The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Can't Find Dogs in Store
Started by: deinol
Started on: 11/6/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 11/6/2008 at 8:12pm, deinol wrote:
Can't Find Dogs in Store

I was going to put in an order for Dogs in the Vineyard today at the IPR site, but I can't find it listed anymore. Is there no way to order the book anymore?

Message 26981#256492

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...started by deinol which deinol participated lumpley games
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On 11/6/2008 at 8:23pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Dogs in the Vineyard can be ordered directly from lumpley games

Message 26981#256494

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On 11/6/2008 at 9:08pm, deinol wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Where? I'm looking to get it in Print, not PDF.

This page: links to Indie Press, but the link just goes to a generic page and I can't get Dogs to show up on a search. I know it used to be there a month or so ago.

Message 26981#256496

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On 11/6/2008 at 9:12pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Yep! IPR doesn't carry my games anymore.

I'm in the middle of a full overhaul of my "buy my games" page. (I'm a master of timing, you see.) If you'd like to wait a few days, I hope to have a new thing online soon. Otherwise, you can PayPal me $26 ($22 + $4 s&h) at and I'll send you the book. Add another buck or two if you're outside North America.

Thanks for asking! Sorry for the hassle.


Message 26981#256497

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On 11/10/2008 at 4:07pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Dogs in the Vineyard is now available in print here.


Forge Reference Links:
Topic 1

Message 26981#256642

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On 11/10/2008 at 4:33pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Hey, that store's looking pretty good. One thing I note is that you're doing an image-based index of the games - I have a similar one in the Finnish Arkenstone store. As you can see, what I did was put short descriptions of each game up as pop-ups that appear when you scroll the mouse over the product's image. Perhaps you might consider something similar here? Would make some more info on each product available when browsing, but without cluttering the index.

Message 26981#256646

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On 11/10/2008 at 4:47pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Oh hey, I hadn't looked at your store before. That's a good idea.


Message 26981#256648

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On 11/10/2008 at 8:08pm, Ante wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Please note that since people have been able to buy stuff from IPR for awhile they might go there, search and wonder why nothing shows up. I did that.

It would have been nice to have a notice, like a press release, in the IPR news that state that you have moved your stuff. There will be more than me who will go to IPR and then stop in confusion.

Message 26981#256656

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On 12/8/2008 at 4:44pm, Axhead wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Is lumpley on vacation?  I ordered a copy of DitV on Nov 27 and haven't heard anything back since then despite sending a couple of follow up emails.  I tried the earthnet address and the gmail one but maybe these are not in use anymore... If there is a better way of getting in contact or a new address can someone let me know?

Message 26981#257933

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On 12/8/2008 at 4:53pm, Dionysus wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

yeah, had the same issue, but not particularly woried as he's had a strong presence and is proud of his game and it's reputation....

he'll get around to it :)

(soon i hope <grin>)

Message 26981#257934

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On 12/8/2008 at 4:57pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Yes, a holiday-related backlog.

All outstanding physical books are en route, except those ordered over this past weekend.

All outstanding PDF orders, I'll fulfill today.

Thanks! Sorry for the waiting.


Message 26981#257935

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On 12/8/2008 at 5:28pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

Ante wrote:
Please note that since people have been able to buy stuff from IPR for awhile they might go there, search and wonder why nothing shows up. I did that.

It would have been nice to have a notice, like a press release, in the IPR news that state that you have moved your stuff. There will be more than me who will go to IPR and then stop in confusion.

Just as an aside: there was never a time when IPR carried all the indie games from the forge. Not even the most important ones.

For example, a seminal game like "My Life With Master" was never carried by IPR. Nor was Spione. Some other games like Primetime Adventures or Wilderness of Mirrors only very recently showed up at IPR after years of publication.

Yes, it can be an hassle to order from different places instead of having a single one-stop place for everything. But it's an hassle that was always there, it could never be avoided (if you don't limit yourself to the games you can find in a single place, obviously) and most indie games aficionados are already used to it.

Message 26981#257939

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On 12/9/2008 at 4:18am, Axhead wrote:
RE: Re: Can't Find Dogs in Store

lumpley wrote:
All outstanding PDF orders, I'll fulfill today.

Thanks! Sorry for the waiting.


You gotta respect a man of his word! Everything is sorted out and it was my misunderstanding that caused the problem.
Thanks for the quick response Vincent.

I would have posted this sooner but I DID have a fresh DitV pdf to blaze through first. Yee-Haw!

Message 26981#257984

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...from around 12/9/2008