The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Would anyone mind giving feeback on my rpg website
Started by: kaevad
Started on: 12/6/2009
Board: First Thoughts

On 12/6/2009 at 10:11pm, kaevad wrote:
Would anyone mind giving feeback on my rpg website

Hi all,

its been a few months since i last made a post here, i've been stuck with work, uni and more important vecoming more focused on good game design. I've also been looking at my marketing plans and have opted to make the ruleset i'm designing free of charge (nominal fees for pre created quests).

I have also been working on refining the associated website for the game, and i now feel that it is in a fairly presentable state (Self made and no pre bought template this time),

I would be very grateful if anyone could provide me some feedback on my site

many thanks in advance


Message 29078#271630

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On 12/6/2009 at 10:35pm, chance.thirteen wrote:
Re: Would anyone mind giving feeback on my rpg website

A very quick look says you have all the basic parts. Discussion of both specific system and general goals and news, rules sets, examples of play and artwork. A forum for commentary and discussion.

I would say run a spell checker on the text, and try to avoid anything that says <insert text here>.

Message 29078#271632

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On 12/7/2009 at 12:18pm, kaevad wrote:
RE: Re: Would anyone mind giving feeback on my rpg website

thanks chance.

spelling has been an issue here of there, i cant seem to find the checker in dreamweaver 8)

place holder text, i see what you mean, it can look a little iffy, but there is so much to do, if i dont put it down i'd forget 8)

thanks again

Message 29078#271648

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On 12/7/2009 at 2:30pm, Seamus wrote:
RE: Re: Would anyone mind giving feeback on my rpg website

The only thing I had trouble finding was an "About Us" section. I tend to look at websites very quickly before deciding if I want to explore, and on a quick glance I had trouble telling if it was a general RPG discussion site, or intended for a particular game or style of play. It looks good though.

Message 29078#271651

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On 12/7/2009 at 2:43pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Would anyone mind giving feeback on my rpg website

You're lacking the important "About" page - you absolutely need to have something prominent accessible right from the front page (if it's not THE frontpage) that tells me what this is and why I should care. Nowadays people go to so many websites that you're never going to get a premotivated visitor; everybody coming to the site is going to be jaded and only interested in the most iddle manner. You're going to lose them if they can't parse a simple, straightforwards way of navigating your site content in a logical order. You're going to lose them even faster if they can't even figure out what the site is supposed to be about.

After looking around a bit more I found your "About" page, but it's hidden down in the footer with a tiny link. You'll need to get it up in the main navigation bar. Also, make the linkis from the About page to your core content more prominent and accessible, and make it clear what the interested reader should be clicking on and in what order.

Also, in case you didn't know: that sample card for your CCG probably breaks the various copyrights and patents WotC holds for M:tG. I don't follow the scene nowadays, but I seem to remember that at least the technique and term "to tap" is patented by them. The card's graphic design is also rather obviously ripped from WotC. Up to you whether to care about this, of course.

Message 29078#271653

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On 12/7/2009 at 7:16pm, kaevad wrote:
RE: Re: Would anyone mind giving feeback on my rpg website

Thanks for your input Eero,

I have made a change to the front page to make the "about us" section a little more noticable.

The ccg card on the site is a test idea, and yes in its current form it probably does breach some copyright, but its just a place holder, and a proper design will be forthcoming. however, i was unaware of the "tap" issue, thanks i'll have to think of another term 8)


Message 29078#271662

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