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Topic: Helping Dice: rejectable?
Started by: Hans
Started on: 9/10/2008
Board: design

On 9/10/2008 at 4:48pm, Hans wrote:
Helping Dice: rejectable?


About to run Agon for the first time this month.  One question:  can a player reject an offer of aid?  Or must they accept it?  I cannot find in the rule book where is say it can be rejected, but I can also see that being assumed as common sense. 

I can see it working both ways.

Message 26751#254817

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On 9/10/2008 at 6:21pm, demiurgeastaroth wrote:
Re: Helping Dice: rejectable?

I've always played it that they can not be rejected, if the max roll on the die is greater than the current total. (that last is to stop people giving a d4 when the roll they need to beat is, say, 8).
Giving helping dice is a great way of getting an oath from someone, whether they like it or not! :)

Message 26751#254820

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On 9/10/2008 at 9:12pm, Hans wrote:
RE: Re: Helping Dice: rejectable?

Darren, I like your rule very much, and think I might use it, regardless.  It seems to be nice balanced.

It is a house rule, though, right?  That is, it's not in the book anywhere?  Could you or someone else give me your impression of what the book rule is?

Message 26751#254830

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On 9/10/2008 at 9:37pm, demiurgeastaroth wrote:
RE: Re: Helping Dice: rejectable?

I got the impression from the rules that helping dice couldn't be rejected: I'm sure there's some text, somewhere, that says Helping Dice are a good way to force Oaths out of people. But I don't think it's stated explicitly, so I may be wrong.
The bit of about needing to use a die size big enough to make a difference is my rule, yes.

Message 26751#254831

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On 9/10/2008 at 10:30pm, Mel_White wrote:
RE: Re: Helping Dice: rejectable?

I also play on the lines of helping dice cannot be rejected, regardless of die size versus obstacle.  I see the point of putting some restraints on the helping die, but I've also seen d6s 'open-ended' to then reach totals of 18, 22, etc.  So, there is a slim chance that even a d4 helping die could meet a high obstacle.  The 'oath economy' (th exchange of oaths and hlp back and forth) is, I think, a big part of the game and so there is certainly no language in the book that talks about rejecting help. 

Message 26751#254832

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On 9/11/2008 at 12:46am, demiurgeastaroth wrote:
RE: Re: Helping Dice: rejectable?

Mel wrote:
I see the point of putting some restraints on the helping die, but I've also seen d6s 'open-ended' to then reach totals of 18, 22, etc.  So, there is a slim chance that even a d4 helping die could meet a high obstacle.

This is true, but since Divine Favour needs to be used to get the reroll, and the victim - I mean, person being helped - may not have it, or may not want to use it. For me, it's a little too much extra cost on top of the oath.

Message 26751#254833

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On 10/2/2008 at 2:01am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: Helping Dice: rejectable?

The book doesn't quite say explicitly, but it strongly implies that you can't reject a helping die. That's how I play it, anyway.

Message 26751#255304

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