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Topic: Seeking *Fiction* Reviews
Started by: Capulet
Started on: 3/8/2009
Board: Connections

On 3/8/2009 at 10:47pm, Capulet wrote:
Seeking *Fiction* Reviews

So, I've finished up my novel and am putting it into print. Since it's set in the Factions role-playing game universe, I'm hoping to find game designer types who might be interested in reading it, then posting a review online (RPGNet or the like). I'd also like the option of mirroring the review on my own website.

If you like urban fantasy, and would like a peek at the book, the entire thing is up here as a free *PDF.

Interested parties should contact me through the website, and I'll send you a hard copy.



* For the record, the book is for mature readers. Consider it rated 'R.'

Message 27694#261280

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On 3/9/2009 at 3:27am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: Seeking *Fiction* Reviews

I like doing reviews, but the last time I reviewed something at my blog it sure did explode on my face spectacularly. The author will probably never be in speaking terms with me again.

Message 27694#261286

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On 3/10/2009 at 2:27pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking *Fiction* Reviews

I'm always curious about independent publishing, and more so when somebody dares to publish fiction independently. It's such a crowded and mature market that product packaging and marketing grab the lion's share of the market. Interesting to see what people are doing to work that scene indie-style.

That is to say, I read the book just now. An acceptable read in the style of modern American genre paperback. Didn't strike me as particularly "R-rated", but I'm sure that's subjective.

A couple of typoes I spotted, in case you want to update your files:
106: "there" -> "three"
139: "sion" -> "scion" ?

Message 27694#261353

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On 3/13/2009 at 3:52am, Capulet wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking *Fiction* Reviews

Hi Euro,

Yeah, those cursed typo goblins... thank you for spotting them for me, so they can be driven back to the shadows from whence they came.

As to the "R-rated," thing, I always want to put the flag there, just so parents don't assume it's a "nice fantasy book." If it were turned into a movie, I think 'R' would be about right.

I'll fix up the files with the 2 corrections. Are you interested in a hard copy, in exchange for a few hundred words?


Message 27694#261450

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On 3/13/2009 at 7:11am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking *Fiction* Reviews

I don't think you'd really like my reviewing, truth be told. I'm vicious and unforgiving in my fiction reviewing, and unwilling to turn off the critique gears and just describe what I've read. The last book I reviewed was Gamenight, you can see for yourself. I wouldn't want to unleash my uncourteous honesty on your book as a surprise.

(I'm not trying to be a jerk here, I just was shaken by the cultural gap the last time I wrote a fiction review - around here that sort of analytical trashing is par for the course, but apparently I hurt the feelings of the last author I reviewed really badly. It's probably better if I don't do English-language fiction reviews before I sort out the proper etiquette for American book review.)

Message 27694#261455

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On 3/13/2009 at 8:43pm, Capulet wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking *Fiction* Reviews

Fair enough, Euro.

I do appreciate your taking the time to give it a read, and on a computer screen, no less.

For what it's worth, I don't find your review of Gamenight to be all that scathing, but such things, like the "R Rated" thing, is surely subjective. You are right about the "American book review etiquette" part, though. Writing reviews is a tricky business.

Message 27694#261467

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