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Topic: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg
Started by: Catelf
Started on: 11/6/2009
Board: Playtesting

On 11/6/2009 at 2:07pm, Catelf wrote:
[Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Reader, just so you know:
At least the 4 or 5 first "Replies" to this Topic is different Rules sections of the Game, to make it far easier to understand, and comprehend.

The Setting

It is like today, but not quite, or a fairly Near Future..
Several Great Corporations has a new kind of “weapons” for use in industrial espionage, and “for sale”.
They are called  “Ferals”.
Ferals is a kind of mix between Humans and mainly carnivorous mammals( like Felines, Wolves, and Ferrets). Cross-species Hybrids, if you so like.

Game Description
This is a “typical” “Fixform” Rpg, with one Gamesmaster, and a couple of Players.
And if you know White Wolf's WoD/Storytelling Games, that is great! This is both similar and very not similar.

As a Player, you play a Feral, from any of the corporations that can make such ones.
Even though the focus seem to be on conflict, (like “Corporate Running”, Cyberpunk style, or outright fighting,) there is really no stopping any GM to field a story of Ferals trying to fit into the “normal” society.
You may even include Gangs, as another option, or regular humans getting kidnapped, just to undergo “Feralization”, so to speak; This leading to some others trying to Raid corporate buildings just to free the kidnapped.
Of course, some specimen dies during the process. The scientists seem to agree on that it depends on “physical and mental compatibility”.

Do Remember, that Ferals are not automatically brutal & savage killing machines!
They can easily be as sophisticated and civil, or even more so, than humans.
They usually don’t lie, but frequently avoid telling what they know in full, so to speak. And they can be quite able at sarcasms & ironies, as well…..
(They are usually quite able to tell when a human lie, as well.)
Also, if the GM so wants, Ferals can be quite common in the world, with Dog Detectives, Cat Spies, and Wolverine Brawlers…..( and Mink Prostitutes for the naughty…)

Message 28963#271070

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On 11/6/2009 at 2:24pm, Catelf wrote:
Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                      Rules & Character Generation, part 1

Follow this for characters:

Basic Attributes
Strength, Body, Agility, Charm, Senses, Thought, Will, KI,
Divide 20 Points on these, Minimum 1, Max 5.

* Stealth
* Acrobatics
* Brawl (Unarmed)
* Melee (Armed)
* Domination (to make other Want to obey you, NOT bullying)
* Masquing (for Ferals deciding to look (more) human)
* Firearms (from Pistols to Rifles & Karbines, both automatic and not)
* Pilot (in this game, usually Helicopter.)
* Academics (Basic "School" Knowledge)
* Exploration (How well you know the “inns & outs” of the city you live in, incuding sewers)
* Chemistry (Here used mainly as Drug Knowledge)
* Medicine
* Crafting
* Drive (Car and/or MC)
* Investigation
* Gridrun (Computer Skill, to the extent of Neuromancer efficiency)
* Media(Intervjuing and camera skills, some gossip)
* Security (Skills in Burglary, as well as Security Systems used to prevent it.)
Choose 7, and divide 14 Points among those, Minimum 1, Max 7(this is total mastery).

Non Combat Skill checks:
Roll Skill + proper Attribute or less on the Die that matches the Difficulty to Succeed, or Fail.
Examples: Roll D4 and compare to Senses+Chemistry to notice if some white powder is Sugar, Flour, or something else, by tasting it with the tip of your tongue.
Roll d10 instead to identify most known drugs correctly, by Smell.

Message 28963#271071

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On 11/6/2009 at 2:34pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                            Rules & Character Generation, part 2

Combat Rules: Fighting
Highest Agility Goes First, and so on. If Equal, roll same type of Die and highest goes first.
Punch: Add Strength + Brawl.
Turn it into a die Roll: 1-2=D4-1  3-4=D4  5-6=D6  7-8=D8  and so on.
If the result Exceeds opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 1 wound.
If the result is more than Double opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 2 wounds instead.
If the result is more than triple opponents Body(+ any Armor), you deal 3 wounds.
and so on.
If you take Wounds equal or more than you have Health(normally 2), You are KO'd(not dead yet).
(But if you take 5 Wounds in excess to getting K.O.’d, YOU ARE DEAD.)
(Also, if the GM wants to increase realism (& lethality), Wounds causing KO and worse may also cause Bleeding, and continued Wounding!)

Kick: Add Strength + 1 + Brawl.
You can only use this if you have 4 or more in Agility + Acrobatics (or similar).
Turn it into a die Roll, as above, and so on.

Message 28963#271072

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On 11/6/2009 at 2:56pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                              Rules & Character Generation, part 3

Combat Rules: Armed
Knife: Add Strength + Melee +1, and so on.
Sword: Add Strength + Melee +3, and so on.
Club: Add Strength + Melee, turn into Die Roll, then add further +1 After the Die has become Rolled!(This is called +1 Extensive Damage!), and so on.
Steel pipe: Strength + Melee+1, +1 Extensive.
Extensive Damage is usually noted as +1 EX(for instance), rather than written down in full.
This kind of Damage is Always added to the Die Total After the Roll is made, and do not affect the die that is Rolled.

Combat Rules: Shooting
Pistol: Add the Pistol's "Strength" of 4 to your Firearms Skill.
The Target may be within its Range of  “15 (this is more a measure for 25-28 mm Miniature Games on 25mm Square floorplans, than for live Measurement).
It might represent roughly 30 Meters.
Turn it into a die Roll, and so on.

Karbine: Add it's "Strength" of 6 to Firearms.
The Target may be within its Range of  “30 (See above). It might represent a bit less than 60 Meters.
Turn it into a die Roll, and so on.

Yes, these Rules are simple. They are this, in order to fast accomplish credible results in fights, so that one can maintain a story, even while fighting, without getting bogged down by it.

Message 28963#271074

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On 11/6/2009 at 3:12pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                        Rules & Character Generation, part 4

Remember: Misses & Fumbles!
* To score a Miss:
If you Roll a Natural "2" on any Damage Roll, you have MISSED.
It does not matter if you have Boosted your Die to have +20 to the result Rolled, or so, a Natural "2" is Always a Miss!
* To Fumble:
If you Roll a Natural "1" on any Damage Roll, OR get it as a Roll Total, you have FUMBLED.
This means you have botched, made some mistake, or gotten bad luck, and you must forfeit your next Turn or Action, since.... you may have fallen to the floor, and must stand up, or you have gotten your Sword stuck in a door, or dropped it, or your pistol is Jammed, out of ammo(?!), or its magasine is dropped, and so on.
The GM has Always the last word on this.
Of course, a Fumble is also a MISS (see above)!

Also: Ki.
Note 1 Exhaustion to get as much Extensive Damage as you have Ki Value to the Total Rolled.
You normally can take a Max of 4 Exhaustion, before being Depleted of Ki and other "extra exertive resources".
(Of course, constant running and such also causes Exhaustion.)
But, still remember, a Natural 2 is STILL a Miss, and a Natural 1 a Miss and a Fumble.
Since the Ki must be spent in Advance, You may end up spending all of your Ki..... and Miss!

Message 28963#271076

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On 11/6/2009 at 3:19pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                            Rules & Character Generation, part 5

The Terror Grid
This is mainly for Horror:
When you get Shocked, Scared, or Horrified, it may get noted as one or several Slashes across the Terror Grid Boxes.
You have 3 “Safe” boxes, but once you go into any of the 4 “Unsafe” Boxes, you start getting nuts… in a way that is more scary and/or unhelpful than fun (Panic, Regression & Paranoia is common).
Once the last “Unsafe” Box is Slashed, the Character is officially…. Insane, or at least in need of a LONG Vacation, so to speak….
I do NOT go into details of it here:
I will, if there’ll be a direct request for such Rules.

By the way, many beings cannot usually get Insane, as such….

Message 28963#271077

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On 11/6/2009 at 3:45pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                            Rules & Character Generation, part 5b

The Terror Grid
I Will add this:
When you get Shocked, Roll equal or under your Will x 2, or get 1 Terror.
When you get Scared, Roll equal or under your Will, or get 1 Terror.
When you get Horrified, get 1 Terror, and then Roll equal or under your Will, or get another Terror.
(Of course, Lovecraftian beings can force several Automatic Terrorslashes and/or Rolls, at the same Time!)

Message 28963#271078

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On 11/6/2009 at 4:02pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                             Rules & Character Generation, part 6

Traits & Merits
You have 10 Points to divide between Animal Traits and Merits, each Trait cost 1 Point, and can only be taken once.
Each Merit can be taken a Maximum of 5 Times, each time costs one Point.

Contacts (People that you may gain Info from.)
Backing (Special Recources & Equipment – at a price.)
Fame (How well known you are by strangers.)
Mentor (Someone you may learn from….)
Equipment (This is the amount of Items that you frequently use and/or always carry, more or less.)

Message 28963#271079

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On 11/6/2009 at 4:14pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Animal Traits
Pointy Ears (This adds +2 to Senses Rolls when Hearing is involved)
Feral Nose (This adds to +2 Senses Rolls when Smelling is involved.)
Claws (Replace Punch Attacks: Same Calculation, but you Roll 3 Dice instead of 1, and only the Highest is counted for Damage Calculation, Missing and Fumble Notation. This is called “Claw Effect”.)
Gyro Tail (Usually for Felines. You get +2 Agility/Acrobatics during Balance –Based Rolls.
You may also Roll Successes on Basic Agility + Acrobatics to decease Falling Damage by as much. Also, you can no longer Botch an Acrobatics – Based Roll! (You may still Fail!))
Night Vision (You see or “see” clearly in darkness, except for colours. Your eyes also gets more animallike in shape, and Felines often get that “slitted pupil” so well known from cat eyes.)
Feral Bite (Damage like Punch, but 1 Lower Die, +2 Extensive Damage. Hurtful Grab*.)
* Hurtful Grab = Any that breaks free from this Grab may get hurt doing so:
Roll its Damage Roll again, to see if it makes any Wounds.
The face looks usually like that of a “Feral Hybrid”.
Wild Move (This character is an actual Quadropedal Runner, always using all four legs while Running, and frequently also during regular Movement: +2 Move.)
(Can an actual Human have this “Wild Move”? Yes, it is possible: but it usually also means that the character has a bit longer arms, and/or shorter legs.)
Digger (This character is used to digging, and can dig at a notably greater speed than a human, and that is by using only the fore and hind paws… or only hands and feet.)
Tracker (This one has a further+2 when tracking people, mainly by scent.)
Cuddly (This has a few, small, effects: +1 Will when Rolling to remove Terror (this also affects anyone that is “Cuddled”), +1 Bonus when Rolling to regain Health, be it by Natural or Magical means(also works on a Cuddled), Can Cuddle 1 Turn, to get 1 “Free” Ki Next Turn, or give it to the Cuddled This Turn (known as “the Familiar Effect”). This “Free” Ki must be used the Turn it is available, or it just dissipates.)
Special Speech (You can talk with your chosen type of Animals, this is usually not spoken language as such, but a combination of body language, scents, and sounds. You may Attempt to talk to other Feral animals as well.
Tunnel Runner (Requires Wild Move. Makes it possible to run at, or near, full speed, through narrow passageways and tunnels, even ones that curves like u-bends.)

Message 28963#271080

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On 11/6/2009 at 4:36pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

                          Rules & Character Generation, part 8

Equipment Detail
You may choose as many of the below Items, as you have Equipment Points.
But beware: Some of the below entries counts as Two or more Items!

Thick Leather Coat : +3 Armor, -1 Charm
Leather Jacket : +1 Armor
Pistol : Range: 15, Damage: 4. Counts as 2 Items
Pistol x 2 : Range: 15, Damage: 4, Roll 2D & choose Roll. Counts as 3 Items
Karbine : Range: 30, Damage: 6. Counts as 3 Items
Throwing Knives (3): Range: Speed + Strength, Damage: Speed +Melee +0
Motorbike : Counts as 3 Items
Long Chain : Range: 2, +1 Damage, Cannot be Parried.,    OR                         
      Near, +3 Damage, Cannot be Parried, +1 Strength to Grabs, may Snag.
Set of Lockpicks

Message 28963#271081

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On 11/6/2009 at 4:46pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

At Last!!!!!!

Oh, if the GM think it's Good You may add a further 5 Points, and distribute those wherever you like for your Character.

Some might say:
That is not a complete Game!

I say, if there is something you miss, post about it here, or leave me a message, and i might post any "Expansion Rules" here, or somewhere else, or send You a message with them.....
Hope i can say this:

Message 28963#271082

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On 11/7/2009 at 8:19am, Vulpinoid wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Interesting ideas...

...but why wouldn't I just make a hack of Palladium's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game?

You seem to have a mish-mash of all different mechanisms pointing in all sorts of directions rather than a single core mechanism that drives the game?

What do you want the game to do? Focus on the inhumanity of the ferals and how they relate to the world around them? Focus on the ways that the ferals are more advanced than the mundane masses? Social commentary on our society from the varied perspectives of outsiders? An excuse to beat things up using animal powers and instincts? Explore the notions of pack mentality from mixed-race packs?

Any of these are valid paths, and I'm sure there are plenty more. But if you're generally trying to craft a game that satisfies all of the agendas, then you'll probably end up with something that doesn't adequately fulfill any of them.

I used to love TMNT as a game, but it suffered from a lot of the same problems. If you're trying to improve on it as a system then think about what you're trying to improve about it.


Message 28963#271099

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On 11/7/2009 at 10:31am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

I'd say, you are wrong about the mish-mash.

(I Also used to love TMNT & other strangness......... but this was before i had anyone to play with.)
Why You should try this, and not just "make a hack of Palladium's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game"?
Have you compared the Systems yet?

"What i want the Game to do"?
In this game, there is no actual Rules for "What Drives a Character", and so on.
That is because i consider those things to belong in "Storytelling", "Gamesmastering", "Acting", and so on.
So, my answer is, Whatever the Gamesmaster wants to!

This is a Gaming System, made fast and easy, so Skill Rolls, and not even Combat Rolls, obstructs from Storytelling, , neither "Narration" nor Characterization.
Some might say it is impossible to do so, and i'd just reply:
"Take it for what it is: A Game System. If you don't believe me, then try it, and see how wrong i am, and Then tell me."
Sincerely, Catelf.

Message 28963#271100

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On 11/8/2009 at 5:41pm, Rikiji wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

I think the impression of mish-mash comes somewhat from the presentation.  There are some inconsistancies in the system - combat rolls are a roll-high mechanism with scaling dice where a larger die reflects improved ability.  Non combat rolls are a roll-low mechanism with scaling dice where a larger die reflects increased difficulty.  For a 'fast and easy' game system, I'd expect a single type of resolution.  Not that this system isn't intriguing, but it is a bit counter-inuitive and could be explained better.

The 'terror' rules also seem out of place.  I realize this is a single setting for your universal [Streed] system, so the rules are carried over from the greater system.  However, they don't feel appropriate for the setting you're presenting here. 

I tend to agree with Vulpinoid.  If you try to do everything, you won't do anything well.  You can have broad goals, but there are always specific elements to any setting.  Obviously, the setting is focused on anthropomorphic animals and the system is focused on being free-form and fast.  So you already have an idea of what you want the game to do.  How well does the game succeed for the criteria that you've set for it?

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Message 28963#271117

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On 11/8/2009 at 7:32pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Thank you for asking, and your, as i see it, valid criticism.
* First, i agree, that the presentation could have been done better, but i was also unsure how much more space it would have taken, and i got virtually the OK from Ron, to place it as a Topic Here, since i mentioned that i could fit it in one, or at least two "Topic Pages", and no more. (That is the impression i got, at least.)

* Second, yes, the Terror Rules, at least the Second Section of them(that is Clearifying them), ARE out of place, as it is. I originally didn't intend to add That Section, but ..... it kind of got added anyway. (I'm a bit embarrassed.)

* When it comes to Combat vs Main Skills, even though i understand the point you have, consider this:
I really haven't added the Damage to the Skill Roll, but i have really added The Skill's effect to the Damage Roll!
Makes more sense now, doesn't it? (Advanced Combat Rules might include Brawl Rolls for Blocking, or such).

* ("trying to do everything" ...  Just read the two last chunks of comments i replied to Vulpinoid(again?), its tiresome to awnser it Again.)

* And how well the Rules themselves perform?
The Core has been playtested, and the few Glitches it had then, has been corrected. That Works, mainly, or fully.
Also, i Posted Ferals Here to have it PLAYTESTED! It is not finished yet, i know that, and i'd like to hear suggestions & criticisms from other that has tested it! It isn't a "First Thoughts" thing, i know it mainly, or maybe even fully, Works, it needs to be more tried, and worked through, so it becomes as good as it can.

Maybe that made a few things clear .... or maybe not...

Message 28963#271118

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On 11/8/2009 at 8:32pm, Simon C wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Hi Catelf,

Do you have a real name I can use?

Why are the rules you've written like this, and not some other way? Why are these the best rules to use for this game?

Message 28963#271119

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On 11/8/2009 at 10:00pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

I use my actual name towards people whom i feel for, or who has earned it, but if you want to call me something at least a little less "official" than "Catelf", then it's ok with Cat or Katie.
I have a past of Basic Roleplay- and Palladium-variants, during a time of no one to play with.
I managed to try a few different Systems, though, but always thought "Wtf?" during Character Creation.
Then came White Wolf (and World of Darkness), and i thought "i Understand This!" and "Lovely!"

By then, i had also played some Miniature Games, but longed back to the First Miniature Game i played, only for it's quick Combat resolutions: One Die Roll for each Attack, not two nor three, nor more. (By the way, it was the Original Space Hulk, with Both Expansions!)

Due to this longing, more or less, i started to work on a Single Combat System, that could also accommodate for Roleplaying.
WoD("old"), offered a nice way: Rank a few Skills at 1-5,but when it is needed, roll D6 to see if it succeed, or not, rather than Roll as many dice and check Successes.
Other Games inspired me to use different Die for Alternate Combat Skills, like The Great Rail Wars(Deadlands Mini).

When i finally could let other play the miniature Game, or World of Darkness-adaptions of that kind, i virtually got three main responses:
One: Pointed out some glitches i've since corrected (i think...).
Two: Hardcore 40K-players, thought that "You Must have To Hit, Wound, and Save, seperately".
Three: The rest thought it went Smooth, Rpg- and Miniature Players alike.
Then, The Streed(R)System was truly proven as a good, and valid, foundation.
But, i want it to be playtested even more, especially the "Animal Traits" part, since those really is a bit on the experimental side.

Was these answers enough?

Message 28963#271121

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On 11/9/2009 at 12:58am, Simon C wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Hi Katie,

That doesn't really answer my questions, I'm afraid.

What I'm trying to get at is the intent of your design.  What you're trying to achieve with this game.  From your post, all I get is "I wanted a game with only one attack roll".

Let me try asking the question in a different way:

When you were were writing your game, I imagine you came across situations where you had to choose between two different ideas for how something would work in your game.  For example, in character creation, you get a certain number of points to build your character.  How do you decide which rules to choose? How do you decide that you get this number of points and not another number? Why does "Pointy Ears" give you +2 and not +3? What is the basis on which you make these decisions?

Message 28963#271122

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On 11/9/2009 at 9:11am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

It obiously do help to rephrase both Questions and Answers, because, i thought that i'd already awsered everything .... and, in a way, i'd say i have.The Intent of the Design was, and IS, to have as simply understood, and fastplayed Fixform mechanisms as possible, without having to exclude the myriad ways thar obviously exist for "spicing up" an Rpg(Magic, Mutants,Combat Moves...)

But, a more detailed question requires a more detailed awnser, so:
Yes, i have tried other Systems, mainly variations of "Basic Roleplaying"(or 3D6 for Main Attributes), i even had a go at Palladium Books, since i had Heroes Unlimited & TMNT(&os)! I almost ran into a brick wall(metaphorically, of course): It didn't seem possible to make the really fast-paced System that i wanted.

The Attribute Points comes from the WoD System: The Value of "2" in each Attribute is the said "Normal Average" for a Human. If you count the Points, it leads to an average of 2 in half the Attributes, and 3 in the rest, which is a little better than the average, but not much. Old WoD had far more, but i wanted the Game to work for regular humans, and not just superpowered beings.

"Pointy Ears" give +2, Currently, and not +3, because i'm having/planning Rules for Traits (not yet written down here)that also Regular Humans can have, without seeming less Human, like Acute Hearing of +1, or +2. I thought that once those are introduced, some with Pointy Ears will take this as well, bringing their Hearing up to most probarbly, Trice the time of an average human, ot even more, if the senses Attribute is heightened over 3!I thought that was... quite enough.

But, i'm unsure whether i've still awnsered you or not, You maybe want to know the broader way of how i make decisions....?
Ok: I usually work from Standards i noticed within White Wolf's Games, and then tweak them into my own interpretations. Otherwise, it is a case of "Gut Feel" and really simple math.
How's that for an awnser?

Message 28963#271124

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On 11/10/2009 at 12:39am, Simon C wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

You're getting it in the last bit: "I usually work from Standards i noticed within White Wolf's Games, and then tweak them into my own interpretations. Otherwise, it is a case of "Gut Feel" and really simple math."

Tell me more about these standards, this "gut feel" and what you're doing with your simple math.

I'm not just asking because I like to be difficult.  There's no objectively "good" rpg.  I can't tell you whether your rules are good or bad until I know what you're trying to achieve with them - I need to know what you think is a good rpg.  Then I can tell you whether these rules are going to work for you.

Message 28963#271137

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On 11/10/2009 at 3:23am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Part of me wants to scream. I am about an inch from giving up on this "Forge" entirely.....

Simon C, I believe that you don't want to be difficult, but it is obvious that you have misunderstood one fundamental part:
I Know These Rules Works, Point.

What i want, no, need, is advices on how to shape the Presentation of the Rules(so they get clearer, easier understandable), and people to actually Playtest them, and, if possible, any other additions to the Core rules that i have, or may have, to then tell me what works well, and what does not! And, if they work "not good" or not at all, then advices on how to correct them!

I do not need nor want people telling me if it'll "work for me", as i've alreaydy said(written), THIS IS NOT FIRST THOUGHTS!!!

I also clearly disagree on there not being any "Good" Rpg:
I considers Rpg's with cumbersume Rules systems, like the classic Palladium and maybe, sadly, still, DnD, to be "far from as good" as Games that really is easy to understand, and possibly even easier Character Generation, like Wod(old, mainly, and most Freeform Games, and that is a Diplomatic way of putting it!
When the Rules are in the way of understanding the Rules themselves, i truly can´'t call them "good games". Can you? Really?
Or do you mean that all Rpg's is objectively "Bad"?
Is Anyone here interested in PLAYTESTING Ferals?

Message 28963#271138

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On 11/10/2009 at 8:39am, Vulpinoid wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg


I don;t thinl anyone around here is deliberately trying to throw curveballs at you, we're just interested in why you've made certain choices?...and why you thought coming to the Forge would be a valuable step in the development of your game?

Some of your statements are confusing and self contradictory...

Catelf wrote:
I Know These Rules Works, Point.

Followed by...

...then tell me what works well, and what does not!

If you know what works for you, why do you want us to turn the rule into something you didn't want?

Most of the questions I've seen heading in your direction are simply attempts to find out what you're design intentions were. Once you answer them honestly, we'll be able to help you honestly. If you get defensive, we'll just ask..."Why?"

As for your last question (about people playtesting your game), there are dozens of designers here all struggling to get their own designs playtested some of whom have struggled to get their games accepted after being here a year or more...why should we look at your game ahead of those people who've been polite and courteous, those people who've asked the right questions and have seriously considered the words of others?

If you want to give up on thew Forge, you'll lose a valuable resource. Plenty of the people around here are successful game designers, and most of the others have huge enthusiasm for the hobby. Many of the people here have a huge wealth of experience to share with you.

With that in mind, lets try this from a different tactic...two quick inoffensive questions that might help me work out a good way to help you...

1) What do you mean when you call the game a "Fixform"?
2) What is "Streed"?


Message 28963#271141

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On 11/10/2009 at 2:13pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Hi, Vulpinoid.
(Reply part 1)
No, i didn'nt think of curveballs, i thought more of constant misunderstanding, ignorance, and people being busy with their own projects.

I really don't mind telling why i've made specific choises, but Simon followed it up with

...I need to know what you think is a good rpg.  Then I can tell you whether these rules are going to work for you.

And ..... i obviously have to detail the answer, to explain the two qotes from me...:
The "Streed Rpg System" is the Core Rules. They incude the Skill Resolution, the Combat Resolution, and currently the Character Generation up to, and Including, Some of the Merits.
These Rules, I do Know Work.

However, The Core Rules is also intended to include the other Merits, and a more extensive Equipment List.
These are not as well tried out(The Weapons might be, but not the "Merit: Equipment" that handles their Access).
Ferals also includes "Animal Traits", and those are really not tried out at all, at least not in this variant.
Those are the ones that is the most in need of playtest, to see if they works as intended, or not.

They should work enough to try them out, though, and if it was only up to ME, i know they'd work.
Therefor, my two seeming different answers.
Question is, do the Rules work as intended for others, as well?
...I'll make a second Reply, real soon......

Message 28963#271149

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On 11/10/2009 at 3:36pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

(Reply part 2)
There is obviously some misunderstanding going on, but the communication that we're possibly doing now, should help remove some of the worst, at least....

I have been answering ALL your questions honestly. ALL of them.
You obviously didn't Understand My answers, and i probarbly Misunderstood Your questions: it took a rephrasing by Simon to make me understand what he Truly were after, after all!

...there are dozens of designers here all struggling to get their own designs playtested some of whom have struggled to get their games accepted after being here a year or more...why should we look at your game ahead of those people who've been polite and courteous, those people who've asked the right questions and have seriously considered the words of others?

My foolishness, i thought many of those already had been helped, especially if they'd done everything Right, as you describe it.
Also, how am i supposed to know what is the "Right questions to ask"?

Oh, and your first question: I read an intervju with a "Jonathan Tweet", and his advice for gamecreators was .... the Forge.
And, if it might still prove itself as a valuable resource to Me.
However, since you've proven reasonable to me(and i hope i have to you), you've currently got me "hanging" for i while more.
I wouln't have ditched it totally anyway, i do my best to help others where i can: I am an enthusiast myself, but if i don't understand, i can't help.    .......(I see a Pattern here)....
And now to your two last ones:
(It is a good idea, by the way, it may even work, ocasionally.)
1)  I call it "Fixform" since it isn't Freeform(despite it being "short").
2)  "Streed" is really My Main Rules for Miniature Gaming,
    "Streed Rpg" is a general description for any Rpgs that has the "Streed Rpg System" as it's Core Rules.
    "Streed Rpg System" is what is explained in several ways, above.
Did that explain it?

Message 28963#271154

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On 11/10/2009 at 8:35pm, Simon C wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

I'm going to give this one more go.  Katie, if this is still not helpful to you after this post, that's cool.  Hopefully someone else can be more help.

You say:

What i want, no, need, is advices on how to shape the Presentation of the Rules(so they get clearer, easier understandable), and people to actually Playtest them, and, if possible, any other additions to the Core rules that i have, or may have, to then tell me what works well, and what does not! And, if they work "not good" or not at all, then advices on how to correct them!

You want to identify rules that work "not good" or not at all, and you want advice on how to correct them.  Excellent! That's what playtesting is for.  Here's the problem:

One person's "good" is different from another.  I like games with a strong thematic component and unusual resolution systems.  If I were to give you advice on how to make the game "good" for me, it wouldn't be much like the game you started with, and chances are you wouldn't like it very much.  Similarly, if Vulpinoid tells you how to make the game good for him, you'll get a different game again.  People like different things in games. 

People also like different games for different reasons.  I like Dogs in the Vineyard, and I like The Mountain Witch.  They're very different games, but they're both good.  They're good at different things.  If you're trying to make Dogs in the Vineyard, and I'm telling you how to make it more like The Mountain Witch, we're going to have problems.

So.  What kind of game are you trying to make? What do you like about it? What are the fun bits? When you playtested the game, what was fun, and what wasn't? Tell me what you're trying to achieve, and I can help you get there.

Message 28963#271162

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On 11/10/2009 at 11:17pm, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

  Being new to the Forge is hard. People will ask you to explain things that you have internalized, but never expressed (like what do you want the players to experience when they play the game). No one else will ask you these kinds of questions. It's awesome, but frustrating because in most people's minds, this is a given. But in reality, a game like Call of Cthulu will give the player a different feeling than a game like Paranoia. Yet, subjectively, they are similar games. They are both about mystery, both about your characters acting insane and dying. Yet, a player who likes one, may not like the other, because the feeling you get when you play them is very different, right?

  OK, one thing that bothers me about your game is the math. I know the system works "as is" but I think as you add more things to it, you will find that this scale of numbers are not friendly to multiple modifiers.. Maybe you can get around it by using a stacking rule. Maybe only one trait or merit can generate a bonus on one roll, ever. Two examples:
1) You and I made average characters, they have a STR and Body of 3. I have bare hands (and a Brawl of 2), you have a leather jacket. In order for me to wound you, I need to roll a 5 or 6 on 1d6. In order for me to defeat you, I have to attack you an AVERAGE of 9 times. I might be able to take you out in three, but that is not very likely (a little under 4%). If you take the jacket off, I only need to roll 4 or higher. An average of 5 attacks take you out and I might be able to do it in two (a little less than 3% likely). The difference is one point between our characters (1 armor on the jacket).
2) You and I made average characters, they have a STR and Body of 3. I have a karbine (and a Firearms of 2), you have a heavy leather jacket. In order for me to wound you, I need to roll a 7 or 8 on 1d8. In order for me to defeat you, I have to attack you an AVERAGE of 12 times. I might be able to take you out in three, but that is not very likely (a little under 4%). If you take the jacket off, I only need to roll 4 or higher. An average of 3 attacks take you out and I might be able to do it in two (a little more than 14% likely). The difference is two points between our characters (4 if you take off the jacket).

  Also, your writing is improving from previous posts. I noticed you added (or revealed for the first time) the terror rules. From what I can tell, the campaign doesn't look like it is centered around terror. It seems to mostly be about survival and thriving in a sort of cyberpunk atmosphere. Based on that I would expect more of a ruthlessness stat or some kind of a humanity stat. Is there some sort of supernatural element to Ferals that you just haven't revealed so far?

Message 28963#271165

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On 11/11/2009 at 4:59am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

First, Simon, i'm glad i didn't "scare you off", or such. You was, after all, the one one who made me understand what you truly meant, and with this post, you cleared up the (now obvious) misunderstanding as well. Thank you.

The Problem.... i dare say that is a case of preferences, rather than "Good", i agree there(and it was That you meant before).
However, i've gotten the impression that "Dogs..." and probarbly the "Mountain Witch" is fairly "Short" or one could say "with Concentrated Rules sections" (instead), mainly designed for those games only. Am i right?
That would make them "Good" as far as i see it, since they are also easy to understand.
However, they would not be proper, not correct, for what i'm aiming for.

I have LOTS of ideas, so just aiming for One Game would be impossible to me, but i AM clearly aiming for a single Game System, that i more or less already have.
You could compare the idea to World of Darkness, Palladium(especially due to Rifts), or Tri-stat. (But easier to understand, & so on...)
Now, i'll try to answer your probarbly harder questions:

* I'm Really trying to make several games, that is clearly combinable with each other, due to the common Core Rules.
* I like... the combinability, and the fastpaced rules. While Playing, the quick rules are the most noticed feature.
And that is despite it being Fixform, and not Freeform.
* The fun bits.... is virtually the same as what i like about it, above. Or are you asking if it is the Genre i like?
* When it was Tested (it was a few years ago, now), i found all of it fun, and it did seem the others enjoyed it as well, but the ones more bright-minded pointed out problems with the probabilities in a "Perfect Roll" mechanics i had, as well as in the earlier rules for claws.
Those rules had been changed, or removed, since then, and i think it should work now.
* What i am trying to achive.... To sum it up, ar least 3.4 Games, with full compatibility, and Fast (& so on...) Rules, despite its "Fixform".

Message 28963#271170

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On 11/11/2009 at 6:02am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Now to You, dindenver.
You seem to understand my view well.
Well, i intend to keep "further Modifiers" to a minimum, and if the amount of Modifiers would get higher than 2 different, it is probarbly a specific Activated Power in effect, possibly deserving both a slow down in speed, as well as being slightly cumbersome, Ruleswise.

I have a slight problem with "Number & Probabiliy-crunching", but i find no problems with your results.... But i thought i had written "Heavy Leather Coat" (not "Jacket"). I Think what you are saying, is that it is very deadly rules, unless one get some Armor, that it? If so, it's completely within what i try to make.
The Damage & Armor Values might need some tweaking, though.

Yes, the Terror Rules...  The Original work on the game Ferals, really described Five Main Corporations, of which Three were available for Player Characters, each with their specialties: Shapeshifting, Bionics, and.... a wierd mishmash of "Good" and "Bad".
However, the two others, were said to create Fomor Monstrosities, and Demons, respectively, instead.
Maybe i unconsiously wanted a remainder of that...?

However, that is just the Game "Ferals", which i Really only pieced together from "Core+(some)Animal Traits", in order to present something more coherent than in my earlier Threads/Topics.
It has "Grown on me" a bit, though, already
The other games i have planned, and would really like to do, has names like "Animakin", "Roxic", "Alleyways", and "Eerie".....But i have problems deciding on which one, since i Like them All as much, and seem to hav problems with focussing my attention to one, or the other.
As an example, the Terror Rules is really Intended for Eerie and Alleyways, while Animal Traits is mainly from Animakin, but also occurs in the other games, more or less.

Message 28963#271172

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On 11/11/2009 at 7:17am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Um... the Mail i got was from you, dindenver, hm?
I tried to Reply, but i'm unsure wether it got all.. so here comes a shortened version:

Thank you, i really doesnt look at my hotmail much, i saw this just.
Personally, i belive in Reasoning, communication, even when the topic gets "heated", becase, if one do so, one might at least end up agreeing about disagreeing, and cool it down in that way.
But, really, had the game i wanted to play, and GM, already existed, and been available to me, i wouldn't "have" to make it.
That is the real, simple, answer, and i have been thinking critically, often.
....Thinking of the other thing, "what do you want players to feel..."
Many players are unused to Freeform, with my Games, they'll get close to the simplicity of Freeform, and the "safety"(what they are used to)of Fixform!

And as i noted in my reply(ies) in the thread, i didn't mean One Good System, but that a System is Good if it works well and easy, and...."not" if it doesn't.
And i'm not counting in personal preferences(i think...) into this.

Message 28963#271173

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On 11/11/2009 at 6:20pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

This is in two parts: A comment to what recently transpired in this thread, and a cosideration to change a Mechanism i hadn't yet mentioned, Divided by a quote i daresay fits both parts, in a way.

I just read a Topic/Thread in First Thoughts, by ... Morgan Coldsoul, i think the name was, about Dragon Scroll.
I don't exactly fancy his Rules for games, but i understood him all the way, when it came to "the purpose of his game"!
At the same time, i truly got the impression that most of the others didn't, including Ron Edwards, who is a Moderator here, and has written many important essays on Roleplaying Games!
There is obviously a kind of language barrier here, and not just "internalised questions":
Sometimes answers just are that simple....

In that thread, i also came across a quote:

A guy called Mike Holmes said "Write rules that deal with what's important in your game and gloss the rest." To me that's gold.

I Totally agree.

However, the thread also started to make me wonder: I had intended to use more or less the same XP Mechanics as WoD, but ..... maybe a different kind of Learning Mechanics would be more ... appropriate .......
Note this:
It would have to be fitting, not just Ferals, but also the Core, that is, ALL games i'm having ideas for, within the "Streed Rpg Family", no matter if they're Action, Horror, Cyberpunk, or Western.
I'm truly curious of what you will suggest.... If you will, that is.

Message 28963#271179

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On 11/11/2009 at 6:48pm, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

 OK, I get "safety." Now, I think we are getting to the core of your design. I like to design games that make it easy for the players to know what they can and cannot do in the game, so I think I know what you mean.

 Well, the trick with this design choice comes down to being verbose and clear in rules writing. A good example of this that you might be familiar with is Stunting. White Wolf games have a system to inspire the players to try something cool called Stunting. If the player describes their character doing more than "I attack with martial arts rolling 10 dice," then they get to roll more dice. The idea is great. Incentivize players to add something to the shared space and story. But, the rules were written something like, "if the group thinks the description was cool, give them so many dice, and if someone says "Whoa" give them more dice." The problem with this is, it is really open to interpretation and a lot players didn't feel safe to try new things and many GMs didn't feel comfortable giving out dice or judging the descriptions, so it was implemented differently from GM to GM. In fact, in our own group one GM would penalize every single attempt at stunting and another just gave 2 dice for every stunt regardless of quality.
 So, just because you are making more of a traditional RPG, does not necessarily mean that the players will feel safer. There are more freeform games that give players that safe feeling. They are rare, but they are out there. The difference is that the rules require the GM and Player to both be on the same page and specify what players can and can't do when their turn comes up. I say this, not because I think you are doing it wrong, but to let you know that there is more than one way to get the desired effect you are going for.

 Finally, the point I am making about the numbers are that a single +1 means that the battle could be twice as long. And a huge bonus can make a character invulnerable. You said the invulnerability factor is fine (that's a design choice, you made it and I won't challenge you on it). But if a single +1 can double the length of the fight for average characters, maybe you need to really be careful about doling out bonuses and scaling them to fit the number of rounds you want fights to last. If these numbers sound right to you, then you are probably close. But as you add more traits and merits, you run the risk of blowing the system out, no?

 Either way, good luck with your game!

Message 28963#271180

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On 11/12/2009 at 1:50am, Simon C wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Hi Katie,

It seems like we still don't understand each other.

It looks like you're having a good conversation here anyway, so I'm going to bow out.



Message 28963#271190

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On 11/12/2009 at 9:09am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: [Ferals] A full "Fixform" Streed Rpg

Ok, Simon, if that is how you feel, ... just so you know, i thought i was starting to understand you....  Oh well, guess i wasn't!

Dindenver. (Hope yout Game's going well, mine is going nowhere fast... currently.)

I "just" wrote i  Wasn't planning to allow any great Number of Modifiers, but your Point may be very important to me, once i manage to get through to making rules for Martial Arts Moves(and/or adapting WoD Combat and/or Streetfighter Storytelling Game for it).
I have read at least a few of the Essays, and other Treads, so i thankfully know what you mean by wanting to plan the Rounds it may take before the fight or battle is over. ...However, i usually don't do that: It takes the time it does, to me.
(I don't bother about "Dysfunctional Dice", either. I can even let a villain start laughing if they see a Hero Botch & Fumble...)
But that is ME, ...... I DO see the point of not including Too many Boosts/Modifiers, it can easy make the game (too) cumbersome... or even (too) unbalanced.

I don't think i had any intention of adding more Traits & Merits, that would add further to Modifiers already given. It may, however, be a case of either/or, though(you can'r use your Caws, if you're holding a Sword, for instance..... Ok, maybe if you have a special Combat move, or such....).

The "Stunt" Mechanism... It hasn't looked the same throghout WW's history, obviously.
I have no intenton of promoting, nor discouraging "Stunts", my impression has become, that if you allow players to let them do "Unusual" actions as if they made "Regular" ones, (you might have to include an NPC to show the "way", though,) then it is possible to get a playing occasion filled with stunts and wierd action, even in the middle of a fight:

During a battle in a warehouse, a talking cat was scared/disgusted by a giant worm(yes!), and jumped into a hole in a wodden crate she saw, ending up inside the crate...(She couldn't stay there, though; its conents were white powder in small plastic bags...)

Message 28963#271194

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