The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Looking for 1 or 2 good Game-test Groups
Started by: Brimshack
Started on: 4/14/2009
Board: Connections

On 4/14/2009 at 9:51pm, Brimshack wrote:
Looking for 1 or 2 good Game-test Groups

I am looking for someone willing to Game-Test a High Fantasy Role-playing system with moderate to high crunch. The game uses 3d6 for all essential rolls. Attack and Defense are opposed rolls with damage being the difference between them (modified by sundry skills, weapon stats, armor, etc.) The system is classless (though there is a sort of reverse class we are calling a career), with the option to buy Stats and Special Abilities, Moral Values (yes, these are purchased as the character progresses), and social relations, among other things. Morality is rather particulate and characters commit to specific value such as compassion, honor, or honesty long before they commit to abstractions such as goodness, order, nature, etc. There is a death Spiral (on a track of Physical Durability) as well as a Panic Spiral (on a track of Mental Durability).

One important feature of the game is the trait system. Characters get traits for gender, age, social class, natural characteristics, moral values, and a few other things. All Traits are arranged into opposed pairs. Helping a character with whom one shares a trait enables one to take a bonus for the relation of affinity (helping them even more). Harming a character possessing a trait in opposition to ones own enables one to take a Lethality bonus for the relation of opposition. Affinity and Opposition govern additional aspects of the magic system, but that's another matter.

The game is rather far along in its development, but it has little exposure to anyone outside my own game-group. So, in addition to tweaking specific details, I am just generaly looking to break the patterns of Group-Think we will have fallen into over time and find out what someone out of my regular circles will think. Most importantly, I am trying to add user-friendly features at this point, so it is critical to identify the sticking points someone will get when they just try to read the material cold and then play from there. All players to date have had me present to explain the game, and getting the text to the point where you can read&play is an important challenge at this point.

The text is still in a basic word processing format. No bells & whistles yet. Game Testers will receive acknowledgement. Additional incentives may be discussed in private. Please PM me if you are interested.

Message 27860#262689

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