The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2
Started by: SirValence
Started on: 8/22/2008
Board: Conventions

On 8/22/2008 at 6:01pm, SirValence wrote:
GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2

I was reimbursed for all but $19 for the chairs, and I can cover that much. That's $1 for each StoryCards deck that sold. :)

Message 26636#254096

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On 8/22/2008 at 7:26pm, segedy wrote:
RE: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2


It was truly awesome that you brought those chairs, and I'm glad you got reimbursed for most of it.  In addition to the money, you are owed a mighty thanks by everybody who didn't have to sit in one of those convention hall deathtraps to do a demo!  So thanks!

Message 26636#254099

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On 8/26/2008 at 12:28pm, SirValence wrote:
Re: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2

As it turns out, someone threw the last $19 my way, so I'm out nothing. No problem.

Yeah, those convention chairs were pretty scary. More than once I sat in one and wondered if I'd stop before I hit the floor.

Message 26636#254240

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On 8/26/2008 at 9:56pm, Valamir wrote:
We regret to inform you that Matt Wilson is dead

or at least his chair is.

After careful inspection we had to put him down.

R.I.P. Matt Wilson

Message 26636#254258

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On 8/26/2008 at 10:29pm, iago wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2

Ralph, at GenCon you mentioned that you'd like it if someone more actively involved with the Forge took over custody of the chairs.  That's not going to be me for a few reasons (IPR's splitting off in 2009, plus, y'know, Maryland), but it strikes me that sooner is better than later for you to look for a new custodian.

Anyone care to take on the job? :)

Message 26636#254259

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On 8/28/2008 at 11:05pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2

I don't know whether that's really determinable until Ron's plans for the Forge Booth next year are solidified...and maybe not even until who the sponsors / participants are.

I will say that, barring a plan for some kind of mid year hand off, I can committ to getting the chairs to GenCon, but that I won't be taking them back with me.  I'm sure someone else will step up with a plan for the future so they don't get abandoned on the convention floor.

Message 26636#254383

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