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Topic: Layout for Dummies?
Started by: Willow
Started on: 10/28/2008
Board: Publishing

On 10/28/2008 at 8:44pm, Willow wrote:
Layout for Dummies?

If you've read Awesome Adventures, you may have noticed that it's not the most beautifully laid out book.  That's because I laid it out myself, using Open Office.

So, I'm looking forward to my next game, Escape from Tentacle City, and I think it would be good for me to practice with layout a bit.  I have a copy of InDesign, but I can't make heads or tails of it.

Can anyone recommend a good tutorial for InDesign, or a free, easier to use alternative?

Message 26917#256013

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On 10/28/2008 at 9:04pm, iago wrote:
Re: Layout for Dummies?

Look for the book Real World InDesign (for your version, though many concepts translate from version to version), authors Kvern and Blatner. It's a brick, but the version of the book I have it for (CS2) was astonishingly well-written.

Message 26917#256015

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On 10/29/2008 at 1:07am, lev_lafayette wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for Dummies?

Try Scribus. Free, open source, good tutorials available.


Message 26917#256025

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On 10/29/2008 at 8:01pm, jerry wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for Dummies?

Answering your subject line, I've found two books very useful for getting up to speed on layout basics.

The Non-Designers Design Book (Robin Williams)
Looking Good in Print (Roger C. Parker)

In that order.

Message 26917#256058

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On 10/29/2008 at 9:17pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for Dummies?

I learned InDesign "orally," mostly over chat with Joshua Newman and (sometimes) John Harper.

I'm happy to do the same with you.

Message 26917#256061

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On 10/31/2008 at 12:27pm, Gregor Hutton wrote:
RE: Re: Layout for Dummies?

About.Com has excellent tutorials in my experience for all the Adobe software: <a href="" target="_blank">About.Com's InDesign Tutorials, and they are graded at varying levels. And most of all: Free.

Message 26917#256119

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