The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Planet] Introductory stuff
Started by: khyron1144
Started on: 9/10/2009
Board: First Thoughts

On 9/10/2009 at 9:04am, khyron1144 wrote:
[Planet] Introductory stuff

The working title for my possible heartbreaker is Planet.  Here's some of the beginning stuff from it, so people can see where I'm coming from stylisitically:
An Introductory Totally Random Game System

This is, to the best of my knowledge, a totally new game system based around the idea that simplicity is good, particularly in character creation.  I believe the reason that many RPGs feel complicated to beginners is the number of decisions that must be made.  I have therefore, attempted to actually take decision making power out of the hands of the players and make normally chosen aspects of the character creation process depend upon a random die roll checked against a table.

The Obligatory Introduction to Role Playing Games
If you’ve played cops and robbers or house when you were a little one, you’ve played a Role Playing Game.  This one simply involves a few more rules to avoid the I shot you, no you didn’t syndrome of the typical cops and robbers game.

Role playing games are an outgrowth of miniatures war-gaming, so most of the rules are for resolving fights.  Role Playing Games can vary from a tactical exercise on the order of chess or Risk to a pure joint story telling exercise somewhat reminiscent of improvisational acting.  I am trying to make the default somewhere in the middle.

Every player in an RPG should have a character.  The character is an imaginary playing piece in this game whose actions you control.  You make the decisions for your character. 

Before you play, you should acquire: some pencils and papers for keeping track of characters; some friends to play with; and some dice of the normal six-sided variety and some with twenty sides available from hobby shops and comic book stores.

Message 28685#269404

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