Topic: Revised Questions
Started by: Paka
Started on: 5/29/2009
Board: Galileo Games
On 5/29/2009 at 5:29pm, Paka wrote:
Revised Questions
I am reading over the revised edition and I like many of the changes, particularly the change of Magic Tokens for one-shots...very nice.
We are thinking about a modern magic cop, buddy movie with a vampire cop and a werewolf cop. I cannot wait.
I have a few questions:
The helping rules perplex me.
So, the hobbit detective is in the dragon's lair, looking for evidence and the dragon is obviously covering something up but the creature's wits are way higher than the wee hobbit. So the detective enters a conflict with the dragon. But the detective's dwarf friend wants to help. The dwarf has to enter a pre-conflict with the dragon in order to give help?
Sacrificing Magic Tokens
So, there are a finite amount of Magic Tokens? I mean, eventually, in the course of the campaign, players are going to run out forever, right?
Or is there a way of regaining Magic Tokens that I have not gotten to yet?
I am reading it today and will post anymore questions if they come up.
On 5/30/2009 at 6:17pm, inthisstyle wrote:
Re: Revised Questions
The dwarf takes his action in the same conflict round as the hobbit. His action is just resolved first, to determine if he was any help to the hobbit or not. Everyone secretly assigns actions at the same time, the dwarf is dedicating one of his to assisting the hobbit.
Getting More Magic Tokens:
This is covered in the Power chapter. You can spend Power tokens to get new Magic tokens. How many Power tokens you have to spend to get a new Magic token depends on the magic level of your game.