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Topic: [Hexagonata] Alternate Pulp/Horror/Action (Streed) Game. Comments?
Started by: Catelf
Started on: 12/19/2009
Board: Playtesting

On 12/19/2009 at 11:23am, Catelf wrote:
[Hexagonata] Alternate Pulp/Horror/Action (Streed) Game. Comments?

Hi again.
Seems i finally managed to put together the parts i like the most:
* Thriller/Horror investigations
* Action
* People (oddly) Gifted to suit their Tasks (better than regular humans)
* The possible inclusion of Divinities from many different Myths

Since the Player Characters may be Anthros, Gargoyls, and similar(, as well as more "normal-looking" Mages & Elves), and the world is a kind of "Pulp", they'll either have to hide, be Shifters, or use some other means to become, or at least temporarily look, Human.
I am considering things like vials with brews to instigate transformation, quite, or entirely like those for Jekkyl/Hyde in the League(the Movie), and some other Pulp, Gaslight, or even Steampunk-styled things.

For Anthros, i will not have the same "Free Selection" as in [Ferals], but a simpler, but also more limited, solution:
Type (Value): It may be given 1 to 3 Points. Each Point adds +1 to Claw Damage, Senses(the Senses affected depends on whether it is a Feline, Canine, or Avian), and Basic Move. Other things are also affected, depending on what Anthros variant is chosen.

I'll try to put together a more thorough description of the Setting for my next inlay, but comments and questions are wellcome already, especially since the Rules in this Area may still be a bit fluid(The Core Rules from Ferals still stands, though).

Creative Cat

Message 29131#271952

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On 12/21/2009 at 6:22pm, Catelf wrote:
Re: [Hexagonata] Alternate Pulp/Horror/Action (Streed) Game. Comments?

Ok, there is no point in delaying this:
Once, you encountered something, a horrible thing, you never wanted to encounter, really, but you did.
You fled, or got resqued in the nick of time, or found a wierd text or Talisman, that allowed you to somehow defeat the horror.
Ever since then, you are changed, like something is adapting you to withstand similar horrors again, and you also seem to continue changing.......

Now, you are clearly odd.
Your Senses, or Visions, or Whispering Voices, has led you to others of your kind, and part of You want vengeance, and part want to protect others from the horrors you've encountered, so You have decided, as have your ..... new aquaintances ..... to fight back against the Horrors.
But .... you have to hide, more or less, from those you protect, because they may think that YOU are Horrors .......
The Players play as Humans, that somehow has turned into a kind of magical beings: Elves, Orcs, Gargoyls, Anthros(Human/(other)Animal Hybrids) .....
and they are, or tend to be, charged by Angels and/or Mytological Divinities, to fight against Horrors that would leave mere Mortals Insane and/or Mutilated, or Dead.
I have other questions i've not been able to formulate yet, but until then i wonder thing like:
What should i add, if anything? Do the Setting seem interesting?

Creative Cat

Message 29131#271996

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...from around 12/21/2009