The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Wishing for Universalis E-book
Started by: Robotech_Master
Started on: 12/7/2009
Board: Universalis

On 12/7/2009 at 5:38pm, Robotech_Master wrote:
Wishing for Universalis E-book

I would really like to have an e-book version of Universalis. And by e-book, I don't mean PDF (although a PDF would be better than nothing).

Since there aren't a whole lot of charts in Universalis, it would work great as an ordinary e-book e-book, like an EPUB or Mobipocket file. You could even put it on the Kindle through Amazon's Kindle self-publishing program. A number of self-publishing writers are doing that, for example here's how young-adult writer Henry Melton self-e-publishes, including at Amazon.

I would really love to be able to stick Universalis on my iPod Touch and read it from my pocket rather than having to carry the book around.

Message 29087#271658

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