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Topic: [Annalise] Some questions
Started by: Valvorik
Started on: 11/19/2008
Board: ndp design

On 11/19/2008 at 2:28am, Valvorik wrote:
[Annalise] Some questions

Like the game and mechanics.  The choice of name very good, something about it echoes.

Some questions, I'll put this in a context of play (not real, scripted to see if I have it right):

2-Player Game.  Agreed as in never-never post-feudal Germany (say 18th - 17th century), we’re doing a “Hammer-horror-film” style “bodice ripper” but with the internal dial fairly high.

Rob starts, “I’m Margit, in my late teens, a foster daughter to the village priest, Father Damien.  I was adopted after bandits killed my family.  I’m quite pretty but seldom smiling, dark eyed and black hair, gypsy-looking.  My vulnerability is that I’m cursed to bring disaster to those I love, or so I think at least, I blame myself for the deaths of my family.” [I’ve got an idea for my self-authored secret that connects to this, since it’s 2 player I know I can be sure of what my secret is]

Question One:  Up to here in Introducing, this is not the Scene, so none of this can be Claimed, correct? –

Then introductory scene,

I’m protesting to my adoptive father, Father Damien, that I don’t want to be married to the man he’s negotiating to marry me to, the merchant Gustav.  Father Damien is insisting that I am of age and it is not seemly for me to remain single, Gustav is a wealthy man and can provide for me, I should be grateful for his attention.  I’m unwilling to consider Gustav or any man because of my vulnerability.

Unsaid by Father Damien is that he is worried about gossip growing if he keeps me in his household, since I am an attractive young woman who isn’t really his daughter, and that Gustav has offered a handsome donation to the local church and for the repair of the cemetery”.

Father Damien must leave to take confessions but says we will speak of this again soon.”

- 2nd Player can claim “Adoptive Father Damien, merchant Gustav, gossip about the innocent, the local church, repairs to the cemetery, the act of confession”.

-Question Two: in terms of the Active Player’s narrative authority, they are not limited to describing “what’s happening in the scene”, they can narrate off-stage facts, interior aspects of NPC’s?  Or would the only way for these facts about Father Damien to enter narrative be for Active Player to state them or give roleplaying of them to another player and that player creates these facts.

-Question Three: when you are invited to roleplay in the introductory scene, I assume you get some creative latitude though must respect the Active Player’s control of scene.  I also assume that for anything you add through your roleplaying, you cannot Claim this - only other members of the Audience can Claim it.  Can the Active Player Claim from an Audience member’s narration when Roleplaying in the Introductory Scene?  I’m inclined to say “yes”, the underlying  principle being only that “speaker can’t self-Claim”.

Question Four When a 1 or 6 is assigned and the Active Player makes choice to have another Achievement or Consequence the die is "fixed" and expended Claims can't alter it.  If not "fixed" this way, and then altered by use of Claims etc., only the "Final Value" at end of process is applied for things like adding/subtracting coins, correct?  Similarly, if a 5 is then altered to a 6 and used to add an outcome, it is then "locked down", correct?


Message 27094#257146

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On 11/20/2008 at 3:20am, Nathan P. wrote:
Re: [Annalise] Some questions

Good questions, and good examples to illustrate them!

Valvorik wrote:
Question One:  Up to here in Introducing, this is not the Scene, so none of this can be Claimed, correct? –

In my two-player games, we've often allowed each other claim those kinds of things if they stand out. You're technically correct, but it's not a game-breaker to Claim something like "bandits" or "the village Prest" in the example above, if another player is really into them. You couldn't claim Margit, or any of her Vulnerability stuff (that's all Claiming someone else's character, which is a no-no).

-Question Two: in terms of the Active Player’s narrative authority, they are not limited to describing “what’s happening in the scene”, they can narrate off-stage facts, interior aspects of NPC’s?  Or would the only way for these facts about Father Damien to enter narrative be for Active Player to state them or give roleplaying of them to another player and that player creates these facts.

In Intro scenes, the Active Player can narrate whatever the hell they want, in whatever style they want. This does not keep other players from bringing in stuff (via player NPCs, or what have you).

-Question Three: when you are invited to roleplay in the introductory scene, I assume you get some creative latitude though must respect the Active Player’s control of scene.  I also assume that for anything you add through your roleplaying, you cannot Claim this - only other members of the Audience can Claim it.  Can the Active Player Claim from an Audience member’s narration when Roleplaying in the Introductory Scene?  I’m inclined to say “yes”, the underlying  principle being only that “speaker can’t self-Claim”.

You are correct in all of those assumptions.

Question Four When a 1 or 6 is assigned and the Active Player makes choice to have another Achievement or Consequence the die is "fixed" and expended Claims can't alter it.  If not "fixed" this way, and then altered by use of Claims etc., only the "Final Value" at end of process is applied for things like adding/subtracting coins, correct?  Similarly, if a 5 is then altered to a 6 and used to add an outcome, it is then "locked down", correct?

You are correct.


Message 27094#257188

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