The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Seeking collaborators
Started by: jreyst
Started on: 9/23/2009
Board: Connections

On 9/23/2009 at 2:08am, jreyst wrote:
Seeking collaborators

Hey guys,

Boy am I glad I found this site. I was specifically searching for a place where I could find other rpg designers!

I have begun work on a cross-genre, class-less, levelless rpg called Kinnex-rpg.  I am looking for anyone who would like to work cooperatively on developing this system. The game is meant to be free and maintained on the website. Ideally it will be maintained by a continual flow of volunteers working to improve the system.

If you are sitting around with nothing better to do than bang out an RPG, and you are looking for someone to work with you on something, then please contact me.

You can see a preview of the game and the (admittedly very rough) basic outline at

Shoot me an email if you'd like to get involved.


Message 28751#269776

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