The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GASPcon 9, Pittsburgh
Started by: rohoe
Started on: 9/15/2008
Board: Conventions

On 9/15/2008 at 9:34pm, rohoe wrote:
GASPcon 9, Pittsburgh

In November I am running a convention in Pittsburgh and I am trying to drum up some interest for our GM’s. We have several Indie games on the schedule like In a Wicked Age, Og, and Don’t Rest your Head. Additionally we have to two first time Authors play testing their new designs. If you are in the area we could really use your support. We would love for our convention to become a destination spot for Independent role-playing and grow the community in the greater Pittsburgh area.

We would also love to have anyone associated with a published Indie game to come down and visit, show off your game and if you are up to it run an event or two. If you are interested and can make it down to the Pittsburgh in November please drop me a line and we can discuss details.


Message 26767#254937

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