The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Seeking celebrity authors & columnists
Started by: rpghost
Started on: 8/29/2008
Board: Connections

On 8/29/2008 at 1:10am, rpghost wrote:
Seeking celebrity authors & columnists


I'm writing you because RPG Host Network is opening a new pen and paper focused mega-social site. Not just another social site but one that is well designed, feature rich, and well supported.  We have great features like rating of your miniature paintings by your peers, great articles and podcasts, you own blogging and group/club space, player finder, live chat, and many many resources for the player, GM, and webmaster. I won't bore you with the countless features.

Being owners of the RPG Host Network, we already have some 200,000 unique visitors a month using our forums and resource sites. We will be funneling them to our new central site - meaning we'll have critical mass the day we open. But before we open, we need to build up some content on the site. and other are also rank 5 Google sites so SEO will be no problem for us. We also have a mailing list of nearly 50,000 gamers. Not to mention that being the pioneer of the RPG PDF industry ( ) I have quite a few connections in the industry.

The reason for this post is simple, a network is only as great as its members. We'd like to invite columnists and celebrity authors to the website. Not only can we broadcast your writings, but we can help you mirror  (some) your of your content so they are always online. Not only will you get an immediate boost in readership, but the linking back to you will greatly help your Google ratings. We'll do all the work of  copying and posting, though we'd welcome your personal touch if you prefer to do it.

As I mentioned, we're after content for our readers... would you be interested in posting an article or two to our online Publications? At the very least consider blogging with us? I'm sure your name will draw some readers.

In short, we're looking for help getting off the ground on our best foot. We have the readers, we just need to content and celebrities!

If at all interested (or even if you're not), please write me at

Thanks for your consideration!

James Mathe
Minion Development Corp.
OneBookshelf, Inc
RPG Host Networks

P.S. We're looking for help of all kinds (moderators and such)

Message 26675#254391

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On 9/5/2008 at 10:57pm, rpghost wrote:
Re: Seeking celebrity authors & columnists

Just a quick update...

We have over 40 content producers committed to this new site/project and aggregate nearly 100 feeds daily.  Some producers of special note are:

Pewfell Volume 1 colorized comic (Exclusive) - by Chuck Whelon
Tunnels and Trolls content & blog - by Ken St. Andre
Theory and the design process articles - by White Wolf's Blogging Team
Living Knowledge Arcana - by Tyler Starke
The Escapist Podcast & Articles (Mirror) - by W J Walton
The Accidental Survivors (Mirror) - By Fraser Ronald
AtomicArray Podcast (Mirror) - By E P Healy
Regular Columnists - Jennifer Schoonover, Chuck Regan, M. J. Young, Matt Haley, Greg Holkan, Mark O'Bannon, KalEl el Vigilante/Marcos Muñoz
Guest Artist Galleries - Adam Black (Talislanta), Jennifer Meyer, Brandon Clark (Dark Chamber), Melissa A Benson (Character Artist)
Guest Bloggers - Steve Ellis (Illustrator), Laura Witten (Retailer), Sean Patrick Fannon (Writer), Mike "Talien" Tresca (Talien's Tower Roundup)
Community Groups - Community 3e, Talislanta

The site also boasts great FREE marketing tools for you to make use of: Banner Exchange, Top Sites, Web Ring, Links Directory, File Repository, Forum Hosting, Classifieds, etc.

We are still in need of more freebies for our grand opening (make a discount coupon and send it my way) as well as any more publishers wishing to adopt the new site as a place to blog and contribute to the community.

Message 26675#254672

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