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Topic: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?
Started by: John Blaz
Started on: 10/5/2008
Board: First Thoughts

On 10/5/2008 at 5:11am, John Blaz wrote:
Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?

Note: Nothing is set in stone, just tossing around the idea. Let me know what you think!

Wounds are based on a severity level, which shows exactly how deep and traumatizing each wound is.

A weapon’s damage is shown as a number of different sized dice. The number of dice dictates the potential lethality, while the type of die shows the penetrating force.

Every die that exceeds the target’s armor rating counts towards the severity of the wound. The total amount of dice that beat the armor rating is called the Severity Level of the wound. So a weapon with small dice won‘t penetrate deeply, and a weapon with a small number of dice may only cause a small wound.

Shooter is firing a handgun at Defender. Defender has a total Armor Rating of 6. Shooter is using a .45 caliber gun, with bullets that do 5d12 damage. Shooter rolls 3, 3, 6, 8, 10 for his damage. 3 of the dice rolled beat Defender's AR of 6, so the Severity Level of the wound is 3.

An example weapon would be the 12 gauge shotgun. At Short range it does 5d20 damage. At Medium range it can do 3d10 each to two people standing next to each other, and at Long range it only deals 2d8, but can hit everybody within a 3 meter area.
So at Short range, the shotgun is extremely deadly. At medium, it wound deal alot of damage, but hits a wide area, and at Long range it doesn't have much wounding potential, but can hit a real wide area.
Damage dealt by other guns wouldn't change like the shotgun shown above, it would remain 4d12 or whatever it is.

Message 26832#255378

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On 10/6/2008 at 4:15am, Axe4Eye wrote:
Re: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?

I have a project that uses the same type of system of GUIDELINES for damage.  Damage levels are not acquired the same way, but I like your method and can offer something to make it work, I think.  I wanted to create a damage level system that could be used for large creatures versus small ones, sci-fi or fantasy included.

There are 12 levels of damage that are mostly descriptive...I'm not sure how detailed you are needing the damage to be or how specific the rules need to be, but this is what I got:

>=11 Disintegrated - Nothing left, except maybe the pungent smell of death.
    10 Broth - All that is left is greasy, powdered soup-like remains.
      9 Splattered - All that is left are pulpy scattered pieces and body fluids.  May cause nausea.
      8 Grotesque - Corpse is unrecognizable.  Very little can be determined without DNA analysis.  Requires "Sanity check" with a penalty.  May cause nausea and/or vomiting.
      7 Overkill - Violent, bloody and gory death.  Disemboweled, may be in at least two pieces.  Requires "Sanity check".  "Sanity check" with a penalty if victim was a friend or family member.
      6 Dead - Death is swift, but not exceedingly violent.  "Sanity check" if victim is family member.
      5 Fatal - Incapacitated.  Character will die very soon (not exceeding 30 min at best) if not treated by immediate surgery.  Level of success determines how long death is prevented.
      4 Mortal - Character must test "will" to avoid incapacitation.  Character will eventually die (not to exceed 24 Hours) if not treated by surgery.  Level of success determines how long death is prevented.
      3 Emergent - Character will not die from wounds, but needs treatment for blood loss, shock, broken bones etc.  Stun/shock test needed with a penalty.  Probable complications without treatment.
      2 Non-Emergent - Character needs medical attention in the form of stitches, ice packs, pain medicine, etc.  Stun/shock test needed.  Possible complications or infection without treatment.
      1 Superficial - First aid is all that is needed.  A little blood or bruising.  Slight discomfort.  May leave scar.  Character building.
  <=0 None/Stopped - No damage was caused.

In your example, a level 3 damage from a bullet would be "Emergent", but a lot of wounds would be this level if they are serious.  I assume that the victim was wearing armor, so the damage could be in the form of a broken rib or something.  My intention is for the GM to sort of fill in the blanks and describe the scene a little more.  I used to work in an ER and there are way too many ways for people to hurt themselves to try and be specific.  That is why I chose to be more generic.  I hope this helps!

Message 26832#255394

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On 10/6/2008 at 1:23pm, hoefer wrote:
RE: Re: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?


I like the system!  It allows you to have "bullet-proof" armor that may only be marginally effective against powerful firearms yet completely effective against smaller calibers.  The only gripe I could see players having is "But weapon Y should be unhindered by armor type X."  (A knife against kevlar for example...).  Just something to throw out there for you to chew on...

Louis Hoefer

Message 26832#255398

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On 10/6/2008 at 2:14pm, Darcy Burgess wrote:
RE: Re: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?

Hi John,

Nifty!  What I really like about this mechanic is its straightforwardness in implementation (pretty quick to parse, very clear-cut).  Simultaneously, it has a fair amount of front-loaded complexity (wide variety of armour & weapon types are possible, all with their own sets of peculiarities).  This is nice for folk who enjoy a level of crunch in their games (I'm in that camp.)

Query: this is your armour penetration ruleset.  We're seeing it devoid of a context -- are there to hit rolls?  dodge rolls?

More importantly, what are your larger design goals for the game as a whole?


Message 26832#255401

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On 10/6/2008 at 2:24pm, John Blaz wrote:
RE: Re: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?

In the system I want to use, armor is by hit location. And there's no reason I can't add in a rule along the lines of "kevlar armor is only half AR vs. knifes". Thanks for the input though! I was getting worried no one would respond.

Message 26832#255402

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On 10/6/2008 at 2:31pm, John Blaz wrote:
RE: Re: Thoughts on a wounding/damage system?

Darcy wrote:
Query: this is your armour penetration ruleset.  We're seeing it devoid of a context -- are there to hit rolls?  dodge rolls?

More importantly, what are your larger design goals for the game as a whole?

As with most RPGs, there is a to-hit roll, and and a Dodge ability that makes the to-hit roll harder under certain circumstances (like shooting at somebody who is only a few meters from you).

The game is geared toward being a gritty survival horror game, where it's important to know how severe a wound is and where it's located. Leg damage decreases speed, arm hits make alot of tasks harder etc.

One other thing I wanted to implement was non-lethal damage, in a way that is similar to the World of Darkness games. In this method, damage is tracked by putting either a "/" in a health box for non-lethal, or fully marking the box with an "x" for mortal wounds. When a character's health boxes are filled with "/"s (nonlethal), the next time they're hit, the non-lethal turns into lethal "X"s.

The only problem with that method is differentiating between what counts as nonlethal hits, and tracking it could be a pain that might not add much to the experience.

Message 26832#255404

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