The Forge Reference Project


Topic: the fallen
Started by: Comte
Started on: 7/16/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 7/16/2002 at 3:03am, Comte wrote:
the fallen

Here is an idea that I have been kicking around for awhile, and meaning to put on this list but I never seem to get around to it, untill now. The basic idea of it is, a child within the clutches of closet land is a terrifying experience for any kid, especialy when they are dumped next to the thrones of one of the kings. Many times it will be to much for a child to bear and they will go insane, or mabey they will utter the words, I can give you the names of other children and thier parents if you lety me live. To these monstors knowlage is power, the more they know about you the more information they can get on you, the more they can use against you. If they can get a child to provide them with information in exchange for being left alone all the better for them. They might even return the child to the real world and let him live in exchange for information. How long could he hold on before he started nameing his freinds, or his freinds siblings? How will the other children react when they find out that they have been betrayed by one of their own? It's a dark lil through but I'm not really certain where to go with it. My initial ideas were to use they as a once in a long while villians because well it's a nice shake to the whole running around and fighting monstors things. I was also thinking about writeing an adventure where the school outcast got dragged to closet land, he offered names, and he enjoyes his fate. He loves to see the kids who tormented him so much disapear and he slowly slips in to maddness. Often times closet monstors go to him to get names of people and thier familys. The pc's have a younger sibling fall to this child and they set out to get to the botttom of it all and find this poor insane school outcast getting revenge. He isn't possesed or under control by the monstors he just works with them. How do they handle something like that?

Message 2748#26961

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On 7/16/2002 at 2:01pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: the fallen

Hi there,

What I really like about this idea, Comte, is that in Little Fears, there's little or no possibility that the players will shift into "kill the traitor" mode.

Typically, in a game like D&D or Shadowrun or Vampire, if the player-characters encounter such an NPC, they just ... well, they just kill him. In the context of these admittedly simplistic games, that's the right thing to do.

But in Little Fears, the characters are seven-year-olds (or whatever). How are they going to deal with this situation? I like that. It's interesting. It's not about "solving the crisis" like little Occult Agents, it's about how kids deal with (or fail to deal with) fear.


Message 2748#26988

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...from around 7/16/2002