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Topic: Cross-referencing in InDesign (split)
Started by: iago
Started on: 4/14/2009
Board: Publishing

On 4/14/2009 at 8:20pm, iago wrote:
Cross-referencing in InDesign (split)

Update: InDesign CS4 now supports cross-referencing natively, no extra plugins needed. I'm pretty happy with it.

Message 27874#262682

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On 4/16/2009 at 1:59pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Cross-referencing in InDesign (split)

Just got CS4 and I'd love a few pointers on how to implement this, Fred.

Message 27874#262762

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On 4/16/2009 at 2:07pm, iago wrote:
RE: Cross-referencing in InDesign (split)

Jason wrote:
Just got CS4 and I'd love a few pointers on how to implement this, Fred.

Do you one better. I'll give you a video tutorial.

Message 27874#262763

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On 4/16/2009 at 3:48pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Cross-referencing in InDesign (split)

Hey!! This is the second time someone's posted to the nearly year-old thread (Cross-referencing in InDesign). Pay attention to what you're doing, please.

Best, Ron

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Topic 26488

Message 27874#262770

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On 4/16/2009 at 6:47pm, Carnifex wrote:
RE: Re: Cross-referencing in InDesign (split)

Jason wrote:
Just got CS4 and I'd love a few pointers on how to implement this, Fred.

Ok let's beat this topic dead! :)
Here's a short tutorial:

Place your text marker where you want the reference "target" (or mark the word).

Open the Hyperlinks panel.

Choose "new hyperlink destination" in the panel menu.

Click ok

Place your marker where you want the dynamic page number. Left click and choose: Interactive > Insert cross-reference

Choose your correct text anchor (several to choose between if you've done this several times).

Choose format: "Page number"

Choose type: "Invisible rectangle"

Click ok!

Done (the page number should appear if you did everything correct)!


Message 27874#262794

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...from around 4/16/2009