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Topic: Yikes! Scary picture
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 7/19/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 7/19/2002 at 4:37pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Yikes! Scary picture

Hi there,

Check it out here. Chills, man.

I'm interested in links to other pictures people would find useful for Little Fears, so chime in if you know of any.


Message 2784#27275

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Key 20 Publishing
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On 7/19/2002 at 5:26pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Yikes! Scary picture

Good call, Ron!

The following are all expressly related to Little Fears in some way, but I will be on the look out for others. (warning! pop-ups galore!)

I would love to see more! If you have links, post!

Message 2784#27281

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On 7/19/2002 at 8:56pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Yikes! Scary picture

Damnit! How come when it comes to a car crash I can just whiz by, but when it comes to something game related, I just have to look. That could be Alex in that picture. Now I'll be fidgety until I see him again.

FWIW, as long as this is a thread devoted to pictures (and has a warning in the title; my own damn fault) wouldn't it make sense to use the IMG tags and just have them show up here?


Message 2784#27292

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On 7/19/2002 at 10:19pm, Jesse Paulsen wrote:
Re: Yikes! Scary picture

Ron Edwards wrote: Check it out here. Chills, man.

Maybe I'm just insane, but does anyone else see patterns in the darkness near the top of the doorframe which resemble letters?

Message 2784#27298

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On 7/22/2002 at 2:44pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Yikes! Scary picture

There looks to be an EL on the left, and an OF on the right. Couldn't find anyting else after enhancing it or blowing it up.



Message 2784#27380

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...started by Mike Holmes which Mike Holmes participated Key 20 Publishing
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On 7/22/2002 at 3:12pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Yikes! Scary picture

Mike Holmes wrote: There looks to be an EL on the left, and an OF on the right. Couldn't find anyting else after enhancing it or blowing it up.



I tinkered with it in Photoshop and found something similar. Appears to be:

Line1: "EL <can't read it> LOH"
Line2: illegibe, but maybe "vde <two letters?>e"
Line 3: appears to say "Thanks"

My best guess says it was graffiti that read "Elroy was here, thanks" or some such.

Message 2784#27382

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On 11/19/2002 at 1:54am, Dios-Flakk wrote:
RE: Yikes! Scary picture

Jason L Blair wrote: Good call, Ron!

The following are all expressly related to Little Fears in some way, but I will be on the look out for others.

OH MY LORD! The girl in that is Lain from Serial Experiments: Lain. A really creepy anime with a little kid as the protagonist............maybe you should ckec it out because its really messed up and you could get ideas for LF. Its more techy than most but its still good.

Message 2784#42156

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On 11/19/2002 at 1:21pm, paulmjessup wrote:
RE: Yikes! Scary picture

Here's a few I did for the web site for my novel I'm working on (linked to in my sig):

I was kind of going for a Dave McKean type feel ( i think that's his name...artist for DC comics, did the covers for teh sandman). Might be too dark oni some monitors.

Oh btw, Jase, email me if you can (or PM me here) about making PDF files. I have no idea on how to do it, and I want to post the articles/excerpt on my novel in .pdf format so more people can read them (right now they are in corel word perfect)

Message 2784#42191

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