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Topic: Hero Quest Release date?
Started by: bluekabuto
Started on: 7/6/2002
Board: HeroQuest

On 7/6/2002 at 4:59pm, bluekabuto wrote:
Hero Quest Release date?

Howdy -

I am sure this has all been asked before, but can someone give me a release date on the new HeroQuest book thats due out? I'd love to get into Glorantha, but have heard absolutely horrible things about the Hero Wars system and layout. I am hoping Hero Quest will be much better as Robin Laws is writing it.

Message 2685#26357

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On 7/6/2002 at 5:56pm, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

FYI, Robin Laws wrote the first one. I have the Hero Wars book and think it's just fine, though its editing and layout weren't the cleanest. Most folks who have quibbles seem to have problems with precisely that: the organization and editing. I think HeroQuest will be more refined and (hopefully) much cleaner in terms of layout, indexing, etc.



Message 2685#26360

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On 7/7/2002 at 3:21am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Hi Bryan,

I emailed Greg Stafford about this a few months ago. Here's the deal:

1) Editing will be clean.

2) The system is fine, and will remain so -- but the text will be smoother to read and understand.

(Though really, it's not that tricky as it stands. This morning, on another board, someone's post that said, "D&D is real rolepalying, and the people who play other games are just leaving the hobby, not expanding it." Now, between that view and my own there are a lot of shades of grey... and a lot of those grays still line up with the idea that if a set of rules is too different from what we're used to, it doesn't work. What can I say? Hero Wars, as written, works fine. But it's very different than what we're used to. To a lot of people this means they don't work.)

3) The release date is open ended. Basically -- "When the book is ready -- and not before."

Take care,

Message 2685#26368

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On 7/7/2002 at 7:07pm, Uncle Dark wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

I'm actually kind of glad that they're taking their time. The Hero Wars book looks like it suffered from deadline rush... as if a lot of stuff got slapped in w/o propper editing in order to get it to press on time.


Message 2685#26377

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On 7/8/2002 at 2:53pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?


The news from Origins is that Hero Quest will not be released for a substantial period of time, perhaps as late as the end of the year.

I thought I'd address an implication of Bluekabuto's, which I really hope both he and anyone else will consider carefully.

There is a widespread notion that Robin Laws wrote some kind of brilliant system for Hero Wars that Greg Stafford then "messed up" somehow. This seems to have become entrenched enough that now, we see even more odd versions appearing, as implied by Bluekabuto, that Hero Quest is some kind of Laws "correction" to Hero Wars.

I'm not an Issaries employee and I was not involved with the people at the time. I have, however, discussed the matter with Robin, Greg, and others, and I asked them a lot of hard questions. Here is my unofficial "word" about these issues. Basically, what we have is a lot of stupid rumors about nothing.

1) Robin Laws, working as a freelancer, submitted system design material and a hell of a lot of great game text to Greg Stafford as a freelancer. This system design and text were indeed altered as all initial designs are through playtesting and further customization. There is no huge "Robin vs. Greg" crisis about the system.

2) The existing system design of Hero Wars is astoundingly powerful and effective, arguably one of the most revolutionary and fascinating systems in all of role-playing.

3) The Hero Wars book takes a lot of criticism for its layout and editing. I think that many existing game books are much worse. That's not to say that the HW book is perfect; it isn't. However, the heat it seems to get for its flaws seems way out of proportion to what other RPG texts do or don't receive.

I welcome any corrections from anyone who was involved in the development of Hero Wars. Again, I don't profess to be 100% right about any of this (except #3), as it's only my reading of the situation. I would very much like to stop the ongoing negative buzz about Hero Wars, which is completely undeserved, in its tracks.


Message 2685#26404

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On 7/8/2002 at 3:38pm, epweissengruber wrote:
Other releases

Issaries is still publishing material before they will present HeroQuest.

"Orlanth is Dead," a scenario collection, is at the printers now (according to the Hero Wars chat group on egroups).

The support material now available will be fully compatible with HeroQuest.

So if you are interested in exploring Glorantha, don't wait!

(I have seen Hero Wars available heavily discounted in my FLGS, so you could pick up the rules now and start thinking of campaign/character ideas now)

Message 2685#26406

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On 7/8/2002 at 6:28pm, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

I'll echo Ron and say Hero Wars is a damned exciting system. I can't wait to play it. Can't. Wait. The layout, while not the best, is by no means insurmountable -- and it's not really that bad. I've had no problem with it, for instance, and Issaries has excellent support and FAQ material on its website.

I'm floored about "horrible things" being said about Hero Wars. It's one of the most revolutionary systems I've ever read, and it was a hell of a lot easier to figure out than d20 (not to flog anyone's horse). I recommend it heartily to everyone I talk gaming with.

It fuckin' ROCKS.



Message 2685#26417

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On 7/9/2002 at 9:27am, Uncle Dark wrote:
WARNING: This is something of a rant

Just to clarify where I am regarding Hero Wars:

The system is excellent. HW and Sorcerer are, IMHO, the two best implementations of narativism via mechanics I've ever seen. It has limits (what system doesn't?), but those limits tend to be at the edges of the kind of story the game was meant to run, so that's OK with me. Better, it could be applied to any non-Glorantha setting as well, with little or no modification.

I had no idea that there was any sort of Stafford vs. Laws conflict, real or imagined. I'd be surprisd to find out that a real one existed. The impression I got from everything that Issiaries puts out is that Laws built the bones of the system and Stafford adapted it for Glorantha. As it should be.

The Hero Wars book is badly laid out, riddled with typos, and terribly confusing for someone not already familiar with Glorantha. If I hadn't been able to get some idea of the system's potential(and been able to get clarification here and at the Issiareis site), I'd have abandoned it after the second attempt. IMHO, saying that a book is no worse than many other badly done books is not a point in that book's favor. I would have liked the game's text to be as above and beyond most everything else as its system is.

In the end, I love the game, and I'm going to run it when I get players and time to do so. But I won't inflict that rulebook on them, especially since all the basics they need are more clearly presented in the system brief download.

To sum up: The game rocks. The main rule book leaves much to be desired. Hence my eager anticipation of HeroQuest -- I want to see this glorious system clearly, without being obscured by the text meant to clarify it.

Baring of personal bias:
I really, really don't like it when companies break up the information needed to run a game over several books. I thought it was a particularly cheap marketing gimmck when I first encountered it (with TSR and D&D's Basic/Intermediate/Master box sets *and* the PHB/DMG/MM holy trinity of AD&D), and I like it no better now. Bad editing on top of this was too much.

Also, I guess I took it a wee bit too personally when I read Ron's post about stopping the ongoing negative buzz. Sorry if I rubbed anyone's fur the wrong way.


Message 2685#26455

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On 7/12/2002 at 7:15pm, rdl wrote:
Indeed, There Is No Greg/Robin conflict

I can certainly confirm for you all that there is, and never has been, any Robin vs. Greg conflict regarding Hero Wars, HeroQuest, or anything else, for that matter.

Greg tells me that HeroQuest will be closer to my original submission draft than Hero Wars ended up being. He's the one doing the revisions; I greatly look forward to the finished result.

Both of us would tell you that Hero Wars' presentation wasn't nearly as user-friendly as it ought to have been. It could have done a better job both in introducing Glorantha to the newbie, as well as in helping folks to make the conceptual leaps its non-standard design demands. However, the alternative to publishing Hero Wars in its in-then current state would have been much worse: Issaries would have gone out of business before it published anything at all, taking with it the membership fees of everyone who contributed to the Gloranthan Trading Association. As a perfectionist, it doesn't give me much cheer to think, "well, other games have even worse presentation." As a realist, I know that sometimes, in the hand-to-mouth world of hobby gaming, there comes a time when you just have to get the frickin' thing out the door, and hope for the best.

The real heroes of Hero Wars/HeroQuest are the valiant, diehard legions of Glorantha fans who have overcome the presentational flaws of the original and continue to fervently support the game and its supplements. Issaries has released more super-crunchy Glorantha material in a shorter period of time than we saw even in the halcyon days of RQ at Chaosium. I'm glad Greg can now take a "it'll be done when it's done" approach to the revised version, so that delving into his incredible world will be not only rewarding but easy.

Message 2685#26763

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On 7/12/2002 at 7:38pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Hi Robin,

Welcome to the Forge, and thanks for posting here. There's a lot of crazed pro-Hero Wars (soon-to-be Quest) folks around, myself included. If you haven't checked out my review of the game, please consider yourself invited to do so.


Message 2685#26766

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On 7/12/2002 at 7:53pm, Uncle Dark wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Hi, Robin.

I love the game, and I'm glad it's doing so well. Thanks for helping bring it to the community, and especially thanks for putting up with those of us who can be overly crotchety at times.


Message 2685#26768

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On 7/12/2002 at 8:55pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Mr. Laws,

If you might indulge us a bit further, can you perhaps comment on the subject of the thread? Namely, if it's OK for you to speak on the subject (and I'd understand if it might not be), would you be able to tell us anything you happen to know about when the product might be released? Also, your comment about the new design being closer to you original submission is tantalizing. Anything you can reveal there on just what might be changing? If only in general terms?

I have to admit to a gnawing curiosity.


Message 2685#26770

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On 7/13/2002 at 5:52am, rdl wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Would you be able to tell us anything you happen to know about when the product might be released?

I'm afraid "it will be out when it's done" is the only answer at present. I'm sure an announcement will be made to the various HW/HQ lists when it goes to the printer, and that, when that happens, word will quickly spread from there to here.

If only in general terms?

I think it's safe to say that HQ will be simpler, but other than that I don't have a lot of detail to share with you. Sorry if I unduly inflamed your desire for actual news...

Take care >>> Robin

Message 2685#26783

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On 7/13/2002 at 4:09pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

rdl wrote: Sorry if I unduly inflamed your desire for actual news...

Not at all; just hoping. Thanks for what little you had to share.


Message 2685#26789

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On 9/26/2002 at 5:10pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

The latest news I gather from the HeroWars Yahoo group is that HeroQuest will be released at GloranthaCon in Toronto, March 2003.

Hmmm. That's just too far away.


Message 2685#34464

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On 10/1/2002 at 4:17am, Norbert Franz wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

This is all highly unofficial, but I gathered this from Greg Stafford and Roderick Robertson speaking about the game in their short "HeroQuest Seminar" at the Tentacles Con in Germany last June:

So, what is going to be different in the HeroQuest book?

1. There will be a new unified terminology for the various enhancements a character can receive to their abilty rating; so no one will be likely to get confused over the question what the difference between an edge, bonus, improvement, increase, enhancement, etc. is. That's one of the main foci of the book: Clear, organized language. Taking out all the bits that could lead to misunderstandings.

2. There will no longer be a Keyword for a "Culture." In its place, they're going to use the expression "Homeland," and there are supposed to be about 20 different Homelands in the core rulebook, including many within the Lunar Empire.

3. Imperial Dara Happan society will be organized into Associations instead of just "Occupations". Your caste determines which Association you may belong to, and several Associations may form what they call a "League".

4. If one participant of a contest has, say 4W3 and the other has 4W,
they are using their abililty ratings as if they were 4W2 to 4, respectively. If the guy with the two-mastery level rolls a result of "3" that would be a critical success, and say, the guy with an effective rating of 4 rolls a "5", which now to him is a failure, the outcome would NOT be a critical success vs. a failure, because the guy with 4W2 still had one additional, non-cancelled level of Mastery left over. For every additional Mastery still left, he gets to bump down his opponent's level of success. So the NEW HeroQuest outcome would be: Critical Success vs. Fumble (instead of just Critical Success vs. Failure).
This rule will make the result Crit vs. Fumble a lot more frequent, and characters with multiple masteries over their opponents even more deadly. You ... just ... cannot ... beat those guys.
According to Greg, any HeroQuest character who has reached 1W3 or higher in _any_ ability is considered someone with magical abilities. He glows, ... he has a theme song.

5. Basic magic usage "on the fly" does no longer require a separate die roll to get the magic working. There'll be a definitive user-friendly way to figure out what your bonus to your target number will be at any given time, and then that bonus will be available to your character as a default, and not change up or down -- unless you want to aim for an even higher than normal magical bonus.
There'll be a way a player can go, "I'm always +4, and she's always +5 to Healing, ..."
One unconfirmed version that I heard was that you devide your current total ability rating in the ability that's supposed to provide the bonus by 10, and use the result as the default bonus.
So, an Orlanthi Warrior with the Combat Affinity at 17 can always add +2 to their swordfighting, brawling, spear throw, etc. (17/10 = 1.7, rounds up to 2)
An Orlanthi with an Affinity at 5W would get a +3 bonus, without having to roll for it, and so on ... (5W is 25, 25/10 = 2.5, rounds up to 3)

6. There will be three magic systems in the HQ book: Theist Magic, Animist Magic, and Sorcery (like in RuneQuest 3). Mysticism is out, and is being re-worked for a much later supplement. As a fourth way of doing magic, there's going to be something that they call "Basic Magic" which is going to be available to ANYONE, even if they are not an active worshipper of any deity, hero, spirit, or saint. Basic Magic will be very similar to straightforward RQ "Battle Magic" from RuneQuest 2.

Message 2685#34953

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On 10/1/2002 at 3:47pm, Thalaxis wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Ron Edwards wrote: Hello,

3) The Hero Wars book takes a lot of criticism for its layout and editing. I think that many existing game books are much worse. That's not to say that the HW book is perfect; it isn't. However, the heat it seems to get for its flaws seems way out of proportion to what other RPG texts do or don't receive.


If it had been a crappy system, no one would have cared about the lousy editing and presentation. :)

Seriously, though the main reason that it takes so much flak I think is that it's an excellent system that is rendered very unapproachable by its terrible presentation.

The problem is compouned by the fact that it's tightly tied to an incredibly rich and complex setting, which is marred even more thoroughly by its presentation because it's already so massive.

Still, because it was so badly rendered, the odds that I'll ever use it again are nearly nil, since Godlike and the upcoming Wild Talents gave us a great first experience, unlike our confusing first experience with Hero Wars.

It doesn't matter how good your game is. If it's not approachable for any reason, the first impression people get of it will be the one that they keep, and that's the hardest thing to change.

Message 2685#34990

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On 10/1/2002 at 3:49pm, Thalaxis wrote:
Re: Indeed, There Is No Greg/Robin conflict

rdl wrote:
The real heroes of Hero Wars/HeroQuest are the valiant, diehard legions of Glorantha fans who have overcome the presentational flaws of the original and continue to fervently support the game and its supplements. Issaries has released more super-crunchy Glorantha material in a shorter period of time than we saw even in the halcyon days of RQ at Chaosium. I'm glad Greg can now take a "it'll be done when it's done" approach to the revised version, so that delving into his incredible world will be not only rewarding but easy.

I'm glad to hear all that.

I hope that HeroQuest is as well done as The Dying Earth.

The choice of renaming the system will probably be for the best, since it will also help disassociate the new edition with the failure of the first.

All I can say about HeroQuest now is that I'm looking forward to it.

Well, that and that I hope it is successful. :D

Message 2685#34993

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On 10/6/2002 at 4:35pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Mike Holmes wrote: The latest news I gather from the HeroWars Yahoo group is that HeroQuest will be released at GloranthaCon in Toronto, March 2003.

Ouch. Here I was expecting it would come out pretty soon. Since I heard some bad things about the HeroWars book and the enticing promise of HeroQuest being a whole lot better, it sounded like a much better idea to wait for HeroWars. But March 2003? That's in half a year from now! What's up with that?

Message 2685#35848

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On 10/6/2002 at 7:54pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
Hero Quest Release Date

Pale Fire wrote:

But March 2003? That's in half a year from now! What's up with that?

I guess it takes time to write a 256-page rulesbook. Greg Stafford has commented on the release date on the Hero Wars mailing list, stating (wisely) that the game will not be published prematurely. He wants to get it right this time.

All the best,


Message 2685#35866

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On 10/7/2002 at 11:22am, simon_hibbs wrote:
Re: Hero Quest Release Date

Peter Nordstrand wrote:
I guess it takes time to write a 256-page rulesbook. Greg Stafford has commented on the release date on the Hero Wars mailing list, stating (wisely) that the game will not be published prematurely. He wants to get it right this time.

I think it's also important that Issaries focus their limited resources on some pretty strict priorities. They have some other projects, such as the Lunar Handbook, much closer to completion and so it makes sense to get them out first. After all, there's already a rulebook out there.

Simon Hibbs

Message 2685#35917

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On 11/1/2002 at 12:45pm, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Any more news on this?

Message 2685#39677

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On 11/2/2002 at 10:25am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

I just read on Issaries page that they ran a preview of HQ at RPGnet Game Day in Oakland, California the 26th of October. Does that mean the final release is approaching?

Message 2685#39895

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On 11/5/2002 at 10:56am, Ian Cooper wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Pale Fire wrote: I just read on Issaries page that they ran a preview of HQ at RPGnet Game Day in Oakland, California the 26th of October. Does that mean the final release is approaching?

AFAIK the target date for release is still next March. Drafts of HQ do exist, and it is being playtested, so I guess that this was an opportunity to test them, but AFAIK the date is still intended to be March, to make sure that what is released is as good as can be.

Imperial Lunar Handbook is slated to be the next release.

Message 2685#40267

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On 3/12/2003 at 6:48am, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

OK, time to bump this one up again.

Updates? Gloranthacon has come and gone. I think I heard something about a delay? Where's it at?


Message 2685#55697

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On 3/12/2003 at 8:12am, Michael Bowman wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Mike Holmes wrote: Updates? Gloranthacon has come and gone. I think I heard something about a delay? Where's it at?

HQ has been delayed by Issaries' distribution and co-branding deal with Steve Jackson Games. ILH was out at Gloranthacon (and ships from Warehouse 23 on Friday). I believe HQ is now slated for May or June. There was a "preview" for GTA members at Gloranthacon. I don't know what was in it.

I think having SJ Games putting a little external pressure on Issaries to meet deadlines will be helpful. I expect them to meet the new deadline.


Message 2685#55702

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On 3/12/2003 at 5:54pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Michael Bowman wrote: (and ships from Warehouse 23 on Friday).

That's gotta be fun to cotemplate, having your product coming out of Warehouse 23. :-)

Thanks for the update, Mike.

Hey, does that mean that Greg will still have his own booth at the Cons? Or will HW/HQ get sold at the Atlas booth. Being as they provide the presence for SJG nowadays. Or is that no longer true with the change of Con management?

Just curious as to where to look. :-)


Message 2685#55764

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On 4/2/2003 at 3:46pm, simon_hibbs wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Mike Holmes wrote: Hey, does that mean that Greg will still have his own booth at the Cons? Or will HW/HQ get sold at the Atlas booth. Being as they provide the presence for SJG nowadays. Or is that no longer true with the change of Con management?

No idea about the relationship between Atlas and SJG.

Apparently SJG had a strong presence at GAMA, and and displayed HW products prominently. As a result there seems to have been a lot more trader interest in HW than usual - although my evidence for this is anecdotal. I think SJGs promotion of HW can only benefit Glorantha, it's publishers and fans. There is even talk of HW articles appearing in Pyramid and the MIBs mobilising behind HW at conventions.

Which is nice.

I have seen a physical copy of HeroQuest, but not read any of it. This was in January, when I briefly met the guy who's doing the editing and layout - noite he doen't have any remit to make changes to the meaning of the document, only some wording and presentation. He does this for a living, and seemed to be very much on the ball. This was months ago though, and I'm sure the version at GloranthaCon a few weeks ago was more up to date.

Having got a copy of ILH-1, I have to say II has improved their production values in almost every way. It's outstanding, and I love it to bits. I believe this bodes very well for HeroQuest.

Simon Hibbs

Message 2685#58836

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On 4/2/2003 at 4:57pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

I was so going to bump up this thread yesterday!

Cool news, Simon. I've started to drool whenever I think about the release of the game. No details on a date, yet, however?


Message 2685#58866

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On 4/2/2003 at 6:51pm, sben wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Mike Holmes wrote: No details on a date, yet, however?

According to the SJ Games site (as of today, April 2, 2003), it's slated for a July release. I don't have any experience with SJ Games's release schedules, i.e. whether they regularly meet or miss announced dates, so I can't speak to how realistic it is, though my gut tells me it's a solid date.

Message 2685#58916

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On 4/2/2003 at 8:14pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

Thanks Ben.

Given that this date represents a substantial puch back from the original, I'll bet that it's going to be pretty solid. My guess is that the date is meant to give plenty of time, and to coincide with GenCon.


Message 2685#58933

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On 4/20/2003 at 3:59pm, Michael Bowman wrote:
RE: Hero Quest Release date?

The Steve Jackson Games release schedule is quite solid. They rarely slip anymore.

A friend of mine went to GloranthaCon and got a copy of the HeroQuest preview. His version contains slightly over half of the book. I was quite impressed. Small tweaks to the rules with significantly better organization and explanation.

I'll be starting up a new HeroQuest game in a couple of weeks.


Message 2685#63066

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On 4/26/2003 at 7:25pm, Mark Galeotti wrote:
HeroQuest on schedule

As things stand, HeroQuest is on schedule: it is in layout, the art has all been finalised (which is always one of the bugbears on the production process) and, although there is always the risk of some catastrophic mishap, it will be out in June.

All the best


Message 2685#64162

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...started by Mark Galeotti which Mark Galeotti participated HeroQuest
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 4/26/2003