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Topic: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?
Started by: Frank Tarcikowski
Started on: 9/1/2009
Board: Connections

On 9/1/2009 at 5:13pm, Frank Tarcikowski wrote:
[BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

Hi there,

After five years, BARBAREN! is finally finished and will be released at Spiel Essen 2009 in October. I am filling out some blanks in the manuscript last minute. One of them is playtesters. There was this game at GenCon 2005 which Julie (jrs) ran. Help me out. There was Julie (I don't think I know her last name). There were Emily Care, Ben Lehman, Jared Sorensen and Ron Edwards. Who else?



Message 28638#269075

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On 9/1/2009 at 5:43pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

Jasper Anderton, and Tom ... dammit, I totally know Tom's last name, can't remember it at this very second, posts here as "bluegargantua."

One of the guys from Breakfast of Demons was there too - either Brian Pope or Andrew Clark, and sadly, I can't remember which.

Best, Ron

Message 28638#269079

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On 9/1/2009 at 6:44pm, jrs wrote:
RE: Re: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

My last name is Stauffer.

I think bluegargantua's full name is Tom Russell; can someone else confirm? There were more people at the table, but my mind has gone fuzzy as to who all was there and who was playing vs who was observing.


p.s. Here's the original post on that playtest.

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Message 28638#269082

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On 9/1/2009 at 7:54pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

Aha! No wonder, they were both there, plus Jennifer Clark too.

Best, Ron

Message 28638#269087

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On 9/2/2009 at 7:27am, Frank Tarcikowski wrote:
RE: Re: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

Great! Thanks again for playing, and Julie, special thanks for running the game!


Message 28638#269100

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On 9/2/2009 at 1:35pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

Tom Russell indeed (confirmed). Tom, you'll be pleased to know that at least I did not sit up in the middle of the night, suddenly awake, shouting your name. I sort of feared that given the "dammit I know I know that" effect yesterday.

Best, Ron

Message 28638#269107

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On 9/25/2009 at 3:24pm, Frank Tarcikowski wrote:
RE: Re: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

It's off to the printer, after all!

Check out the preview. I'm very happy with how it looks. I feel the game design and text is not as good as it could have been, but my perfectionism was why nothing happened literally for years, so it's probably good I set it aside. I don't know when the game will be available in English, but we are certainly planning to do an English version, which will be published under license by RedBrick.

- Frank

Message 28638#269873

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On 9/25/2009 at 5:30pm, Fuseboy wrote:
RE: Re: [BARBAREN!] Who was in the GenCon 2005 playtest?

It looks really great, hats off to you.

Message 28638#269876

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