The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Forge Midwest 2009
Started by: Willow
Started on: 11/7/2008
Board: Conventions

On 11/7/2008 at 1:07am, Willow wrote:
Forge Midwest 2009

So, April 2009 is slowly approaching, and with that, Forge Midwest.

Last year, it was held in Madison, and many agreed it was a good venue.  I'd like to put some feelers out there- would people like it to be held there again this upcoming year?  What sort of attendance should we expect?  If it's at the Best Western again, are there any changes we should make?

Message 26982#256517

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On 11/7/2008 at 2:01am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Ooooohhhh! Matt and I talked about this a few weeks ago. Double-check with him, but Willow, if you & Clyde & co. want to become the on-site organizers, that'd work really well. Matt and I are still willing to serve as we've done so far.

All the feedback from last year pretty much came back "Just like this, again!" My thoughts are that we should stay with the same place and think a little bit about how to utilize the space. I wouldn't mind coordinating a dinner or something like that - nothing hugely fancy or organized, but one step up from frantic sandwich runs.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#256522

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On 11/9/2008 at 4:20pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I agree, last year was pretty successful. I was just mentioning it to someone yesterday. I'm not much for logistics but I can provide goofy name tags again, for what that's worth.

Message 26982#256611

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On 11/10/2008 at 4:25pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Last year went really well, and I'd be happy with a general repeat of it.

Crystal is due around April, though, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. But, if that were not the case, I'd gladly return to Madison for Forge Midwest.

Message 26982#256644

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On 11/11/2008 at 10:09pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I really didn't do anything last year other than the food page, which I'll do again this year. Dealing with sales folks isn't really my forte. If there's anything that needs to be done that I can do....

The Best Western was fine, the only reason I would see for changing it is to get folks closer to state street, but low cost likely is more important than proximity to the Isthmus. Plus the Best Western had refrigerators and microwaves in the rooms.

Message 26982#256716

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On 11/12/2008 at 4:25pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Last year was great pretty much across the board.  I'm not sure if I can make it down, because my con budget is tight this year, but I'll certainly try.


Message 26982#256745

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On 11/12/2008 at 10:54pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

C'mon, James... you HAVE to make it, or I might end up rooming with people who snore again =P

Message 26982#256780

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On 11/13/2008 at 3:32am, buzz wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I had a blast last time, and would even come prepared to run stuff. :)

The hotel was not fancy, but served its purpose well; I have no special attachment to it, FWIW. My only comment would be to hope the hotel staff could keep the conference rooms a little cleaner and better stocked with water. And an organized dinner of some sort sounds like a fine idea.

Message 26982#256802

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On 11/26/2008 at 1:54pm, GamerChick wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'd rather a hotel with a bar (and a second on the "more frequently refreshed ice water"), but last year was great, and I would love to come again, despite the 7 hour drive. And probably bring friends...

Jae Walker

Message 26982#257468

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On 12/4/2008 at 12:38am, Capulet wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'm up for another round. Again!


Message 26982#257745

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On 12/5/2008 at 10:01pm, Willow wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

So, good news and bad news.  The hotel is under new management, which means they've made some improvements to the hotel, but they've raised some of the rates.  The room rates are still fairly low, but the conference rooms are considerably more expensive.

Right now we have a tenative room block for Friday April 12th, Saturday 13th, and leaving Sunday the 14th.  Rooms are $89 dollars each.

The conference rooms run $150 a day, $225 if we get two rooms.  I'm thinking one room Friday and Sunday, and both rooms Saturday, which runs a big $525- so this year, if we hold it in Madison, we'll probably need an admission fee.

Message 26982#257819

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On 12/6/2008 at 1:07am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

In other words, they hired someone who has a clue ...

$225 a day is more like what I'd expected in the first place. So if we do this (and by all indications we are), then last year can be called our lucky break, and this year is the reality. Still, $450 is still a very very affordable reality compared to the Chicago scene.

I guess I'm callin' it. Pending Matt's views, I declare Forge Midwest 2009 to be a Go, place & time as Willow has described. Willow, if you want to give me the contact information, preferably a specific person, I'll call them and use Ye Olde Adept credit card to lock it down.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#257826

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On 12/11/2008 at 7:51pm, chris_moore wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'm glad I finally get a chance to come back to Forge Midwest, after two years away.  Looking forward to it!

Message 26982#258141

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On 12/12/2008 at 7:41pm, Willow wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Here's the official contact information for setting up your room:

Best Western East Towne Suites

We have a ton of rooms available.  Let them know you're with the Forge Midwest group to get the $89 room rate.

Also, I heard they're putting in some sort of bar in the spring.

Message 26982#258182

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On 12/12/2008 at 7:51pm, TJ wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Once again, the exact location of the hotel is here.

And I put in a recommendation for them to carry Capital Brewery products.

Message 26982#258183

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On 12/13/2008 at 1:54am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

How early do you recommend getting a reservation?

Message 26982#258195

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On 12/13/2008 at 2:01pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

April 12 2009 is a Sunday. :)

Message 26982#258207

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On 12/13/2008 at 3:45pm, Willow wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009


You're correct.  Good thing the actual reservation is for that weekend the 10th to the 12th, not the dates I mentioned.

Message 26982#258210

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On 12/13/2008 at 10:13pm, Miskatonic wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

They're adding a bar? That would be very cool.  I think some sort of non-gaming lounge to hang out in would improve the meet-and-greet aspect a bunch. (The availability of booze is a considerably less important factor.)

Message 26982#258227

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On 1/8/2009 at 2:17am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Hi everyone,

At long last, the room bloc is secured and the meeting room(s) reserved!

Best, Ron

Message 26982#259146

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On 1/8/2009 at 3:45am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Excellent! So... would now be the appropriate time to make a reservation? I always say I'm going to do it early, and I always procrastinate until the last second. I'm stupid like that. =\

Message 26982#259155

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On 1/8/2009 at 6:34pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I don't know what to tell you. I guess the rooms are available to be reserved; at least, the bloc has been authorized through my credit card. Whether you should do it now, later, or what, I dunno - up to you.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#259178

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On 1/8/2009 at 11:39pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I guess I'm asking if there is some specific way in which one should go about that. Or does one just call them up and say "I'd like to reserve a room in the Forge Midwest bloc"?  I guess the chances of someone trying to gank our bloc are slim. I just... well, I usually end up just taking floorspace in someone else's room, so I never deal with the actual hotel end. =\

But, if all I have to do is call and ask, I can handle that. I'm resourceful an' shit.

Message 26982#259189

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On 1/9/2009 at 1:50am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

To the best of my knowledge, and bear in mind that I have not received explicit instructions, you call and ask. That's how it worked for me last year.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#259197

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On 1/9/2009 at 2:35am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Cool. Thanks, I'll get right on it. I apologize for my ignorance ^_^

Message 26982#259200

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On 1/27/2009 at 2:51am, Finarvyn wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Not to be too dense, but is there a webpage or some such that gives more information about Forge Midwest?

* Is it a gaming-only affair, or will there be vendors for the games represented?

* Is there a pre-set schedule or is it just a spontaneous game breakout session?

* Is it expected that one be familliar with certain of the games discussed on the Forge, or are newbies encouraged to show up?

I'll confess that I was totally unaware of this until I happened upon this thread, and am curious....

Message 26982#259768

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On 1/27/2009 at 3:08am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009


I haven't been before, so I don't have the inside scoop, but I don't think you need to know any particular game. It's a time for fun and learning. I'll be there with D&D (pre-1980) in hand and adventures prepped!

- Clinton

Message 26982#259769

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On 1/27/2009 at 3:13am, buzz wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Clinton wrote: I'll be there with D&D (pre-1980) in hand and adventures prepped!

Am I allowed to show up and demand you run a game for me, all drooly fanboy-like?

Message 26982#259771

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On 1/27/2009 at 12:37pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009


It's not so much a convention as a role-playing, gaming get-together. People may sell their games as independent publishers (in a minimally-organized fashion), but anyone who does so is merely another con-goer like anyone else. There's very little scheduling, and the basic idea is to be ready to play whatever interests you at the moment, and to bring something to introduce to others if you want to. Socializing, eating, and drinking are a high priority too.

It'd be great to see you there if you can make it. This is its fourth year, and you can find all the threads about past events in this forum.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#259782

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On 1/27/2009 at 11:04pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Ok, Juli booked us a room, and says that the internet booking rate is actually about a buck cheaper than the reserved-block rate. So, do with that what you will.

We could use a few roomies to defray the cost. No snorers, please, unless you enjoy being suffocated with a pillow in the middle of the night.

I have just listened to the ep of Theory from the Closet in which Clyde whines about not gaming enough between interviews at cons, so my goal this FMW is to tie him to a chair and tape his eyelids open and make him game. GAME, DAMMIT!


Message 26982#259814

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On 1/27/2009 at 11:53pm, TJ wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Nev wrote: I have just listened to the ep of Theory from the Closet in which Clyde whines about not gaming enough between interviews at cons, so my goal this FMW is to tie him to a chair and tape his eyelids open and make him game. GAME, DAMMIT!

I have been encouraging Clyde to game more for years now, so I'll gladly help.  :)

Message 26982#259820

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On 1/28/2009 at 1:23am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

TJ wrote:
I have been encouraging Clyde to game more for years now, so I'll gladly help.  :)

Excellent! Now it's a conspiracy!

Message 26982#259827

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On 1/29/2009 at 3:22pm, Tim C Koppang wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Willow wrote:
Right now we have a tentative room block for Friday April 12th, Saturday 13th, and leaving Sunday the 14th.  Rooms are $89 dollars each.

Err, according to my calendar, April 12-14 is a Sunday through a Tuesday.  Could someone confirm what days we are talking about, please?


Message 26982#259880

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On 1/29/2009 at 3:24pm, Tim C Koppang wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Ahh, I'm an idiot, and skipped over later replies.  Ignore my previous post.

Message 26982#259881

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On 2/17/2009 at 4:09pm, GamerChickJ wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'm all excited about going again.  I set up a web page for info - feel free to contribute!

Jae (can't log into gamerchick - don't know why)

Message 26982#260495

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On 2/23/2009 at 8:16am, coffeestain wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'll certainly be there, and I'm looking forward to seeing all you folks again.


Message 26982#260713

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On 2/23/2009 at 9:53pm, Malky wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'll be there...

As to Clyde not gaming outside cons... 
I'm sure he will be more than ready to do plenty of interviews at this con, so we can all enjoy his future pod casts!

So says his room mate!

Message 26982#260741

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On 2/23/2009 at 10:42pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I can't do much about Clyde's gaming outside of cons... but I can tie him to a chair and toothpick his eyes open and go all Clockwork Orange on him AT a con.

I'll be sure to leave him plenty of time for interviews, since I've decided that's Clyde's purpose in life, capital P.

Message 26982#260744

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On 2/24/2009 at 3:03am, xaphalanx wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

This is my first post here at this site. I just recently learned of the Free games that are out there. I'm interested in attending at least on day. Hey, I live in Madison! :D

Message 26982#260757

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On 3/8/2009 at 10:30pm, Capulet wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009


Can't make it this year. Money is too tight for me right now to miss a weekend of work (ah, bartending).

Won't see you folks in-the-flesh 'til Gen Con.


Message 26982#261279

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On 3/27/2009 at 2:18pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'm going, to my own shock. I'll be bringing Misspent Youth and my podcast recording gear.

Message 26982#261859

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On 3/27/2009 at 3:25pm, GamerChick wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

As the appointed time draws near...

I know I have the lovely Amanda in my trusty minivan this year - and I think Matt (will email him directly) - but is there anyone else in the Lansing Area (or between Lansing Michigan and Madison Wisconsin) who would like to be picked up and help with gas?

We're planning to leave East Lansing MI around 10 am on Friday, and return Sunday (meaning we'll probably leave by noon).

Jae Walker (aka GamerChick)

Message 26982#261861

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On 3/29/2009 at 4:30pm, buzz wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Hotel room... reserved!

I'll be coming prepared to run Mouse Guard. I'll see what other games I can muster by then.

Message 26982#261943

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On 3/30/2009 at 12:51am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'm still discussing it with the wife, but assuming I am able to go (and I don't get snowed in again, yes, in APRIL), is there anyone else from Minnesota (or even north-western Wisconsin) going that wants a ride or would want to ride-share? I can drive down to the Cities if there is. Also, I'm looking for room-space, if anyone has a spot free, or if someone is looking for a room, we can go in on one together.

Message 26982#261965

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On 3/30/2009 at 4:02pm, GamerChick wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

buzz wrote:
Hotel room... reserved!

I'll be coming prepared to run Mouse Guard. I'll see what other games I can muster by then.

Oooo - ooo!  I want to play Mouseguard!  :: bounces up and down ::


Message 26982#262002

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On 3/30/2009 at 5:59pm, vv_gm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Hello all. First post!! :)

I probably will not be able to attend for the entire weekend, but Madison is only 2 and a 1/2 hours from where I live. If I were to attend on just Saturday, could I pay a small fee to cover some of the cost of the rooms? And if so, then how much?

Also, I'm one of the regular contributors to Gnome Stew and if I attend I'd like to write an article based upon my experience at the con. The site is dedicated to helping GMs and I would love to share what various indie games are doing with their approach to the role of a GM. Would anyone be interested in talking about that and any products in particular?

Thanks in advance!

Message 26982#262007

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On 3/30/2009 at 9:06pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Hi, and welcome!

To answer your second question first, I'll be there and I'd be happy to talk with you about any of that stuff. Getting more voices than just mine would be good too.

About the room - are you inquiring about sharing with someone? I ask because it's not quite clear to me what you're asking. If you're talking about just getting a room for one night, then call the hotel and mention Forge Midwest, because you're eligible for the reduced rate.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#262023

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On 3/31/2009 at 6:01am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I've just been handed my own leash for the weekend: wife says I can go. If I don't hear from anyone by Weds. evening about room sharing or trip-planning, I'll get myself a room and plan the trip as a straight shot from here, and hope one of the local crew is able to come down with me to help defray costs.

Message 26982#262047

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On 4/1/2009 at 10:41pm, vv_gm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Ron wrote:
To answer your second question first, I'll be there and I'd be happy to talk with you about any of that stuff. Getting more voices than just mine would be good too.

Thanks! That would be great! I look forward to meeting with you and others.

Ron wrote:
About the room - are you inquiring about sharing with someone? I ask because it's not quite clear to me what you're asking. If you're talking about just getting a room for one night, then call the hotel and mention Forge Midwest, because you're eligible for the reduced rate.

Sorry about the confusion. I should clarify what I meant. I want to drive up to Madison Saturday morning, hang out at Forge Midwest for the day, and drive back Saturday evening. The room I was referring to was the conference rooms. Is there a way that I can chip in for that?

Message 26982#262153

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On 4/4/2009 at 1:18am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Unfortunately, one of the guys who was interested in coming with me can't go; thankfully, I hadn't yet called to reserve the room. So it doesn't look like I'll be going this year. Just too expensive to do gas and a room on my own. Nor do I relish the thought of a solitary six-hour drive.

But I hope you all have fun!

Message 26982#262248

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On 4/4/2009 at 3:54am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009


Regarding the conference room, I'll be accepting donations, but nothing more formal than that. The cost is actually quite low.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#262249

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On 4/6/2009 at 12:37pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I've put the food pages up again. A little more work on them this year means they're a little bit better than last year. I've still got a few more local restaurants I want to add to the local page, but will be done by Friday.

I may only show up for a little bit, I'm still healing up from back surgery last week. Looking forward to seeing folks anyway.

Message 26982#262293

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On 4/8/2009 at 12:44am, buzz wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

When do things usually get rolling on Friday? I took the day off, so I'll be there by the afternoon, most likely.

And anyone want me to bring my copy of Arkham Horror?

Message 26982#262392

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...from around 4/8/2009

On 4/8/2009 at 10:24pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

There is still bed space in the room Juli and I will be sharing, for one or two people who don't snore, or at least not too loudly. Greyorm, if that means you can make it, we'll be happy to share.

Buzz knows I already have dibs on a spot in the Mouse Guard game!

Message 26982#262443

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Nev the Deranged which Nev the Deranged participated Conventions
...including keyword:

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...from around 4/8/2009

On 4/9/2009 at 3:35am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Nev wrote: There is still bed space in the room Juli and I will be sharing, for one or two people who don't snore, or at least not too loudly. Greyorm, if that means you can make it, we'll be happy to share.

That would be awesome, many thanks for the offer! (And I don't snore, though I do occasionally talk in my sleep.) I will need to check with the wife and such--since we had planned I was going to be home for the weekend, and this is a bit last minute--so I'll have to get back to you tomorrow with a certain answer, if that's not a problem.

Message 26982#262466

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by greyorm which greyorm participated Conventions
...including keyword:

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...from around 4/9/2009

On 4/9/2009 at 6:33pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Not gonna make it this year, gang. The main hang-up is that it's Easter weekend and my family always does a big gathering. I can take or leave Easter itself, but not the family.

I really hope everyone has a blast!

Message 26982#262489

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Conventions
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...from around 4/9/2009

On 4/9/2009 at 9:41pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

I'll be there sometime between 3 and 4 p.m. If you're going to be there earlier i'll be having lunch on that side of town with friends around 2:30. I'm not sure I can add someone, but if you're hungry and around I'll see how they feel. If you were to take the digits 608 and 284 then add the digits 7723 you'd have a magic formula that would let you hear my voice. That formula is fixed in place as I don't own a cell. You won't be able to get me tonight, but I should be up around noon at the latest tomorrow.

Sorry to hear that I was looking forward to seeing you.

Message 26982#262495

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by c which c participated Conventions
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...from around 4/9/2009

On 4/9/2009 at 9:51pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

... or take theoryfromthecloset and throw it at the dartboard of

Message 26982#262496

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by c which c participated Conventions
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...from around 4/9/2009

On 4/9/2009 at 11:44pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

greyorm wrote:
Nev wrote: There is still bed space in the room Juli and I will be sharing, for one or two people who don't snore, or at least not too loudly. Greyorm, if that means you can make it, we'll be happy to share.

That would be awesome, many thanks for the offer! (And I don't snore, though I do occasionally talk in my sleep.) I will need to check with the wife and such--since we had planned I was going to be home for the weekend, and this is a bit last minute--so I'll have to get back to you tomorrow with a certain answer, if that's not a problem.

No worries, man. Feel free to call my cell (847) 401 7671, or just show up. I'm sure Juli won't mind splitting the cost another way.

Message 26982#262503

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Nev the Deranged which Nev the Deranged participated Conventions
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...from around 4/9/2009

On 4/10/2009 at 2:04am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Nev wrote: No worries, man. Feel free to call my cell (847) 401 7671, or just show up. I'm sure Juli won't mind splitting the cost another way.

I e-mailed you earlier. Hopefully that went through.

Message 26982#262508

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by greyorm which greyorm participated Conventions
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...from around 4/10/2009

On 4/10/2009 at 10:22pm, vv_gm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Unfortunately due to a emergency situation at work it is unlikely that I will be able to make the convention tomorrow. I was really looking forward to experiencing Forge Midwest and meeting many of you, but sometimes things just happen.

If I do make it great, but if not I think I'll make plans to attend for all three days in 2010.

Enjoy the convention!

Message 26982#262542

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...started by vv_gm which vv_gm participated Conventions
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...from around 4/10/2009

On 4/13/2009 at 4:21am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest 2009

Thread's closed, everyone.

Let's start new threads about the games we played.

Best, Ron

Message 26982#262612

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Conventions
...including keyword:

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...from around 4/13/2009