The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [DITV] Cheatsheet help for new game with new gamers
Started by: Insect King
Started on: 1/27/2009
Board: lumpley games

On 1/27/2009 at 12:02pm, Insect King wrote:
[DITV] Cheatsheet help for new game with new gamers

Hi all,

I have decided to put down my REIGN game for a spell and run some one-shot indie games. For this I chose Dogs in the Vineyard. I have the PDF all printed and bound but my players have no such thing. My question is: ar there any cheatsheets abbreviating and highlighting character creation and combat to help them (and me)?




Message 27503#259780

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On 1/27/2009 at 2:26pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: [DITV] Cheatsheet help for new game with new gamers

You can use the recaps at the end of the chapters for cheat sheets, if they do it for you.

I believe that there's a flowchart out there somewhere, but it's not mine. Anybody know?


Message 27503#259783

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On 1/27/2009 at 5:12pm, oliof wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Cheatsheet help for new game with new gamers

Flowcharts, JH Kims notes and the Pullouts should cover everything.

Message 27503#259788

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On 2/18/2009 at 4:50am, cdr wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Cheatsheet help for new game with new gamers

The character sheet in the pullouts includes a very nice rules summary, and Martin Higham made a very nice one-page character generation summary sheet that's available at .

Message 27503#260552

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...from around 2/18/2009