The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The Name of the Game
Started by: Jason Kottler
Started on: 3/5/2009
Board: First Thoughts

On 3/5/2009 at 7:37pm, Jason Kottler wrote:
The Name of the Game

Hello, Forgers!

I'm thrilled to be able to report that I'm going to be taking my system to GenCon with the Forge booth this year (thanks, Ron!). However, I have one small problem. The system has no name. I've called it "my game" for years now, but that's got to end. Let me tell you a little bit about it:

• Genre independent
• Compact ruleset
• Freeform characters
• Story-centric
• Systematically rewards teamwork

You can find out more about it at my blog on the topic.

In a recent playtest session, the group came up with a multi-universal setting reminiscent of the Infinite Worlds from GURPS. Each character was vastly different - two aliens, including a hive-entity, a cowboy, a pirate, and a '20s gangster moll. After that session, during the post-mortem discussion, I noted the diversity of characters we'd just created and played without any additional rules or materials. When I asked my group,"What should I call this thing?" my wife recalled that point and suggested, Infinity. I loved it, but a quick googling of "infinity rpg" revealed what is scientifically known as a bunch of hits. So, I thought about variations, and eventually decided on Infinitum (Latin for "infinity") or Ad Infinitum (Latin for "to infinity").

But I couldn't choose - I didn't have any idea which one sounded better to people besides me. So I polled my playtesters. It was a tie.

So now, I impose on the generosity of Forge members and ask if you would please vote on the name.

It's anonymous. It's free. There's no signup. I am hoping that the wisdom of the crowd will help me choose. Vote here.

Thanks in advance,


Message 27682#261150

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On 3/5/2009 at 10:41pm, Abkajud wrote:
Re: The Name of the Game

Is there a rules summary around here somewhere?
Thanks! :)

- Abby

Message 27682#261160

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On 3/5/2009 at 11:00pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

"Infinitum" and "Ad Infinitum" are not doing it for me at all because we use that term in routine discourse around here when referring to endless loops of various sorts. Like, "The computer repeats the calculation ad infinitum unless you reboot it." Consequently using the term as the name of a game seems really weird to me. Might be just Finnish colloquial academic language, but perhaps they do it elsewhere as well.

Don't know enough about the game to suggest anything better, though. I'd love to check out a draft at some point when you have one you're happy with - I'm trying to get my game finished for the Forge booth myself as well, won't hurt to check out a participating game in advance.

Message 27682#261163

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On 3/5/2009 at 11:32pm, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

I rather like the idea of it just being called "My game", because that's quite a sassy title. But aren't we drifting into opinion polling?

Message 27682#261165

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On 3/6/2009 at 12:04am, Vulpinoid wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

Why not go with the blog title?


It'd certainly get my attention.


Message 27682#261169

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On 3/6/2009 at 1:14am, Abkajud wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

That was my initial thought, too, V :)

Hey, Jason, I'm curious about the "multi-versal" quality of the game that you mentioned. Is that an important, central feature of play? If so, this thread here could be helpful:

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 15239

Message 27682#261171

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On 3/6/2009 at 7:37am, whiteknife wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

I voted for "ad infinitum" because it's more memorable, although I think calling it "my game" though generic could e quite a statement. Also, it could be extremely confusing. I'd just stick with ad infinitum.

Message 27682#261180

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On 3/6/2009 at 10:05pm, Jason Kottler wrote:
Blog problems

I'd just like to say that if you're having trouble reaching the blog, it's because WordPress starte throwing up all over itself sometime yesterday afternoon. I expect that I'll have it up again soon.

Message 27682#261195

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On 3/6/2009 at 10:22pm, Jason Kottler wrote:
Blog Problems Fixed

Sorry, folks, but I think I have it straightened out now.

Message 27682#261196

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On 3/9/2009 at 4:20am, Jason Kottler wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

@Abby and @Eero -

I don't think I'm just going to put a rules summary up for public consumption. There are several reasons for this, including:

1) In a genre-free game, what else have I got? Explanations, justifications, and examples.

2) I will be putting out a call for playtesters soon - I plan to have another round of testing where I run the game, graduate to a round of testing where other people run the games with me observing and interacting, and then move to a round where I am simply not present - where the game has to represent itself as in the wild. When I am letting other people run the game, I'll start looking for people to run the next round of playtests as well as to provide feedback and criticism.

3) I may start building a complete online reference as the Evil Hat folks did with the SoTC SRD, but not until it's in print.

Thanks for your support at this stage!

Message 27682#261290

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On 3/9/2009 at 8:44pm, Amadeo wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

I voted, there is just something inspiring about Ad Infinitum, it makes me want to explore the possibilities. And, as a phrase that sees common usage I like the twist your game would be giving the to it.

Message 27682#261320

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On 3/11/2009 at 3:01am, Jason Kottler wrote:
Name of the Game Part II

Hey, everybody - thanks for your help! I learned a lot from the poll results and the replies here. Part of what I've learned is that I was offering the wrong options. For more details, see the blog post on the topic.

What it boils down to, for those who prefer to get right to the point is another poll: The Name of the Game Part II - Electric Revenge!

I hope you'll all come by and vote again - I really appreciate the input!



Message 27682#261378

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On 3/18/2009 at 4:24am, Jason Kottler wrote:
The Results Are In!

Hey, everybody -

I wanted to let you know that the decision on the name of my game has been made! I've written a complete post on the result and the story behind it.

I really want to thank all the people who voted - I know I asked you to vote twice! And a special thanks to Vulpinoid and Abkajud - a little validation goes a long way.

Much appreciated,


Message 27682#261602

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On 3/19/2009 at 8:03pm, whiteknife wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

I'd just like to say that I think that is indeed an awesome name for a game. Hopefully the game will be as awesome as the name indicates!

Message 27682#261642

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On 3/19/2009 at 8:42pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game


I love the name. And here's something you're going to appreciate about it. When the game is published you're going to set up Google alerts on the name, and Google blog searches on it as RSS feeds in your feed reader. And from these you're going to see people talking about it out there in the wild. If you'd named it Universalis, for instance, the stuff you're interested in would be drowned out by irrelevant "Europa Universalis" hits. But your alerts are going to be all gold.


Message 27682#261643

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On 3/20/2009 at 12:55am, Jason Kottler wrote:
RE: Re: The Name of the Game

Thanks, everybody. I can't tell you how great it is to have walked back into the Forge after a years-long absence and found it to be as earnest and supportive a community as I remembered. Turns out the internet doesn't ruin everything. And yeah, the unique Googleosity of the name was pointed out to me by a poll responder, and I had appreciated it myself when searching for company and domain names.

Anyhow, I'm really working hard to make the game live up to the name - I sort of set myself a real challenge, there, didn't I? Could have named it Mediocrapular, and it would have been a snap, but I guess that ship has sailed.

And for those who liked Ad Infinitum? Don't worry. I liked it too. And I have plans for it.

Off to see if I can cram the rules summary into a usable format...

Message 27682#261655

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