Topic: Inactive Forums
Started by: Clinton R. Nixon
Started on: 7/15/2002
Board: Site Discussion
On 7/15/2002 at 7:37pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
Inactive Forums
As you can well see, I've created a new forum category (Inactive Forums) and placed two forums there.
- Wicked Press has been moved there due to John Wick, the owner of Wicked Press, having retired from the role-playing game industry. I wish John all the luck in the world.
- Review Discussion is there because all discussion of issues brought up by reviews can more easily be placed in either Site Discussion or Indie Game Design. (Ron will comment more on this.)
On 7/15/2002 at 8:00pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Let me amend Clinton's phrasing slightly. It struck me that anything substantive regarding a review belongs in Actual Play, Publishing, RPG Theory, GNS Discussion, or the forum dedicated to that publisher, if there is one. After all, what else is there to talk about regarding the game?
In practice, since there was nothing else to talk about (once Actual Play, etc, are taken into account), having a separate forum for Reviews understandably led to a lot of debate about "what is a review?" which I find tiresome and sterile.
Hence, no more forum. Talk about the Reviews all you want - in fact, I wish people would discuss them a lot more than they do. But it's up to you to decide which of the four main forums is most appropriate for the points you want to raise.
On 7/15/2002 at 8:58pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Ron or Clinton,
This may be the wrong place to ask, but I am curious about John's game "Elfworld"...any word on what he's doing with it now that he's out of the business? (assuming, of course, that either of you know)
On 7/15/2002 at 9:16pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Hi Raven,
I don't have any information about that, unfortunately. I really liked all the development for that game.
On 7/15/2002 at 11:01pm, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
So did I. Pity, that.
On 7/16/2002 at 12:26am, James wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Ron Edwards wrote: Hence, no more forum. Talk about the Reviews all you want - in fact, I wish people would discuss them a lot more than they do. But it's up to you to decide which of the four main forums is most appropriate for the points you want to raise.
Darn, and I never got to follow up on the Dust Devils/Deadlands discussion we'd only just begun.
On 7/16/2002 at 12:31am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Hi James,
If your post isn't entirely sarcastic, feel free to continue that discussion in RPG Theory. It's a comparison between Dust Devils and Deadlands, so that's where it would go.
On 7/16/2002 at 1:13am, James wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Ron Edwards wrote: If your post isn't entirely sarcastic, feel free to continue that discussion in RPG Theory. It's a comparison between Dust Devils and Deadlands, so that's where it would go.
A quick edit should clear up the sarcasm question. I can see that I'm going to have to be very careful how I phrase things here, and what sort of mild humor I use, lest what I write be taken in the worst way possible.
I will take your advice and continue our discussion in the appropriate forum. I have some questions about the practicality of the "competitive narration" portion of Dust Devils. Of course, I will do this after I sleep the sleep of the damned, as I'm extremely tired tonight. Little boy in the house...running around at five o'clock in the rest!
On 7/16/2002 at 1:52am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
James wrote:
I will take your advice and continue our discussion in the appropriate forum. I have some questions about the practicality of the "competitive narration" portion of Dust Devils. Of course, I will do this after I sleep the sleep of the damned, as I'm extremely tired tonight. Little boy in the house...running around at five o'clock in the rest!
Please do continue the discussion, James. I'm eager to answer any questions you have, and to discuss aspects of the game. I believe you said something to the effect that you want more text of what you DO when you play Dust Devils. The expanded version, which I'll be selling at GenCon and as a PDF download in August, will definitely do this.
Thanks for your interest and discussion!
On 7/16/2002 at 5:28am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
While we're on the subject, any possibility of a "Vault of the Undead" locked forum, where we can stick old threads we don't want to see anymore? ;-)
This is a half-serious idea, based on my gaffe from a while back...
On 7/16/2002 at 10:09am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Crypt of the Undead, surely?
I just wanted to dip an oar and mention that I thought to post abook review, kinda, of a fascinating work on China I'm reading and which I believe would be of interest top RPers. What do the powers that be feel about this sort of thing?
On 7/16/2002 at 12:16pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Hi Gareth,
Clinton and I are still iffy about reviews by people besides ourselves, for all the reasons (dubious though they may be) that I've laid out in the past. Even if that policy changes, though, reviews here can only be about RPGs, or very very close to RPGs, like Bedlam.
I'm interested in the basic topic you've brought up, though. You could post about it in RPG Theory, for instance, if it seems like a good resource, especially if you're explicit about how this book in particular is useful or inspiring.
On 7/16/2002 at 7:26pm, James wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Matt Snyder wrote: Thanks for your interest and discussion!
You're welcome. And let's hope that you get some more stuff together for Dreamspire so we can kibbitz about that, too!
On 7/16/2002 at 7:30pm, James wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Ron Edwards wrote: If your post isn't entirely sarcastic, feel free to continue that discussion in RPG Theory. It's a comparison between Dust Devils and Deadlands, so that's where it would go.
And if we want to talk about Dust Devils all by itself? Just asking, because I don't want to make a putz out of myself yakking away in an inappropriate forum.
On 7/16/2002 at 7:39pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
RPG Theory is the way to go (I guess. I've got no editorial control here, just administrative stuff. Still, I think that's where you want to be.)
On 7/16/2002 at 8:09pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Inactive Forums
Hi there,
Folks, it's not hard.
Indie Design - for actually building specific games
GNS Discussion - clarifying or debating various aspects of this specific level of RPG analysis
RPG Theory - any and all other aspects of role-playing as a process
Actual Play - for instances of real actual role-playing.
So say James wants to discuss Dust Devils - posting at the Forge requires that he consider just what he wants to discuss, and to choose a forum appropriately. If that seems too restrictive, there are other websites to use, or even private email.
Clearly, there are areas of overlap among the Forge forums. That shouldn't be difficult either. For instance, if someone makes an alpha-version of their game available, and you play it and want to talk about it, then either Indie Design or Actual Play would be just fine (but not both).
And finally, if you want to discuss anything related to a game or publisher that has its own specific forum, feel free to post either there OR in an appropriate general forum - your choice about that will probably be based on who the Moderator is, and whether you want the audience to be focused on that specific game or not.
Don't sweat it.