The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Sign in Stranger at GenCon
Started by: Emily Care
Started on: 8/11/2009
Board: Black and Green Games

On 8/11/2009 at 1:08pm, Emily Care wrote:
Sign in Stranger at GenCon

I'll have copies of Sign in Stranger: Making Contact at GenCon Indy this year.  Sign in Stranger is a science fiction game where you play humans starting a colony on a planet where humans have never been before. It uses a mad-libs-like mechanic where the players pull random words from a cup to describe the world around the characters, which creates sometimes loopy, sometimes creepy, but always truly alien worlds.

This is a preview edition of the game, which is in final development.  The full edition will be available in 2010 or 2011 with illustrations by Jake Richmond, Jenn Manley Lee, Barry Deutsch and Dylan Meconis.

Here are some play reports:
File Clerk, some typing
JiffyCon Playtest

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