll point right to it: <a href="">

Good luck, and feel free to follow up with any additional questions.

-Rob D.

Message 26633#254095

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On 8/22/2008 at 11:33pm, Matterhorn wrote:
RE: Re: The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)

Thanks alot guys. I will upload it this weekend.
My name is Matt Haines. Say it quick 3 times with a bad French accent and you get.....

Message 26633#254118

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