The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Monsters
Started by: quozl
Started on: 7/30/2002
Board: CRN Games

On 7/30/2002 at 6:13pm, quozl wrote:

I just got a Monstrous Compendium binder stuffed with AD&D monsters from Ebay. Is there a simple conversion formula I could use to throw these monsters into Donjon?


Message 2895#28099

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On 7/30/2002 at 6:29pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Monsters


That's an awesome idea. Unfortunately, because of copyrights, I can't put 2nd edition AD&D conversion rules into Donjon, but I will - based off this great idea that I'll definitely give you credit for - put conversion statistics for monsters from d20 into Donjon.

Ok, here's the unofficial 2nd edition conversion, though. I can't remember if monsters even had attributes in 2nd ed., so ignore part of this if not:

Attributes (D&D -> Donjon):
3-5 -> 1
6-8 -> 2
9-11 -> 3
12-14 -> 4
15-17 -> 5
18-20 -> 6

AD&D Hit Dice = Donjon level

Read the AD&D description and special powers and create 5 abilities based off of them for Donjon. Distribute the points (12 + 4/level) between Flesh Wounds, Saving Throws, and abilities as you see fit.

I know that seems over-simple, but that's really all there is to creating a monster for Donjon. This should work with the old Donjon Krawl rules.

By the way, I swear that I'm working myself silly on the new Donjon rules right now. I'm laying it out (at work) as we speak.

Message 2895#28103

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On 7/30/2002 at 6:47pm, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Monsters

Groovy. Any chance for some online playaids? I would love to see a flash-based die roller and character generator.

Also a random monster generator would be fantastic... just enter some guideline info (level and such) and hit "Conjure" suddenly you have stats for a Seven Headed Acid Chicken or a Mutant Vampire Orc or a Land Dolphin or a Crome Dragon... If my flash were better I'd write it myelf...

Hell, even on online database of monsters would be a trip...

Message 2895#28105

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On 7/30/2002 at 9:32pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Monsters

Bailywolf wrote: Also a random monster generator would be fantastic... just enter some guideline info (level and such) and hit "Conjure" suddenly you have stats for a Seven Headed Acid Chicken or a Mutant Vampire Orc or a Land Dolphin or a Crome Dragon... If my flash were better I'd write it myelf...

Hell, even on online database of monsters would be a trip...

A random selection from a database would work and maybe a random selection of monster abilities but generating an entire monster randomly wouldn't work well. You might get a Land Dolphin with no abilites related to being on land or being a dolphin (although if you used made-up words, it could work--you'd just have to make up the description yourself).

Anyways, back to the conversion:

Thanks, Clinton! That should work well as a base and I'll tweak from there. FYI, AD&D monsters don't have the normal attributes so it's pretty much just Hit Dice and special powers.

One other thing: how would you deal with armor class (or THAC0)?


Message 2895#28118

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On 7/30/2002 at 9:39pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Monsters

Donjon doesn't have anything really like Armor Class or THAC0, but here's my guidelines:

If the THAC0 is good (a low number, right?), make sure that the creature has some sort of fighting ability. If it's really good, make that the creature's main ability. You should also make sure that the creature's Adroitness is high - which helps with the Armor Class, too.

Armor Class is a weird thing in AD&D. Usually it means you can take a lot of damage, but sometimes it means you're quick and can't be hit. Read the monster's description, and decide which one it means. If it's tough, increase Wherewithal. If it's quick, increase Adroitness. If it's really tough or quick, make sure and add an appropriate ability to the creature.

Message 2895#28119

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On 7/30/2002 at 9:41pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Monsters

Bailywolf wrote: Groovy. Any chance for some online playaids? I would love to see a flash-based die roller and character generator.

Also a random monster generator would be fantastic... just enter some guideline info (level and such) and hit "Conjure" suddenly you have stats for a Seven Headed Acid Chicken or a Mutant Vampire Orc or a Land Dolphin or a Crome Dragon... If my flash were better I'd write it myelf...

Hell, even on online database of monsters would be a trip...


When Donjon is done, I plan to have a website for it that:
- Has a database of monsters, which can be randomly selected (i.e., choose a random level 5 creature)
- Has a database of encounters
- Has a database of characters
- (possibly) Has a database of adventures

All users will be able to add new content, thereby providing a wealth of game information.

Message 2895#28120

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On 7/30/2002 at 10:13pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Monsters

You know, using a simple genetic algorithm and possibly some other techniques (a language-y tree-thing comes to mind, but I can't remember the name for it), you could make a badass monster grower.

You could supply some initial parameters, the utility would create a handful of monsters based on those parameters, and you pick one you like. If you don't like 'em enough, you select a couple (or just one), and the program "breeds" those monsters (with added random mutations and such) to produce a new batch.

Clinton, if you want, I can whip up some pseudocode this weekend. As far as Internet programming goes I only know JavaScript, so my coding skills probably wouldn't help beyond the algorithms.

(EDIT): Here's an example of a word generator using a really simple genetic algorithm: For best results, type in a few existing words that sound similar to what you want and breed away.

Message 2895#28122

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On 7/31/2002 at 12:10am, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Monsters

Zak, you are my hero. Clinton, the site sounds like it will kick ass.

Message 2895#28129

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On 10/16/2002 at 3:02pm, ejh wrote:
RE: Monsters

Zak -- that web page isn't working for me. (browser = Mozilla/Galeon. Yes, I have Javascript enabled.) Any chance you could write out the algorithm you used in pseudocode? I don't know Javascript from a hole in the ground....

Message 2895#37371

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On 10/16/2002 at 6:47pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Monsters

By the way, I swear that I'm working myself silly on the new Donjon rules right now. I'm laying it out (at work) as we speak.

Clinton, man, your theme song should be, "I'm your pusher, baby!"

Can't wait.


Message 2895#37414

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On 10/16/2002 at 7:04pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Monsters

Um, you're quoting a post from July, Chris. Dunjon's been out for a while now.


Message 2895#37423

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On 10/16/2002 at 8:21pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Monsters

Duh, my bad. I was thinking he was doing a revision...On that note, Clinton, any errata, etc?


Message 2895#37448

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On 10/17/2002 at 1:20pm, quozl wrote:
RE: Monsters

That reminds me. In the table of contents, it says there is an index but I could find no index anywhere in my pdf version. Is there an index somewhere that just got misplaced? It would be really handy.

Message 2895#37539

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