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Topic: Universal Battle System - Taleworld Edition overview
Started by: Daniele
Started on: 2/13/2009
Board: First Thoughts

On 2/13/2009 at 1:58pm, Daniele wrote:
Universal Battle System - Taleworld Edition overview

Hello everyone,
I'm new to this virtual space, so I hope I'll not break any rule. I also apologize for any grammatical error I may do, because I'm not English.
I'm going to present the main features of my first RPG.

I have two main problems I must solve: I have little experience in RPG playing and I had few occasions to test my RPG. I worked alone on the theory, trying to create something simple and effective.

Main Features
My system is a Karma-Dramatic one, where attack dynamics are determined by statistics, abilities and by the eventual participation of the master (I call him “Writer”). It has been created for fantasy setting.
Characters are described through:
Element, which concerns terrain effects on the character;
Class, which determines character’s CMP (Class’ Modifier Percentage), which influence statistics;
Statistics, consisting of:
Life Points
Energy Points, used for attack. They’re divided in three parameters:
Max EP: the maximum value
Starting EP: the EP the character have at the beginning of the battle (they can exceed Max EP)
EP Gather: the EP gathered every turn
Speed (it can allow multiple hits, depending on opponent’s Speed)
Magic Strength
Magic Defense
Concentration (magic precision)
Refraction (magic elusion)
Move (concerning grid’s squares)
Value (it allows to learn Abilities)
Burden (concerning the possibility of carrying objects). It is divided in:
Technique: ability in using weapons and such;
Knowledge: ability in using magic and such;
Abilities: abilities have the most important part in the system, because they allow the character to perform special actions (and to have special powers), which often decide the result of a battle.

Attack dynamics
A physical attack is described by this equation:
Damage=[(STR+str+k)- (〖DEF〗_a+〖def〗_a+m)]×(SPD-wgt)/(〖SPD〗_a-〖wgt〗_a )
Where STR is strength, str is the weapon strength, k is the circumstance attack modifier, 〖DEF〗_a is the opponent’s defense, 〖def〗_a is the opponent’s protection defense, m is the circumstance defense modifier, SPD is the character’s speed, wgt is the weight of the equipment, 〖SPD〗_a is the opponent’s speed and 〖wgt〗_a is the opponent’s equipment weight.
There are two other equations, but I can’t make this topic an essay.

What do you think about this system? Can it work? Is it new, or there is something similar?
I created this system after I studied DnD system, which seemed to me too much slow and requested too many dice rolls. I really would like to test it, and I wonder if there is someone interested in it. If anyone is interested, I’ll personally explain him the whole system.

Thanks for your attention,

a writer who tries to be a RPG designer.

Message 27585#260399

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