The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Vehicle Rules
Started by: Seamus
Started on: 5/24/2009
Board: First Thoughts

On 5/24/2009 at 9:37pm, Seamus wrote:
Vehicle Rules

This is the first time I have really posted a rule here. Sorry if I didn't post the correct way:

Working on some vehicle rules for a modern skill based RPG. The rules are pretty simple. Each point in a skill equals the number of d10 you roll against a target number (equal or exceed) when using the skill. Regular success means you do what you intend, 10s function like criticals, which we call total success, giving you slightly better outcomes. The way this works with our vehicles is each vehicle has a maneuverability rating. The Maneuverability rating, becomes the Target Number when you do anything risky or push the vehicle in dangerous conditions (i.e. turn at high speeds, try to slip through a narrow passage, etc). Success means you pull off the maneuver. Failure means you crash (and crash damage to the vehicle and the person inside is based on the speed of the crash and the type of vehicle. Because our system consistently uses Failure, Normal Success, and Total Success; we feel we must include a total success outcome for vehicles as well. The only thing we can come up with is that you get an automatic success on your Vehicle Roll if it is within a set period of time. But I am not too happy with that option.  I guess I'd like advice on how to handle Total Success in this case, and general feedback on the Vehicle rules themselves.

Message 28053#264359

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On 5/25/2009 at 9:09pm, Warrior Monk wrote:
Re: Vehicle Rules

Suddenly as I readed this post I started to wonder how would a "Fast and Furious" game mechanic would work. Speed adds difficulty to meneuvers, failure on maneuvers rolls add until vehicle is damaged or driver loses control, everything adds to calculate damage in the crash for vechicle, additional damage the vehicle can't stand is taken by the driver... I mean, IF the game is about driving cars, then those mechanics would need some spice, otherwise simple is better and the same mechanic used for every conflic resolution should do it somehow.

Message 28053#264385

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On 5/26/2009 at 6:53pm, Devenger wrote:
RE: Re: Vehicle Rules

I don't know how realistic your game is trying to be, so this might be off-note somewhat. How about a Total Success with a vehicle manoeuvre gives you 'Total Control' over the vehicle; if you have Total Control, you can opt to expend having Total Control and roll an additional d10 on a later vehicle manoeuvre. (You might be able to make this decision after you've rolled and not got a success.) You also lose Total Control if you stop interacting with the vehicle for a period of time (your game may have some better definition to apply to this, or this might be at the GM's discretion). It could represent the confidence you gain from perfectly performing that skid through the snowy tundra, or the improved wheel traction earned from avoiding the worst of the sandy terrain, or something else. (I know little about vehicles in hostile environments.) To lose it in changing a failure into a success is managing to save yourself at the cost of your confidence or benefits of prior wise decision-making, or whatever is suitable. Of course, this may not be appropriate as a mechanic for you as it is another thing to track, albeit a simple thing, and it may be somewhat dissociated depending on the situation.

Message 28053#264443

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