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Topic: [Mythweaver: Reckoning] Vault of the Goblin
Started by: Michael Desing
Started on: 5/20/2009
Board: Playtesting

On 5/20/2009 at 4:01pm, Michael Desing wrote:
[Mythweaver: Reckoning] Vault of the Goblin

While I was having great fun with my play test for Mount Brim, and I plan to continue building Mount Brim at some point, the last few weeks have been about composing rules for the newest Mythweaver system: Reckoning. At first, I was going to transfer the characters from the previous play test into Reckoning stats, but as I’ve developed this version of the system, there are enough changes to warrant a complete restart.

In addition, the choices at creation are sufficiently upgraded that I’d like to play test the process of character creation at level 1 (while modeling this for potential players), and I’ll trust that as long as I keep playing, the heroes will get levels quickly enough that I’ll be able to see how they operate at middle and maybe even upper levels. I can always throw together some high-level heroes a bit later on and see how they handle things.

Character Creation

Step One: Concept

I’m going to build a team of 3, since this will keep things moving a bit more quickly and I’ll be able to try out more things. I’d like a tough fighter type, a support caster with some flexibility, and a stealth/archer type.

• For the fighter, I’m going to create a bloodstone troll myrmidon. This is a different race/archetype combo than I’ve play tested before, and the race is optimized for this archetype. His name will be Golovan Battlebringer.
• For the support caster, I’m going to create an unshackled dwarf vindicator. This is another race/archetype combo that I’d like to play test. His name will be Teverik Thundershield.
• For the stealth/archer, I’ll create a dusk elf savant. I liked Tashya in my last play test, so I’ll build a character modeled on her. Her name will be Xira Vesperian.

Starting Traits

For starting traits, I take the bases from race and add bonuses from archetypes. For Teverik, I get to choose two mental traits to each give +1 to, so I select INT and WIL. INT is used for initiative and to notice things, and WIL is used for storm magic, so those seem like the best choices. Each hero gets 2 discretionary points to place where desired. For Golo, those points go in PWS (for combat) and ASP (so he’s not evil any more). For Teverik, these go in WIL to max out his casting abilities. For Xira, these go in DEX (for missile weapons) and ASP (to buy out of being evil). I want all of the heroes to either be good or on the road to good at level 1.

• Golovan: DEX 4; MGT 6; PWS 5; STA 5; ASP 0; INT 2; REA 1; WIL 3
• Teverik: DEX 2; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 6; ASP 1; INT 3; REA 2; WIL 5
• Xira: DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 4; STA 3; ASP 0; INT 4; REA 3; WIL 3

Favored Traits

Golovan selects MGT (for damage); Teverik selects WIL (for spells); Xira selects DEX (for missile combat).


I could roll randomly, but I’d rather select these. Golovan will take frenzy; Teverik takes toughness (since his primary job will be to stay vertical); Xira takes improved range (for her bow).


• Golo gets an arms and skill talent. He’ll take apprentice melee weapons as his arms talent, and smith as his skills talent (since this gives me a chance to try out one of the secondary skills talents of Reckoning and see how they do over extended play). He’ll have smith +1.
• Tev gets an arms and magic talent. I know that he’s taking storm magic as his magic talent, and he’ll take apprentice of armor as his arms talent, so that he can withstand enemy attacks.
• Xira gets an arms and a skill talent. She’ll take apprentice of missile as her arms talent, and will take apprentice of stealth as her skills talent. Because of her racial ability, she gets +1 to stealth, and so at level 1 has a +2 stealth rating.


• Golo rolls D6 for starting gold and gets 5.  He purchases a spiked mace +2 for 5 gold, leaving him with no money. He chooses a sling +1 as his free weapon.
• Tev rolls D6 for starting gold and gets 5; he must purchase at least an apprentice focus item, but since he doesn’t have enough for armor too, he upgrades right to the adept focus item (since he will need it soon enough) for 5 gold, getting an adept focus amulet of storms. He chooses a blade +1 as his free weapon.
• Xira rolls D6 for starting gold and gets 4. She purchases a short bow +2 for 3 gold, and has 1 gold remaining. She chooses a dirk +1 as her free weapon.


• Golo rolls D6+5 and gets 4 on the die. His starting health is 9.
• Tev rolls D6+6+1 and gets 5 on the die. His starting health is 12.
• Xira rolls D6+3 and gets 1 on the die. She gets to re-roll this (by rule) and gets 4. Her starting health is 7.

Golovan Battlebringer
Bloodstone Troll Myrmidon 1 (D6)
DEX 4; MGT 6; PWS 5; STA 5
ASP 0; INT 2; REA 1; WIL 3
Armor 1; Health 9
Attacks: spiked mace +2 (+4 total damage; delay 10)
Abilities: apprentice melee; smith (+1); regenerate RM health per round; favored trait MGT; frenzy perk

Teverik Thundershield

Unshackled Dwarf Vindicator 1 (D6)
DEX 2; MGT 3; PWS 4; STA 6
ASP 1; INT 3; REA 2; WIL 5
Armor 1; Health 12
Attacks: club +1 (+2 total damage; delay 10) or spell (D6+1 damage, recover half of this in health)
Abilities: apprentice armor; apprentice storm magic; +RM to health rolls; favored trait WIL; toughness perk

Xira Vesperian
Dusk Elf Savant 1 (D6)
DEX 7; MGT 2; PWS 4; STA 3
ASP 0; INT 4; REA 3; WIL 3
Armor 1; Health 7
Attacks: short bow +2 (+2 total damage; delay 9; range 4)
Abilities: apprentice missile; apprentice stealth (+2 total); +RM to stealth; favored trait DEX; improved range perk

My heroes are now ready for battle!

Message 28037#264168

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On 5/30/2009 at 1:32am, Michael Desing wrote:
Re: [Mythweaver: Reckoning] Vault of the Goblin

Changes to the core rules for Reckoning have necessitated some minor changes for the heroes of this campaign. Here are some changes before we continue… Golo has a blunt sling +1; Xira has a piercing dirk +1; all heroes have basic starting gear from the core rules, including a backpack, torches, belt pouch, rope and grapple, wineskin and basic provisions.

Teverik’s Journal

The old stoneworker sat across from us in the quiet of the afternoon, sipping on his tea. He had called us together and had something important to tell us, but seemed now hesitant to continue. He weighed something, started to speak, and then halted. He sipped his tea. Xira was willing to wait him out, seemingly unphased by Donello’s indecision. Golovan did not share her patience, and as Donello took a long, slow slurp, Golo let loose a weighty sigh. “If we’re not going to talk business, then—“

Donello clanked his teacup to the table. “I’m sorry. Yes. You’re right. It’s just that… my work…” he swallowed, “If Aeron finds out about what I’ve found, it could derail my work. I’m freeing the goddess, as you know…”

We did indeed. Donello had been working a huge stone in the middle of the ruined fortress for several weeks, although it had yet to take anything even remotely resembling a goddess. “Lord Aeron would stop my work and declare the stone unsafe… I’ve found something. I think it’s an entrance into the vaults… and it’s within the stone.”

He now had Golo’s interest. The vaults had several well-known entrances that had yielded great treasures to those who had explored them. A new entrance- with new treasures- was a noteworthy find. He was right; Lord Aeron would order the rock destroyed and the entrance sealed, once it had been explored. “If you three would verify that there is no danger within my goddess… then I could continue my work.”

It turned out that the danger he alluded to was a slight secret door embedded within the northern face of the 30’ stone. Invisible to the naked eye, he had forced it open unknowingly. A small alcove was set within, no more than 5’ across, and this descended directly into the underdark, a forboding pit. A single iron ring affixed to the roof of the place let us know the purpose- this was a way into the vaults. Our hearts collectively raced as we readied our weapons and prepared a rope to descend.

Game Notes

Teverik flashes a torch into the area, to see if he can discern the depth. He is not able to see the bottom (since it is further than the 20’ throw of the torch’s light), but this allows all heroes to roll INT (D6 +INT). Golo rolls 1+2=3; he sees nothing remarkable below. Teverik rolls 6+2=8; he notices an odd formation on the side of the shaft, about 15’ down. Xira rolls 5+4=9; she sees this as well, and notices that it appears to be organic, and it’s emitting a buzzing sound. They quickly determine it’s a hive of some sort.

The Mythweaver rolls D6 and gets 5. The hornets in the hive continue to stay inside… for now.

The heroes decide to take a simultaneous surprise attack on the hive. The DT of striking the hive is DT 6 to strike, and is 2 units away. Golo has his sling, Teverik will use his baseline spell, and Xira will use her bow. The turn begins when all act at segment 90, and countdowns continue from there. The hornets get to roll initiative, and get 3+3=6; so they will take their first action at 66.

• At 90, Xira fires her bow at the hive. She gets 2+7=9. This is a normal strike on the hive. She rolls 2+1 for 3 damage. Her strike does not damage the hive.
• At 90, Teverik casts a storm spell at the hive. He rolls 8+5=13; this is a critical success. He rolls 5+1=6 for damage, doubled to 12. The hive has durability of 5/10, so the exterior absorbs 5 damage, and he deals 7 damage to the hive itself. It starts to loosen itself from the wall, and now hangs partway into the tunnel. He can see hornets within trying to fight their way out, but they are having difficulty as their home collapses around them.
• At 90, Golo uses his sling. He rolls 2+4=6. His sling stone glances against the edge of the hive. Rolling for damage, he gets 3+1=4. The sling stone plunks into the side of the hive, but doesn’t deal any damage.
• At 80, Xira fires another arrow. The heroes can see a few hornets moving about inside the hive, but can’t target them specifically yet- so they keep shooting at the hive hoping to dislodge it. Xira rolls 4+7=11, a normal hit. She rolls 2+1 for damage, and her arrow fails to break through the outer shell of the hive.
• At 80, Golo throws lets loose another sling stone, rolling 3+4=7, and thumping the hive once again. He rolls 3+1 for damage, again failing to damage the hive.
• At 80, Tev lets loose another bolt of lightning, and it crackles through the shaft at the hive with 2+5=7, a normal hit. He rolls 5+1=6 for damage, and deals another point to the structure of the hive. It has 2 points remaining in its structure.
• At 70, Xira fires another arrow and gets 3+7=10, another normal hit. She rolls 6+1=7 for damage; 5 points are absorbed, and the final 2 points dislodge the hive and send it ripping from the wall as it begins to fall into the darkness.
• At 70, Golo fires a sling bullet into the darkness, hoping to hit one of the hornets now partially revealed in the shorn hive. He rolls a natural 1. He automatically misses, and suffers a minor action penalty to his next action… he acts again at 57.
• At 70, Teverik tries to zap a hornet with lightning as it falls. He rolls 7+5=12 to hit. The Mythweaver gives the hornet +2 to resist due to partial cover from the hive it’s still climbing out of… the hornet rolls 5+5+2=12 to resist. The lightning crackles around the hornet and singes its wing, but it is unscathed.
• At 66, the first hornet emerges from the falling hive. Hornets would emerge at intervals of 20 segments, but the hive will crash and kill all others by then… one escapes before this happens.

• The Mythweaver decides that the hive is 4 units away by the time the hornet escapes. It may fly 2 units as a minor action, and so must use 2 minor actions (total delay 6) to get to the heroes. It will attempt to sting one of them at 60.
• At 60, Xira goes (due to highest DEX), and rolls 7+7=14 to hit. The hornet rolls 1+4=5 to resist. She lands a critical success with her bow. She rolls 6+1=7 for damage, and this is doubled to 14. The hornet’s armor absorbs 1 point of this, and the other 13 go against its health of 9. The arrow rips through the creature’s abdomen, virtually cutting it in half just as its tail was about to sting at Teverik. It falls into the darkness.
• The Mythweaver decides to see if any other hornets escaped before the hive was crushed… he gives this a 1 in 6 chance. He rolls and gets 1! The hornet escapes just as the hive hits below (at 61, since it falls 1 unit per segment), and the hornet has to use 3 minor actions to close for combat. It will be ready to fight at 55…
• At 57, it comes within visible range of the torchlight, and Teverik and Golo get to act. Teverik has held his action at 60, and so gets to add his level (+1) to his action; Golo already was going to go at 57, so he acts now.
• At 57, Golo sees the hornet coming and changes weapons, using a minor action to get his spiked mace out. He’ll go at 54.
• At 57, Teverik throws a bolt of lightning at the creature. He rolls 4+5=9 against the hornet’s resist of 3+5=8. He barely clips it with a crackle of energy from his fingers. He rolls 1+1=2 damage. The hornet has no magic warding, and so has  9-2=7 health remaining.
• At 55, the hornet lines up on one of the heroes. The Mythweaver rolls randomly, and gets Golovan- appropriate, as he’s making himself a big target. The hornet rolls 4+5=9 to sting, and Golo rolls 6+5=11 to resist. Golo beats away the hornet’s stinger with his spiked mace, and prepares to lay the smack down…
• At 54, Golo swings his mace and gets 2+5=7. The hornet rolls 3+5=8 to resist. Golo barely misses.
• At 50, Xira goes again. She fires her bow at the hornet, rolling 3+7=10. The hornet rolls 2+4=6 to resist. This is a normal hit. Xira rolls 6+1=7 damage; 1 is absorbed by the hornet’s armor, and it now has 9-6=3 health.
• At 47, Teverik again uses his baseline spell, rolling a botch. He won’t act again until 34.
• At 45, the hornet again takes a shot at Golo. It rolls 4+5=9 to hit against Golo’s resist of 3+5=8 to resist. It hits. The hornet rolls for damage and gets 1+2=3 damage, less Golo’s armor leaves him with 9-2=7 health. Golo has to roll STA to resist the poison of the hornet. He rolls 4+5=9 against the DT 6 poison. This is no problem, and he shakes off the effects easily; even if he had failed, it would have simply neutralized his regeneration for three rounds. As it is, he’ll heal from this wound quickly enough.
• At 44, Golo swings again. He rolls 3+5=8 against the hornet’s resist of 4+5=9. If he had any hero points, he’d be tempted to spend them!
• At 40, Xira takes another shot with her bow. She rolls 5+7=12 against the hornet’s resist of 2+4=6. This is another critical success for our archer. She rolls 2+1=3 damage, doubled to 6; 1 is absorbed by its armor, but the 5 points of damage are more than its remaining health of 3. It crumples in a heap at the feet of our heroes, as they contemplate their next move…


• I like low-level play better. The numbers being scaled back keeps fights more even and less immediately deadly. I feel more comfortable throwing things at level 1 characters, since the total damage bonuses are lower.
• I like the new system for delays. Originally I had it set that a turn would last 180 segments, but this had the numbers feel too big. This felt just right, and put a ‘clock’ on the turn. We got over halfway through a turn before they won. The entire fight took between 15 and 20 seconds. That seems pretty reasonable. In addition, a hero coming late to the party due to low initiative (as the hornets did here) still gets to be fully involved once in the groove. The old system had the slow hero falling behind every few actions. This system fixes that problem, but still gives some reward for high initiative results. I like how INT and DEX are balanced- INT determines your initial action, DEX determines individual actions in the same segment. This works great, and is very clean.
• Archers still rock, although the low damage output offsets the high action rolls. It feels good so far.
• The new movement rules are exceptionally clear and easy to use. I had no trouble tracking how far things could move during combat, or how long it would take to get from point A to point B.
• The new system for minor action penalties is exactly right. You lose 3 segments when something happens… a botch or change weapons… this is just right. It’s a penalty, it slows you down slightly, but it’s not a killer, and keeps the action moving.

Message 28037#264590

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