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Topic: Tooth & Claw!
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 6/27/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 6/27/2001 at 2:48pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Tooth & Claw!

Tooth & Claw is the roleplaying game of dinosaurs in a savage world of prehistoric fact and fantasy. The game system is both easy-to-learn and sophisticated, designed for gamers of all ages. Character creation is simple and fun for both dinosaur fans and players who know nothing about saurians and their kin. Tooth & Claw also includes information on the fantastic world of Pangea, how to create adventures with dinosaur families and tribes and their mysterious magic.

It's everything you knew about dinosaurs…and everything you never knew!

Tooth & Claw: Adventure Roleplaying in the Age of Dinosaurs

Coming in November 2001 From Memento Mori Theatricks & Wicked Press.

Message 267#2335

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On 6/27/2001 at 4:54pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!


I gotta' say, this sounds cool as hell. People have been batting this idea around for a while, but leave it to you (and the Wick) to make it a reality. So how long have you had this one up your sleave? And any chance some of us lucky folks at GenCon might see some kind of demo?


Message 267#2339

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On 6/27/2001 at 5:34pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

Progression of events leading up to decision to write and publish Tooth & Claw: Adventure Roleplaying in the Age of Dinosaurs:

Friday, leave work. Take MUNI underground from Powell to Embarcadero.

Walking from Embarcadero Station to Golden Gate Ferry Terminal, come up with idea: dinosaurs.

30 minute ferry ride: write up preliminary game and system information. Go to Borders and drop $80 on cool DK dino books and a death metal CD (unrelated but inspirational).

Email Wick with message: Tooth & Claw. That weekend, talk about idea with him and create a mock-up cover that kicks so much ass I decide to use it. That Sunday (after a party at the Cowhaus), write up character creation, research "Dinosauria." Yesterday I did the banner and website. 7:30 this morning, send out press releases. Yeah!

[ This Message was edited by: Jared A. Sorensen on 2001-06-27 13:35 ]

Message 267#2345

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On 6/27/2001 at 6:00pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

Cool idea. Not-so-cool, market-driven thought - do y'suppose you could look into a licensed "Dinotopia" (I think that's what's it's called - you know, those books of dinosaur art that seem to be popular) version? Could be a money-maker.

Gordon C. Landis

(I'm feeling mercenary this morning - time to talk to the boss about a raise. Appologies for bringing thoughts of crass commericialism to . . . )

Message 267#2347

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On 6/27/2001 at 6:13pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

i love dk is dreamy...

oh, & the game sounds interesting, too.

Message 267#2350

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On 6/27/2001 at 6:15pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!


Good God man! That's all you have to do to get a game published? I think you've just undermined the infrastructure of the entire indie-rpg world!

Seriously, that's cool as hell. You've labored longer and harder than anyone to make indie-games legit, so congrats! I'm glad Wicked Press is so receptive, because Tooth&Claw is a cool idea. Raptor Red is the inspiration, no?

Marketable or not, I'll be buying a copy.

Take care,

Message 267#2351

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On 6/27/2001 at 6:32pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

Inspirado comes from Dinosaur, Raptor Red (I need to pick it up!) and the Land Before Time. Major inspirado from Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park -- the man made my heart leap out of my throat when I first saw the Brachiosaurus...*gulp*

Dinotopia is pretty, but it's not what I'm going for.

Message 267#2353

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On 6/27/2001 at 7:46pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

You realize, though, that you could change the concept to crabs with overbites and still use the name...

Message 267#2362

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On 6/27/2001 at 8:16pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

No...then it would be Papillae & Pincers.

Message 267#2363

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On 6/27/2001 at 10:06pm, Peter wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

Feeding the fire:

Please go to your local comic shop and pick up some back issues of Devil Dinosaur.

Or failing that, at least have at look at this website:

This one isn't as good:

[ This Message was edited by: Peter on 2001-06-27 18:09 ]

Message 267#2369

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On 6/28/2001 at 4:56am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

When I saw the title of this thread, my thought was, "Dammit, Sorensen has again claimed an idea out from under me before I could develop it. Curse you Sorensen!" But as it turns out, his game is about dinosaurs. So I still have a chance to develop my concept for a game about teenage trailer trash girls fighting over prestigious boys. I just need a new name now. Any suggestions?



[ This Message was edited by: Paul Czege on 2001-06-28 00:57 ]

Message 267#2387

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On 6/28/2001 at 10:46am, Peter wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

"bitches be crazy"

Message 267#2396

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On 6/29/2001 at 7:57pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

"bitches be crazy"

That's pretty damn funny. It's a shame now that it was just a joke game concept, because the name is so good.

Message 267#2497

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On 7/3/2001 at 8:03am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

J (and all the rest of you dinosaur fanatics)-

I just got back from seeing A.I., and during the trailers there was a commercial for an upcoming Discovery program entitled "Dinosaurs in your Backyard", or something like that. It must be a follow up to "Walking with Dinosaurs", which I found to be quite excellent. Anyway, if you hadn't already heard of it, I thought I'd point it out.

BTW, I bought Dinosaur on DVD last night. I had never seen it before, but found it to be better than expected. Just getting myself warmed up for a little Dino rpg action. :grin:

Take care,

Message 267#2617

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On 7/3/2001 at 4:29pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

Dinosaur was okay. It kinda lost me when the dinosaurs started talking.

Walking with Dinosaurs was amazing...I bought the DVD...and I'm psyched for the new dino doc on Discovery (July 15th I believe).

Also, Jurassic Park III comes out on the 18th -- Spinosaurus! Pteranodon! Yeah!

- J

Message 267#2627

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On 7/4/2001 at 12:21am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

I didn't really have a problem with the Dinosaurs talking, although the monkeys were pretty damn annoying. I knew that going in though, and frankly, what can you expect from a Disney film?

(do the Dinosaurs in Tooth&Claw communicate? Just slap my hand and tell me to wait until November if I'm being too forward)

I agree that a lot of pure drama can be elicited from dinsoaurs without needing to personify them. Witness Raptor Red, or Walking With Dinosaurs.

A couple years back Paul Verhoeven was prepping a film that would have been what Dinosaur could have been. No talking dinosaurs, no cutesy characters for children...just raw, prehistoric action. All CGI of course. It got shot down as the studio heads assumed the idea was too esoteric to be profitable. Verhoeven's been hit and miss with his past few films, but I would've loved to have seen this one. Let's hope that somewhere down the line someone green lights the production.

Take care,

Message 267#2654

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On 7/4/2001 at 2:15am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

You speak for your dinosaur characters,a s you would with most RPGs. I'm not going to break new ground with this sucker...just pull in some readers. :smile:

Message 267#2658

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On 7/4/2001 at 7:51pm, Damocles wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

On 2001-07-03 22:15, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
You speak for your dinosaur characters,a s you would with most RPGs. I'm not going to break new ground with this sucker...just pull in some readers. :)

That's the spirit!
Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen a game concept that screams "MARKETABLE!" as much as this. Here's a suggestion: Try to get together with a firm who makes dinosaur toys. Official miniatures! Normally, I dislike the thought of using miniatures in rpgs (be gone, foul remnants of wargaming!), but in this case it would be so absolutely perfect.
For inspiration: There is a wordless manga humor series called, er, "Gon" (or something like that) featuring a small dinosaur as a main character which might be useful. (Or not. I never read it myself, just some reviews which made it sound pretty good, for what that's worth.)

Message 267#2672

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On 7/8/2001 at 4:59am, Jamie Thomas Durbin wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

Woohoo! Well done once more, Jared! And for your next trick?!? :wink:

Anyhows, the concept seems cool, and the game cover looks astounding... I know, that sounds really shallow, but still, I think you've got a possible damn fine seller... If you need anyone to talk to to talk to the local Bradford Gaming Stores or bookshops about selling it when it comes out, then gimme a mail, my usual address... *grins*...

...I'm pretty sure I've heckled you enough for you to semi remember my e-mail addy... :wink:

Message 267#2750

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On 7/8/2001 at 6:14am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Tooth & Claw!

Thanks for the compliments & feedback. :smile:

Re: toys/miniatures. I already have plans... :wink:

Re: Gon. Yup...I know the little bastard from Tekken 3.

Re: the cover. Thank you very much! I kinda just whipped it together before a just turned out really well. A few nips and tucks are needed, but I think we'll go with it as-is.

Message 267#2751

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