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Topic: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project
Started by: animadversio
Started on: 1/15/2009
Board: Adept Press

On 1/15/2009 at 3:18pm, animadversio wrote:
Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Just curious as to what progress has been made on Christopher Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" book project (original thread here).  There hasn't been any update posted on the PlaySorcerer Wordpress blog, and I'm kinda wondering about the status of my investment in the book. 

Anyone know or hear anything about it?

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Message 27456#259396

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On 1/15/2009 at 5:28pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

I know that Christopher is working hard on it and that there's been no delay or cessation. His plans for its publication are on schedule.

I can't speak for him, but I can provide my views on his possible circumstances.

One thing I've observed over the years is that design journals (blogs, whatever format) tend to reach their peak activity in the early stages of a project, and then one of two things happens. They continue their activity pretty strongly, and the project dies and disappears. Or, the design journal tapers off as the writer buckles down to the work of getting it done.

In other words, after a certain point, the act of publicizing and chatting about a creative project destroys its chances of actually happening, simply on the basis of time and mental energy. I have often suggested that the authors of games and game-related stuff utilized on-line methods of promotion, but also to beware of energy-draining, distracting socializing about the project, especially on-line.

In yet other words, you contributed money to see Christopher's book appear later this year, not to receive chatty updates on his latest notions every week. That's how I see it, anyway.

Best, Ron

Message 27456#259401

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On 1/15/2009 at 5:51pm, animadversio wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Gotcha, and thanks.  In response to your analysis, I hear you and see exactly where you're coming from, but I'd also add that if I were working on a project for which I solicited funding from an interested patron (or a bunch of interested patrons, in this case), I'd probably do 'em the basic courtesy of letting them know periodically that progress (whether substantial or incremental) was being made.  Even if it's just a quick "hey, I'm on track with this, no specific details to communicate yet, check back with you later!" note, which was what he ostensibly set the blog up for, as I recall. 

With that said... cool and I'm glad (based on your reports) that everything's proceeding in peachy keen fashion.

Message 27456#259402

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On 1/15/2009 at 7:13pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Good points... I've been really meaning to update.  But, a Ron suggested, I've been writing instead.

I'll go do that right now.

Message 27456#259406

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On 1/15/2009 at 7:35pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Since folks might bump into this thread first, here's what I just posted.

Hello All!

Play Sorcerer is a labor of love that I love — but that also causes great stress.

I love Sorcerer, and want this book to do it justice. So while I’ve written dozens upon dozens of manuscript pages, I’ve torn up most of them as I continue working on the project.

The biggest concern is simply this: How to communicate clearly the procedures of Sorcerer?

All of the pieces of the game are interrelated — to a degree I don’t think I’ve ever seen in another RPG. In many RPGs, you have the magic system, and then you have the combat system, and then you have the point buy system.

But in Sorcerer, as a quick example, the conflict system is tied directly to the core premise of the game: How far will you go to get what you want?

Here’s what I mean by that: In every conflict you have to first choose if there’s going to be a conflict. Sorcerer never presumes that two characters are going to stand there and boff each other every turn. Even if the GM unleashes a big monster on a PC, the PC can still take off down the street. Fleeing — and fleeing successfully is always an option and a possibility!

And why might a PC flee? Because he’s a coward? No. (Though that might be the case.) The more common option might be that the Player decides in this case “This fight isn’t worth it.” In other words, he’s not going to go so far to fight this beastie to get into his enemy’s mansion.

And then, during a conflict, the game offers up one choice again and again as the dice hit the table and the circumstances shift — sometime wildly. The Players need to ask for their characters, “How far am I willing to go to get what I want?” Because it’s one thing to grab that idol off the pedestal when your guy gets to go first. But when an NPC firing an Uzi at you has initiative over you, the question becomes, “Do I go on full defense and reduce the odds of getting torn up by bullets? Or do I drive through with my actions with increased odds of getting torn up?”

Of course, the conflict system connects into other matters as well… How Sorcerer builds off the initial color established by the Players, and how the conflict system does the same thing in miniature, as color details that being the fight are the “stuff” that become the “Yes, and…” and “Yes, but…” material of the conflict. It also ties into Kickers, as the GM makes sure to hit the issues and the Kickers the Players laid out on the Character Sheets whenever possible in a fight — because that’s when the dice rolls will really click!

The problem I’ve worked on, even as I’ve continued to write pages, is how to ORGANIZE the material. I want a book that is a good read, but that also serves as a good reference. I’m actually studying Mouse Guard right now, as I think Luke Crane is the best game writer around. No one makes playing an RPG as clear as Luke.

I’ll update when I can, but I promise you most updates won’t amount to more than, “Still Writing!”

However, my plan for the spring was to start adding more info about sample Sorcerer games to this site. I don’t want blogging about Sorcerer to take the place of writing my book about Sorcerer. But I understand folks are curious. I’ll do what I can!

I can only say that I’m very excited about the project and have a clear vision of holding it in my hand and selling it to happy customers.


Message 27456#259407

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On 1/16/2009 at 4:06pm, animadversio wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Awesome. Thank you.  Sorry to be a pain ... I am both very excited by this project, and was hoping that it did not vanish into the aether (and yeah, I was wondering if I'd wasted my money).

You've allayed all of that AND re-stoked my enthusiasm. Thank you again.

Message 27456#259429

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On 1/16/2009 at 9:47pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project


Let me promise: The project will never vanish into the aether.  It might vanish from sight for periods of time -- but I really will try to do my best to avoid that.

Message 27456#259447

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On 1/21/2009 at 2:15am, Finarvyn wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

I'm another person who is really excited by this project. Keep up the good work and expect to get occasional prodding from those of us who are impatient. :-)

Message 27456#259561

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On 3/14/2009 at 2:23am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

This is the first I've heard of this, but consider me morally supportive even if I missed the chance to chip in monetarily. My Sorcerer books have been sitting on my shelf for a hella long time now... it'd be nice to take them down and use them some day, but honestly, I don't see it ever happening without a resource like the one you suggest. My poor brain is just too tied up in old-school habits... even after collating the quick-reference, I'm still at a loss WRT to actually making the game work.

So, yeah. You go, boy! ^_^

Message 27456#261478

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On 3/15/2009 at 7:42pm, Finarvyn wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Nev wrote:
My poor brain is just too tied up in old-school habits... even after collating the quick-reference, I'm still at a loss WRT to actually making the game work.

Honestly, I'm the same way. I dust off Sorcerer every few months and thumb through it, and I lurk and post here occasionally, but really I have this feeling that I'm some sort of "Ah ha" moment away from really getting this game to click in my brain.

Of course, once it does click then somehow I have to educate my players.

I sometimes wish that I didn't have so many years experience playing "traditional" RPGs, because I'm sure that those preconcieved notions are messing with my Sorcerer undrstanding.

I'll buy a copy of Play Sorcerer as soon as it gets written!

Message 27456#261517

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On 3/15/2009 at 7:55pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Working on it.

Message 27456#261519

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On 3/16/2009 at 6:56pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

I sometimes wish that I didn't have so many years experience playing "traditional" RPGs, because I'm sure that those preconcieved notions are messing with my Sorcerer undrstanding.

Hmmm, Ron didn't you write an essay about this issue a while back...I can't quite remember because it didn't generate much comment and largely went unnoticed...something about traditional habits causing some kind of damage...


Message 27456#261552

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On 4/14/2009 at 12:10pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Is this expected to be available for gencon 09?

Message 27456#262654

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On 4/14/2009 at 2:35pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project


Message 27456#262661

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On 4/18/2009 at 4:44am, Finarvyn wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

All the more reason for me to go to GenCon '09!!

Message 27456#262875

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On 7/13/2009 at 5:51pm, lachek wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Is it still expected to be available for GenCon '09? :)

Don't mean to be a pest, just looking to start something up soon and would feel better with this book in hand...

Message 27456#266192

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On 7/13/2009 at 7:01pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project


You're not being a pest.  I've simply been remiss on updates.

I've been meaning to post an update on the Play Sorcerer blog, and will do so by tomorrow.

The book won't be available at GenCon, unfortunately.  Too many other projects (actual bread and butter, pay the rent, build the career) gigs have come up over the last few months.  I've never stopped working on it -- but between directing a documentary, preparing a TV pilot for meetings, and setting up a presentation for three separate mini-series about the history of Saudi Arabia, write the third draft of a 180 page script for Michael Eisner and so on -- focus and time has been choppy an divided.

However, I will have a chapter ready for distribution for GenCon that lays out the Conflict Resolution System clearly and concisely.  My goal is to have that emailed to all the book's backers the first day of GenCon, and have it as a small pamphlet at GenCon.

My apologies to anyone who was looking at the convention for a specific deadline.  I shouldn't have pegged the schedule to the convention.  I knew out of the gate I'd be using the Greg Stafford "When It's Done It's Done," model, and should have respected that.


Message 27456#266197

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On 7/13/2009 at 7:07pm, lachek wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

A clear and concise Conflict Resolution System will be most appreciated. While I won't be attending GenCon, I'll be looking forward to seeing it in my inbox. "When It's Done It's Done" can and should be the only model for a play guide like this, in my opinion.

Thanks for the update!

Message 27456#266199

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On 7/13/2009 at 7:22pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

I'll say this, too... though it's part of the post I'm planning for the blog:

At GenCon I'll be running a Sorcerer Boot Camp.  I'm very much looking forward to this for the purposes of the book. I'll be testing how I communicate the game with people right there, face-to-face.  If the ideas are clear, I'll know it.  If my communication is muddy, I'll know it.

It will also allow me to get feedback on what notions, procedures, ideas and assumptions people get hung up on.  Part of my work these past months has been scouring the Internet -- old threads and new -- finding out where people go astray or get confused by the game.  At GenCon this will be fast and furious feedback cycle -- which can only strengthen the final text.

Message 27456#266202

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On 7/26/2009 at 1:18am, ejh wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Tell us more of this "Sorcerer Boot Camp!"  Or tell us where to learn more, please!

Message 27456#266935

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On 7/27/2009 at 11:34am, Finarvyn wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

ejh wrote:
Tell us more of this "Sorcerer Boot Camp!"  Or tell us where to learn more, please!
Based on Christopher's earlier post, I would surmise that at GenCon he is planning on running an event where he teaches Sorcerer to novice players. As Sorcerer usually involved a long time to master, the "Boot Camp" would be a session where he wants to communicate as much about the game as possible in a limited time. At the moment he's trying to anticipate where folks will be confused so that he's ready to address those particular issues.

If there's ore to it, I don't know that part.

Message 27456#266999

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On 7/27/2009 at 2:20pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project


The Boot Camp will be at GenCon. 

There will be two parts of about an hour each. 

Part One is about Building Characters and Setting and GM Prepping; Part Two will be about Playing the Game (Bangs, the application of Kickers, why a story that you're making up on the spot doesn't spin off the rails, and so on.)

The will be held at The Forge booth, and rotate through the four days of the convention.

There will be four slots for for folks for each part.  Ideally, one will have attended Part One  before attending part Two.

I will be there with lots of water and throat lozenges.

Looking forward to it!

Message 27456#267004

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On 7/28/2009 at 3:11pm, ejh wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Awesome!  I hope to make it.  Thanks for the info.

Message 27456#267090

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On 7/29/2009 at 1:10am, Finarvyn wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Which days for the "Boot Camp" and how long is each session?

I ask because I'd love to give it a try, but I'll be in Indy only for a few hours on Thursday. My sister and I do a hit-and-run for a few hours on one day to shop and look around GenCon and I never know how long she is willing to stick around before she gets bored.

Message 27456#267147

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On 7/29/2009 at 1:57am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

Hi Marv,

The schedule isn't set yet, but both sessions will be running in rotation (of some kind) every day of the convention.

So, Thursday, yes.

When I have more details, I'll post.

Message 27456#267150

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On 7/30/2009 at 8:14am, lachek wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

The boot camp sounds really interesting, but as I mentioned earlier I cannot personally attend. Hopefully one person from our play group will be, though. Any chance one or several of the sessions you run could be recorded (audio and/or video)? That'd be awesome!

Message 27456#267262

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On 8/6/2009 at 5:13am, Aaron wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project

I'm a bit late on board with this one.  Stuck over in Aus there is no way Im going to get to GenCon but really like the sound of the chapter that you are sending out to the backers.  Any chance of jumping on the band wagon?  Is it to late to become a backer?


Message 27456#267662

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On 8/6/2009 at 3:31pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: Re: Kubasik's "Play Sorcerer" project


I'm sure something can be worked out.  (But the backers thing is closed.)

I'm in full lock-down mode in preparation for GenCon right now.  We'll revisit the matter a few weeks.


Message 27456#267685

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