The Forge Reference Project


Topic: - Have you used it?
Started by: apeiron
Started on: 3/5/2009
Board: Publishing

On 3/5/2009 at 6:45pm, apeiron wrote: - Have you used it?

Google gave me a link to  They seem to be a PoD service connected to Amazon.

Have you used them?  How was it?

Message 27681#261148

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...started by apeiron which apeiron participated Publishing
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...from around 3/5/2009

On 3/5/2009 at 9:54pm, Graham Walmsley wrote:
Re: - Have you used it?

Play Unsafe is on Create Space. It was all easy to use (except it asked me for a Social Security number, which was interesting) and the proof they sent me was fine.

I haven't advertised it at all, but I've sold two copies through Create Space. Can't complain about that. Also, you can see Play Unsafe if you do a search for Play Unsafe on, and their "Look Inside" function works, letting you browse the first few pages. It's all very slick.


Message 27681#261157

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On 3/5/2009 at 11:45pm, Paraplegic Racehorse wrote:
RE: Re: - Have you used it? had a fairly recent discussion on CreateSpace vs. Lulu.

Apparently, there is some hocus pocus going on at CreatSpace with regard to ISBN numbers. I don't see anyone complaining about the quality of the prints or presentation in Amazon's storefront, though.

Message 27681#261166

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On 3/30/2009 at 4:11am, visioNationstudios wrote:
RE: Re: - Have you used it?

"Recent" is relatively subjective.  The crux of the thread you quoted is over a year old.  A spammer necro'd the thread, so discussion started back up briefly.

I can tell you from experience that CreateSpace provides a good quality product for the cheapest wholesale rate I've been able to find anywhere on a PoD printer.  I say "good" quality because, while we've been happy with everything that's come our way, CS is also the only place we've ever printed through.

Color printing gets a little bit more pricey, and they don't do hardcover yet.  Those are the biggest downsides.  But lots of size options, and you get an Amazon listing for free, which they'll print and ship whenever an order comes in.

Message 27681#261973

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...started by visioNationstudios which visioNationstudios participated Publishing
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...from around 3/30/2009