The Forge Reference Project


Topic: My Lawer has Shark Teeth
Started by: Fnork de Sporg
Started on: 7/27/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/27/2002 at 7:32pm, Fnork de Sporg wrote:
My Lawer has Shark Teeth

Here is the rough draft of the basic outline of my very first ever indie game, My Lawyer has Shark Teeth, the competitive game of vicious legal combat. IT hasn't been edited, or really playtestedd, or much of anything beyond getting typed up and posted. Fresh and raw and virginal.

What do you think? What works, and what doesn't? How can this be improved or worked upon, or is it even worth it? Please be kind yet honest.

Oh, and hi.

Message 2860#27862

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...started by Fnork de Sporg which Fnork de Sporg participated Indie Game Design
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On 7/27/2002 at 7:55pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: My Lawer has Shark Teeth

Hello yourself!

And welcome to the Forge. As a fan of Ninja Burger, I'm happy to see more no-holds-barred Gamism around, and it looks like 'Lawyers qualifies. I'll have to review it more carefully to have much to say, but for now, thanks for letting us see it.

The part I'd be most interested in seeing is resolving the "legal debate" side of things, which at this point, or with this batch of rules, I'm not sure how it works.

Dav, this looks like your sort of game ...


Message 2860#27864

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...from around 7/27/2002

On 7/27/2002 at 8:13pm, Fnork de Sporg wrote:
RE: My Lawer has Shark Teeth

Well, in my head I pictured the legal debate, or I guess Arguing Your Case, as a series of "if A, then B" statements that link the already established facts together in a grand, unifed, conspiracy theory-esque web of monologue, which must be disproven and picked apart for flaws of logic. But I can see how that section is very, very vague. I'll add it to the "things to change for version 0.2" list. Or maybe it'll be clearer once I get an example of play up there. Of course first I have to have some people play it and use them as examples.

And thanks for you response, what a rush, talking to people whose name's i've seen on books and stuff. Like, wow, I am totally overcome. I'm so glad you liked it.

And so prompt, too!

Message 2860#27865

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...started by Fnork de Sporg which Fnork de Sporg participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 7/27/2002