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Topic: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results
Started by: Hituro
Started on: 2/23/2009
Board: Publishing

On 2/23/2009 at 3:04pm, Hituro wrote:
The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

So I was wondering, in an anecdotal fashion, after a few months of operation, how people were finding the Un-Store in practice?

I have had a sale through the Un-Store myself, but I have no way of telling if it is a sale I might have had direct through my website or not. I know that there is more to the Un-Store concept than extra sales of course :)

Message 27642#260722

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On 2/25/2009 at 3:44pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

I'm curious too.

My own sales are down from what they were at IPR, which I expected, but still comfortably brisk, which I also expected. I'm very curious about others'.


Message 27642#260821

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On 2/25/2009 at 9:09pm, Darcy Burgess wrote:
RE: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results


I've had a few sales (less than 4, more than 0 -- exact numbers are spotty) through the UnStore.  That's not much until you consider the entire print run for Black Cadillacs was 50 books, and only 20 or so were left after GenCon.


Message 27642#260834

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On 2/25/2009 at 11:43pm, Graham Walmsley wrote:
RE: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

I've had three or four sales of Play Unsafe, split between print and PDF.

It's also available on IPR, where it's sold many more in the same time period: the exact number is over 100, but you can't really compare the two, since Play Unsafe debuted on IPR during that time period.

On Lulu, it's also sold three or four copies.


Message 27642#260840

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On 2/26/2009 at 12:53am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results


I've been selling bushels. As in, book after book, all the time. If not every day, then at least several a week.

Whether my website (sadly un-updated as it is) is involved, I don't know, as the buy-buttons there are the same as the ones at the un-store.

Best, Ron

Message 27642#260846

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On 2/26/2009 at 5:05pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

Whereas I don't believe that I've got a single sale through the un-store.

Message 27642#260868

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On 2/26/2009 at 9:02pm, Eric J. Boyd wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

I also have not had any sales through the Un-store.

Message 27642#260879

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On 2/26/2009 at 11:58pm, Marshall Burns wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

I've sold four copies of the Rustbelt ashcan through the UnStore.

Between GenCon and the start of the UnStore, I sold four copies through direct email interaction with folks. And also some others face-to-face that I can't keep track of for shit.

At GenCon, it sold a total of six or seven, I forget which.

Message 27642#260883

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On 2/27/2009 at 6:56am, Jake Richmond wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

I'm not sure? My un-store sales look exactly like the sales from my own site, and I'm not really making an effort to tell them apart. At a guess I'd say I've sold maybe 20 Sea Dracula and 10 Panty Explosion since they've been available on the un-store. That's between the store and my own site. That's a definite increase over previous months, especially since I'm not promoting either game at all. I'd guess that maybe 30% of those sales came from the un-store. That sounds about right to me.

I suspect that if I was actively promoting eitehr game I'd be seeing much higher sales through the site. Last time I did a push for Panty Explosion I saw a really big sales jump through my own site, and smaller jumps at IPR, Key 20, e23 and RPGNOW.

Message 27642#260894

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On 2/28/2009 at 9:33am, Graham Walmsley wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

Ron, given you're selling lots of stuff, are you as excited about selling books via the Unstore as you were when it started?

Not an idle question: I'm genuinely interested if the enthusiasm persists.


Message 27642#260928

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On 3/2/2009 at 12:15am, rafael wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

Haven't sold any copies of Dread (Pandemonium) yet. Been about a month. Figure it'll pick up.

Message 27642#260974

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On 3/3/2009 at 6:49pm, Marshall Burns wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

Hey Rafael,
I'm not sure why, but Dread doesn't show up on the main "browse" page ( It does show up on the "games in print" page, though, and Neoplastic Press shows up on the "browse the publishers" page.

Forge Reference Links:

Message 27642#261060

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On 3/3/2009 at 6:53pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

(Oops! I know why. I'll fix it.)


Message 27642#261061

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On 3/9/2009 at 6:39pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

A little advice for the store maintainer:

• Put some really obvious link on the Forge site for the unstore.  I wouldn't even know about the unstore if it weren't for this thread.
• Put pricing on the games.  I have to click the Purchase link to find out the price, which isn't a solid plan from a marketing perspective.
• Consider categorizing things by genre or some other means on the browse page.  Otherwise I'm just confronted with a block of cool little pictures, which isn't very useful.

Message 27642#261315

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On 3/10/2009 at 12:48am, Jake Richmond wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

Clay wrote:

• Consider categorizing things by genre or some other means on the browse page.  Otherwise I'm just confronted with a block of cool little pictures, which isn't very useful.

I'd personally rather not see genre categories, especially since very few games on the store fit into any specific genre, or share their genre with another game. I also really like the page of little pictures. It's very visually cool. It invites me to explore and find out what each picture represents, instead of dismissing the games because they don't fit into a genre I'm interested in.

Message 27642#261335

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On 3/10/2009 at 2:08pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

Thanks, Clay and Jake! No need to debate it here. If anybody has any requests about the Un-store, please send them to me directly, at lumpley at the

(The individual publishers are responsible for putting prices on their products, but the back end may be a little confusing in that regard, so don't blame them. I have a plan to make it tidier.)


Message 27642#261351

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On 3/10/2009 at 2:16pm, iago wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

I would agree that genre categories are ultimately fairly unsatisfying -- speaking as someone who tries to find some best-fits for new products as they're added to the IPR catalog.

A lot of the market you're looking at here is interested in "the work of game designer X"; they come in with an intent to purchase stuff someone specific has done.  The unstore's publisher's page allows that sort of exploration of the site.  Which, given that the unstore has (or at least appears to have) a very thin barrier between "community of designers" and "these are our products", is probably a reasonably ideal set-up for it.

As a consumer, my only real complaint here would be the lack of an ability to achieve economies of scale: I can't order three items from the same publisher and get a combined shipping cost discount, let alone from different publishers.  But before anyone gets upset about that observation, let me note that I totally get that this is the sort of thing that can't be avoided with the Unstore's model for sales -- as I recall what was said initially, there's no guarantee that each product ordered from it even goes out from the same shipper.  The end effect that I would *expect* from this is that the Unstore is about selling one copy of one game to one person at a time ... is that at all fair as a statement?  I'm genuinely curious and want to see how expectations and reality line up.

Message 27642#261352

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On 3/11/2009 at 12:53pm, Graham Walmsley wrote:
RE: Re: The Indie Rpgs Un-store sales results

Given that books are often sent from the same location, there's no practical reason you couldn't order two books at once and pay once for shipping. It might be logistically difficult, from the point of view of the website and PayPal, though.


Message 27642#261391

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