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Topic: Seeking playtesters
Started by: Catelf
Started on: 8/5/2009
Board: Connections

On 8/5/2009 at 9:24am, Catelf wrote:
Seeking playtesters

Hi. I do hope it works this time... I'm a total newbie at this "chatting", so i don't quite know how it works, but i think i'll learn fast..
However, i'm NOT new at rpg-making, or trying, at least, thats why i came here as my first.
I'm working on an rpg(or several, i have lots of ideas!), that is clearly inspired by White Wolf's Storytelling system, but it is very "boiled down" to its bare neccessities, as far as i see it, when it comes to the rule executions.
What i need is twofold: Playtesters, and Some to help me focus on one idea for long enough to finish at least one of the games, to start with.
Any advices or ideas there?

edited to remove sticky - RE

Message 28462#267576

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On 8/5/2009 at 11:47am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Seeking playtesters

Hello, and welcome! I will help by making this post into its own thread, so people can see it as a topic of its own, and I will also put it into the Connections forum, which is dedicated to finding person-to-person help or services. Let me know that you've seen this post, because I don't want your post to "disappear" from its current location without your knowledge of what's happening.

I also recommend reading a few threads in the Actual Play forum, and then posting something of your own there, which is by far the best way to clarify your ideas (especially to everyone else) and to get used to this forum.

Best, Ron
Forge co-founder/moderator

Message 28462#267578

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On 8/6/2009 at 1:45pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Seeking playtesters

I think i did post someting here... but it was noted as No replies possible!

Message 28462#267680

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On 8/7/2009 at 3:59am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Seeking playtesters


If you'd like any help with using the forum or getting used to how it works, please send me an email: I'm friendly and helpful. That might be better than punching buttons and hoping here at the site itself.

Best, Ron

Message 28462#267744

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On 8/10/2009 at 1:52pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

I think i just got the hang of it myself, but i do appreciate the help. Also, i currently only have access to a librarycomputer with internet, and only 1 hour per day, 4 days a week.

To describe my Game(s) ideas:
One: A Rules system that is easy enough to even work as Boardgame rules, without losing its compexity. I daresay i have that system!
Two: I delight in several genres, but i tend to always want to include what i call "Animakin" which is usually a kind of hybrids between Humans and (other) Animals, but may also cover humans in Masquerade outfits, all the way to an actual Animal, that is able to understand, or even speak Human languge!

Message 28462#267938

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On 8/10/2009 at 2:29pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

Ithik i got moved to the wrong area: Connections are good, but i need commentaries probarbly more at this stage.

Message 28462#267944

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On 9/10/2009 at 12:41am, Anthony Sheets wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

I may be intrested in playtesting. Could you give a bit more information on the game?

Message 28462#269394

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On 9/24/2009 at 2:01pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

At last!
Bit sorry of the above, though.

Ok. First, there has been a slight problem with me deciding on the actual genre of the game; It is currently mainly a Games System that i developed to suit both Rpg & Miniature Gaming, and i have been unable to choose between all my ideas for a specific genre, setting, and such.

That said, let's get to the Core, that is, the name of the System, is Streed Rpg, and the Basic Rpg i call "The Core".
Now to the Rules:
If you know White Wolf's WoD Storytelling Games, that is great! This is both similar and very not similar.
If not, follow this for characters(This is the extreme Crunch Rules):
Basic Attributes.
Strength, Body, Agility, Speed, Charm, Senses, Thought, Health, Will, KI,
Divide 25 Points on these, Minimum 1, Max 5.

Skills. Sine this is fast Crunch Rules, you may choose any fairly regular Skills & Knowledges from any regular rpg, but White Wolf's are clearly preferred.
Choose 10, and divide 20 Points among those, Minimum 1, Max 7(this is total mastery).

Crunch Combat section:
Go in order of Speed. If Equal, roll same type of Die and highest goes first.
Punch: Add Strength + any Brawl/Unarmed Fighting skill you have.
Turn it into a die Roll: 1-2=D4-1  3-4=D4  5-6=D6  7-8=D8  and so on.
If the result Exceeds opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 1 wound.'
If the result is more than Double opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 2 wounds instead.
If the result is more than triple opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 3 wounds.
and so on.
If you take Wounds equal or more than you have Health, You are KO'd(not dead yet).

Non Combat Skill checks:
Roll Skill + proper Attribute or less on the Die that matches the Difficulty to Succeed, or Fail

Sorry, but now is my library time up, must go. I think the above is enough for starters, though. I'll be back on monday.
Best Wishes.

Message 28462#269831

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On 9/28/2009 at 1:58pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

Continuing here...
Some more examples on Combat:
Kick: Add Strength + 1 + any Brawl/Unarmed Fighting skill you have.
You can only use this if you have 4 or more in Agility + Acrobatics (or similar).
Turn it into a die Roll, as above, and so on.

Sword: Add Strength + any Melee/Armed Fighting skill you have, and so on.

Pistol: Add the Pistol's "Strength" of 4 to any (proper) Firearms Skill you have.
Turn it into a die Roll, and so on.

Yes, these Rules are simple. They are this, in order to fast accomplish credible results in fights, so that one can get maintain a story, even while fighting, without getting bogged down by it.

Also, it is good if you don't forget two things:
*To score a Miss:
If you Roll a Natural "2" on any Damage Roll, you have MISSED.
It does not matter if you have Boosted your Die to have +20 to the resullt Rolled, or so, a Natural "2" is Always a Miss!
*To Fumble:
If you Roll a Natural "1" on any Damage Roll, OR get it as a Roll Total, you have FUMBLED.
This means you have botched, made some mistake, or gotten bad luck, and you must forfeit your next Turn or Action, since.... you may have fallen to the floor, and must stand up, or you have gotten your Sword stuck in a door, or dropped it, or your pistol is Jammed, out of ammo(?!), or its magasine is dropped, and so on.
The GM has Always the last word on this.

Now, you may wonder about any specifics, like Setting, Magic, or other "fleshing out".
Really, i have lots of ideas, but i have (had?) massive problems deciding on one, or even a few, but my own fancies are these:
*World: Think of Earth, but each Country has gotten highly influenced by its fantasies, fears, and faerietales.
Northern Europe has Faeries & Trolls, but also risen myths, South Europe has a Roman Empire on the rise, Eastern Europe has Vampires & Gargoyls, while North America consists of Wastelands mixing Roarwarriors & Gunslingers, Megacities, Swamps with Zombies, and ...... so on.

Ooops. Librarytime again.
Please ask if you want further clarifications, and/or info on a specific area of the Rules, or such.
Best Wishes,

Message 28462#269955

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On 9/30/2009 at 10:01am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

Finishing the Crunched Core:
KI is, as you may have guessed, the main source of "Magic Points", or similar, in this system, and is used to fuel various Powers and Spells, once these specifics are added, along with a kind of setting, or such.
However, even "unpowered" can use this, at least in the CrunchRules:
Each KI spent before a Punch or Kick Damage Die Roll adds +2 to the Result(Roll 4 on D6 result: 6).
But, still, a Natural 2 is Still a Miss, and a Natural 1 is still a Fumble And a Miss(see above).
Also, you may spend a KI before a Punch or Kick Damage Die Roll, to also attack a second Nearby Target(not the same).

Now to current plans(that has remained more than 6 Months now, due to my undecision):
Something i call Animakin, which is easiest described as "Ninja Turtles meets Batman and Furries", or
Playing anything between Human-wannabe(other)Animal and an actual Hybridation between Hume & (other)Animal.
The idea is clear, and possibly all Rules, and some more... but i have had severe problems deciding wich definition of them to settle on, and wich Animals to focus on.
It's really like this: What Animals is of interest, and do you want it to be like "pick your own parts" or like Templates, where the Important is basic for that choise, and possibly only a few choises, if any, exist for each.
I'd really like to know what you think.

Message 28462#270019

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On 10/5/2009 at 10:02pm, FireInLight wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

Hi Catelf,
I'm pretty new at this too but I like your idea and it sounds like its developing nicely. As for your last question, I think I would like to pick the parts myself. That should be a lot of fun in itself and provides the opportunity of really identifying with your character. I actually like the whole concept of "Animakin". Have you settled on what type of animals yet? I think it would be important to provide a good mixture of animals and their associated traits like lions (ferocious), squirrels (sneaky), birds (gracious), monkeys (playful), dolphins (extremely intelligent) etc. The choices are wide open so you really need to narrow it down.

Message 28462#270204

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On 10/8/2009 at 2:13pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

Hm. Lately, i've been checking through what animals should be represented, and come to a few conclusions:
1: I also want as many as possible to be represented(animals).
2: To sum up all those can be quite ...worksome.
3: To really include All Aspects(Abilities) in a Character may force it to have not much more in, for instance Merits like Contacts, Recources, and such, unless many Drawbacks/Flaws is taken as well.....  But maybe this is just as it should be?
So, the Animals that i have, currently, enough for, is these:
Felines(virtually all "Cat" variants, from Siamese to Tiger, no distinction between them, currently), Hounds(All "Dog"variants, MAYBE including Foxes & Wolves), Avians("Bird"variants), Reptilin(Lizards, possibly Snakes), Equines(Horses)and a few other not as usual.

Thing is, by choosing to "Pick your own parts", you may end up with a (large?) list of abilities and such, that makes you able to put together animal types not included above, or, if the GM allows, fantastic beings like Cimeras and Unicorns.....
As you may understand, i already have this list, more or less, but its full extent may be a bit boring to read through, and i honestly doesn't have all the pesonal updates of it with me right now, as i'm currently is still using a library's computer for these conversations.

But i can put down a couple of the Options and their Rules here, to give you at least a taste:
* Claws
When Rolling for Damage during a regular Punch, you Roll 3(!)Dice instead of one, and only the highest is counted for Damage, Fumbles and Misses!
Yes, this decreases the risk of Fumbling exremely much, and increases the possibilities for maximum result...
Again, my Library Computer time is over.
I,ll be back on Monday, but, in the meantime, if You, "FireInLight", or any else has any preference for a ceirtain Type or Types (of Animals) then please say so in a reply, and i will probarbly focus on these.
Bye for now,

Message 28462#270274

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On 10/12/2009 at 2:01pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

As noted, i continue my list now.

* Claws....( Already wrote that)
When Rolling for Damage during a regular Punch, you Roll 3(!)Dice instead of one, and only the highest is counted for Damage, Fumbles and Misses!
Yes, this decreases the risk of Fumbling exremely much, and increases the possibilities for maximum result...

*  Hooves. Choose either Feet only, or Hands and Feet.
Hoofed Hands: You may not use regular weapons (guess why?), but adds +1 to the Punch Damage Die after the Roll. Can be (Horse)Shoed, to give a Total of +2 to the Die Rolled instead.
Of course not combineable with Claws.
Hoofed Feet: You may Kick. This works like Punch, but add +1 to your Strength for Deciding the Damage Die (This add to Damage Die will be called "Inclusive Damage" from now on). Also, the Hooves, like with the Punch above, gives+1 to the Kick Damage Die after the Roll(This will be called "Extensive Damage" from now on). Can be (Horse)Shoed, to give a Total of +2 Extensive Damage instead.

* Wings.
Glide Wings. If taken twice, it is true Flight Wings, that may also increase your Movement, unless you have too much Body(and thus, Weight).
Want more details? Just ask.

*  Natarmor(Natural Armor).
Can be taken Tree times at most. Each time, you add +2 to your Body when you're attacked. This is automatic.
Remember,however, that some Attacks may "Ignore Armor", and those ignore Natarmor as well!

*  Gyro Tail.
You have probarbly a Cattail(GM may allow a few other tails as well). You get +2 to your Acrobatics skill.
(This is Crunch Rules, in non-crunch, you are also unable to Botch Acrobatics Rolls.)

*  Diver Lungs.
Taken Once, you can Dive for minutes without having to breathe, like a pearl diver.
Taken Twice, you can Dive for Hours without having to breathe, like a Dolphin.

Library time's up, but i'll soon get my own webaccess, so to speak.
Enjoy, and let me know what more is needed (, please).

Message 28462#270396

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On 10/14/2009 at 4:23pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Seeking playtesters

....... Since this really is "Work in progress", i'll be virtually ending this thread here, by referring to the Topic i (just) started in Playtesting:
"Streed (R) Rpgs needs directions( & possibly co-developers?)."
Don't worry: it IS the same Game(s) that it concerns, and any replies about the Gameinfo presented Here, should pe placed There instead.
See you there!
Sincerely, Catelf.

Message 28462#270477

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