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Topic: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower
Started by: jmhpfan
Started on: 8/31/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 8/31/2008 at 9:48pm, jmhpfan wrote:
Gunslingers in the Dark Tower

I will be running a hack on Dogs at MACE con set in the universe of Stephen Kings Dark Tower series.  It is mostly a strait setting hack with the only real changes being on the GM side of things.  I am thinking of trying something different with stating out the group as if they were one character.  I think this sort of thing has been tried before with ships.  I was wondering if anyone has any advice on creating a group as a character.  It might help to know that I am planing on using this to let the group battle against a group of outlaws.

Message 26686#254444

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On 9/4/2008 at 3:34pm, rycanada wrote:
Re: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower

I didn't hear whether that method worked out; you might get better results with more traits that reference the group.  Like "Mitchell will never leave me behind" or "I fear I'll betray my ka-tet." 

Message 26686#254611

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On 9/5/2008 at 1:31am, jmhpfan wrote:
RE: Re: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower

The only problem with that is trying to get possably new players to grok that concept and be willing to roll with that.

Message 26686#254644

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On 9/5/2008 at 10:24am, rycanada wrote:
RE: Re: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower

well, if you're playing Dogs for the first time with them, they'll have to grok to new concepts... and since the Dogs aren't always going to be a big happy family, there's also the issue of grokking to who controls the collective character, and when.

Message 26686#254657

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On 9/6/2008 at 2:05am, jmhpfan wrote:
RE: Re: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower

I don't think of it as one character for one player to control but as a group pool for the whole group to use in group combat.  I don't think there should be stats so much as just traits that define the group.  During a group conflict any player can roll in those traits.

Message 26686#254675

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On 9/8/2008 at 3:21pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower

I think it's a good idea, worth trying, and I'm interested in hearing how it goes.


Message 26686#254742

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On 10/2/2008 at 2:32pm, jmhpfan wrote:
RE: Re: Gunslingers in the Dark Tower

Registration just opened for MACE if anyone is interested.

Message 26686#255316

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