The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [DitV] NPCs can escalate, right?
Started by: Joe Murphy (Broin)
Started on: 2/18/2009
Board: lumpley games

On 2/18/2009 at 1:41pm, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
[DitV] NPCs can escalate, right?

Following the thread on escalation in Poison'd, I wondered if NPCs can escalate at all in Dogs? I can't see this in the rulebook, and I wondered if the GM's role was a special case. Or if there were tactics the GM sould employ when escalating.

If NPCs can escalate, then the players could be more likely to give - the Dogs wouldn't want to take an argument to guns in case a decent NPC got hurt, for example. Or allow a bandit to start needling them by escalation to talking.


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On 2/18/2009 at 1:44pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: [DitV] NPCs can escalate, right?

NPCs can absolutely escalate. That's really not explicit in the rules?


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On 2/18/2009 at 2:14pm, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV] NPCs can escalate, right?

I didn't think it was clear, no. Because the text is so genial and conversational, and refers to 'you' all the time. As a GM, I naturally feel like a special snowflake.

I don't think I'd have worried especially, if it weren't for differences in some of your other games. See, you have to train us into one, and train us out of others... =)


Message 27606#260566

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