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Topic: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!
Started by: Solarsaurus
Started on: 1/4/2010
Board: First Thoughts

On 1/4/2010 at 8:02am, Solarsaurus wrote:
Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

The document is very incomplete as of now, but I figured that you folks might be able to help me with my new RPG idea. It's called, very simply, Cowboys and Samurai and takes place in a post-apocalyptic future where the player takes on the role of either a gunslinger or a swordsman (and from there, they can progress).

As I said, very incomplete system and documentation as I just started work on it last night, but I'd like to hear your thoughts so far! Please be kind. :)

The system is influenced by GURPS, the Storyteller System, and a few others whose names escape me...

You can view the document so far here.

Thanks in advance!
~Marc DeGuzman

Message 29178#272238

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On 1/4/2010 at 4:33pm, dindenver wrote:
Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

  I am not sure if I like Moxie as a stat for Dex/Speed. My first thought when I hear Moxie is courage or persistence.
  Also, I think it would be more interesting if Health was (Vigor x 6) + (Enthusiasm x 4). You can do the same thing to all your calculated stats. I know it makes it more complicated, but it also make it more interesting.
  Finally, you have 10 skills, 5 of which are combat-related. And there are no knowledge skills at all. But you have an Aptitude stat. Even if you allow for rolling against Aptitude it will not be the same as rolling against 10+Aptitude as if you had a real skill. Personally, I would make Unarmed, Melee and have it include unarmed and blunt. Then Ditch Blunt and replace it with Awareness (to counter traps and stealth) or Knowledge/Education. Right now, you have 5 ways for a character to roll to solve a problem with violence, one way for a character to roll and solve a problem with talking and no way to roll and solve a problem with their minds. Was that your intention?
  I am not trying to dog on you, I just wanted to be sure that you were seeing what I was seeing.
  Good luck on your new design!

Message 29178#272250

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On 1/4/2010 at 8:28pm, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

dindenver wrote:
  I am not sure if I like Moxie as a stat for Dex/Speed. My first thought when I hear Moxie is courage or persistence.
  Also, I think it would be more interesting if Health was (Vigor x 6) + (Enthusiasm x 4). You can do the same thing to all your calculated stats. I know it makes it more complicated, but it also make it more interesting.
  Finally, you have 10 skills, 5 of which are combat-related. And there are no knowledge skills at all. But you have an Aptitude stat. Even if you allow for rolling against Aptitude it will not be the same as rolling against 10+Aptitude as if you had a real skill. Personally, I would make Unarmed, Melee and have it include unarmed and blunt. Then Ditch Blunt and replace it with Awareness (to counter traps and stealth) or Knowledge/Education. Right now, you have 5 ways for a character to roll to solve a problem with violence, one way for a character to roll and solve a problem with talking and no way to roll and solve a problem with their minds. Was that your intention?
  I am not trying to dog on you, I just wanted to be sure that you were seeing what I was seeing.
  Good luck on your new design!

Out of preference, I'm keeping Moxie. It's actually used as the agility/dexterity stat in the game Kingdom of Loathing, so I kind of borrowed from that. :P

But I do see what you're saying about the skills. I initially thought it'd be balanced if I had 5 combat skills and 5 other skills, but I see your point. I'm gonna be making those changes.

Message 29178#272256

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On 1/5/2010 at 12:43am, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

Also, what is the dice mechanic you are thinking about? It's hard to get a feel for those numbers with no context.
And you might want to think about using Notoriety to create a sort of Social HPs. That way you might be able to use the same mechanics you use for combat for social conflicts.
I think using armor as skill enhancers is brilliant. Personally, I might ditch the idea of using armor to give penalties. But I like my PCs to want to wear armor. But, if you want to balance no armor against wearing armor, that is not appropriate. Alternatively, you could ditch the penalties and give skill bonuses to wearing different kinds of street clothes (like maybe fancy clothes give a bonus to Speech).

Message 29178#272261

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On 1/5/2010 at 4:25am, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

dindenver wrote:
Also, what is the dice mechanic you are thinking about? It's hard to get a feel for those numbers with no context.
And you might want to think about using Notoriety to create a sort of Social HPs. That way you might be able to use the same mechanics you use for combat for social conflicts.
I think using armor as skill enhancers is brilliant. Personally, I might ditch the idea of using armor to give penalties. But I like my PCs to want to wear armor. But, if you want to balance no armor against wearing armor, that is not appropriate. Alternatively, you could ditch the penalties and give skill bonuses to wearing different kinds of street clothes (like maybe fancy clothes give a bonus to Speech).

The dice mechanic is similar to the Storyteller's System. I'm still working on it. It's very incomplete, as I said, so I still need to work it out completely.
And as for armors giving penalties, the only penalties would be if you're trading more movement for more health or vice versa. The heavier the armor, of course the less you get to move, but the more strength you get.

As for street clothes, that's all in the character description. Armor is something else entirely. I'll elaborate more once I get further into the document.
Just so you know, this world doesn't really have "street clothes". It's a post-apocalyptic future that's very much like the Old West, with Eastern hints and touches here and there.

Message 29178#272267

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On 1/5/2010 at 11:24am, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

I have to point out something obvious:
If each Attribute must be at least 1, and you may only place 10 Points ........
The most you can get in one Attribute is 6, not 10!
And then, the other 4 are at 1!

Have i read wrong, or you written it incorrect?

Also, how do you mean that the Skill System is similar to the Storytelling System, when it is from 10 to 100?
(The Storytelling Sysrem has always(?) been 1-10, each Point(Dot) equalling one D10.)


Message 29178#272273

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On 1/5/2010 at 8:16pm, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

Catelf wrote:
I have to point out something obvious:
If each Attribute must be at least 1, and you may only place 10 Points ........
The most you can get in one Attribute is 6, not 10!
And then, the other 4 are at 1!

Have i read wrong, or you written it incorrect?

Also, how do you mean that the Skill System is similar to the Storytelling System, when it is from 10 to 100?
(The Storytelling Sysrem has always(?) been 1-10, each Point(Dot) equalling one D10.)


That's the point. You're not supposed to be a master at anything. You can upgrade your attributes later.

And the skill system isn't similar. The dice system is. It'll be explained later. Like I've said a hundred times, it is very incomplete.

Message 29178#272291

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On 1/6/2010 at 4:20am, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

UPDATE: Re-doing the skills system and making it out of ten, which is a lot simpler and better for this kind of system.

Message 29178#272297

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On 1/6/2010 at 5:58pm, Catelf wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

Marc wrote:
UPDATE: Re-doing the skills system and making it out of ten, which is a lot simpler and better for this kind of system.

Do that mean it is more Storytelling-like now, or .......?

Message 29178#272325

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On 1/7/2010 at 1:41am, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

Catelf wrote:
Do that mean it is more Storytelling-like now, or .......?


Message 29178#272333

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On 1/7/2010 at 2:15am, hix wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

Hi Marc. Is there anything, in particular, that you'd like our thoughts about?

Message 29178#272334

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On 1/7/2010 at 2:16am, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

hix wrote:
Hi Marc. Is there anything, in particular, that you'd like our thoughts about?

Right now? Anything. I'd actually like some suggestions.

I'm also working on another system, a MUCH simpler one that'll probably be finished by the end of this month, but I'll probably make a separate topic for that, haha.

Message 29178#272335

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On 1/7/2010 at 11:38pm, Mike Sugarbaker wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

You have just one thing in your rules right now that really, truly makes cowboys and samurai different: their starting special abilities. And I'm sorry but Dead Aim is broken. If I'm not a cowboy and I want to keep hold of the character that I've invested time and imagination in, I'd better always hide behind something unless I really trust the people I'm playing with.

What are your goals here? You're clearly trying to make a combat game about how close combat and ranged are different, and you show clear signs of having figured out that theme and mechanics should support each other in that respect. But you've got to zoom out and figure out what you want the players' experience of play to feel like. If you just build (what you think is) a simulation and leave it up to players and GMs to make it fun, you're not going to meet with success by any criteria I can imagine for a game. But maybe I'm just not imaginative, so: what do you want?

Message 29178#272361

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On 1/8/2010 at 12:33am, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

Mike wrote:
You have just one thing in your rules right now that really, truly makes cowboys and samurai different: their starting special abilities. And I'm sorry but Dead Aim is broken. If I'm not a cowboy and I want to keep hold of the character that I've invested time and imagination in, I'd better always hide behind something unless I really trust the people I'm playing with.

What are your goals here? You're clearly trying to make a combat game about how close combat and ranged are different, and you show clear signs of having figured out that theme and mechanics should support each other in that respect. But you've got to zoom out and figure out what you want the players' experience of play to feel like. If you just build (what you think is) a simulation and leave it up to players and GMs to make it fun, you're not going to meet with success by any criteria I can imagine for a game. But maybe I'm just not imaginative, so: what do you want?

What do I want of the players? I don't know. Maybe I just wanted to explore a different side of gunslingers and sword-swinging samurai in the post-apocalypse. I could easily adapt this setting for another system, which would probably be wiser in the first place, but I guess I wanted the mechanics to really fit it. The players have the chance to explore something like an Old Western and the Seven Samurai simultaneously, mixing the hard-boiled idea of outlaws and lawmen with wandering ronin and Earth-connected mystics.

As far as the abilities go, I'm still working out how I want to balance them and make them "equal" in a sense without having them be carbon copies of each other.

Message 29178#272364

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On 1/8/2010 at 1:52am, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

  OK, on the special abilities, three things are unclear:
1) Do player know when characters have cover, or is this something you roll for?
2) If you use dead aim on a character that has cover, do you roll a regular attack, or does it automatically miss?
3) What do you roll for a chance roll, is 8 or higher easy or hard to get?

Message 29178#272366

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On 1/8/2010 at 4:25am, hix wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

Hi Marc,

While I don't want to overload you with questions to think about, there's something about your idea that I'd like to know more about.

You've probably noticed that people often ask "What do the characters do in your game?" and "What do the players do?". Here are a few questions related to those issues that I hope you can answer.

Imagine that we've created our characters and are sitting down at your table to play a game. What do we need to do next to play the game?

Do the players need to come up with starting situations to resolve? Is there a GM who has created an adventure or a cast of characters to meet? Is the game designed to have all of the cowboy characters fight all the samurai characters?

What would be your advice to someone who wants to run C&S?

So, we've made up our characters (which are either cowboys or samurais), and we're in this post-apocalyptic setting (which I'm imagining as dusty and filled with isolated towns and ruins). So ... why is it cool for us to be playing cowboys and samurais in this game?

Are there any particular problems that they face that are going to be cool for us to defeat as a group? Are there loyalty conflicts between cowboys and samurais? Do the inhabitants of the setting hate cowboys and samurais and are hunting them to extinction?

Can you tell me more about the 'hook' that makes it fascinating to play a cowboy or a samurai in your post-apocalyptic world?

Message 29178#272371

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On 1/8/2010 at 10:09am, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

These questions are great actually, Hix. They're much clearer and easier for me to respond to. :P And don't focus on the very incomplete mechanics of the game...

1. When the GM and the players sit down to play, the GM should have a clear vision of the adventure that is about to take place and the players should be ready to embrace the challenges brought to the table. The GM should also prepare to alter his/her adventure as the players progress and grow and make different decisions that he/she (the GM) intended.

The game is designed to explore post-apocalyptic conflict in a new light that draws on Spaghetti Westerns and old folk and fairy tales from Japan. The players go on an adventure in a world where they are either seen as heroes and law-bringers or unwelcome outcasts and outlaws.

2. The reason why you play a cowboy or a samurai is because these are two warrior-like cultures that act as either hands of God or the Devil's playgrounds. The towns in the game will take us back to the dusty and wooden settlements of the old West, and the wilderness and ruins will call upon Eastern philosophy and religion.

The big problems are to be brought in by the GM, depending on what kind of character the player plays. An honorable samurai, a despicable cowboy, a sword-swinging maniac, a paladin-like sheriff? Depending on who and what you play, the GM should accommodate the adventure to your character. You should ask yourself as you play, "Why should I step in to this conflict? What's in it for me? Is it something that personally affects me? Is there a grand reward? Do I just feel like being nice today?"

Cowboys and samurai are both very different, but the same in a lot of ways. They have different ways of dealing with their foes, but are similar in that they are, for the most part, lone warriors... So why would they come together? That's for the GM to figure out.

There'll be some things in the setting to expand on the differing philosophies between gunslingers and swordsmen and everything in-between. There will be some classes later in the game that you can choose and progress with that focus more on guns or more on swords... Or even on fists or bows. Maybe even a salvaged chainsaw, converted now into a steam-powered weapon?

Thanks for the questions, though. They've actually helped me think through some things about the game. I might be scrapping a few ideas and adding some new ones now.

Message 29178#272374

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On 1/9/2010 at 6:25am, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

  Sorry about the questions centered on mechanics. But, I love RPG mechanics, I love talking about RPG mechanics.
  About what you have posted so far two things concern me. either one of them probably wouldn't be a red flag, but together, I see an issue:
1) Player can make Heroes or Villains, nothing in between (I like this part, FYI). But there doesn't seem to be any mechanical difference between good and evil or advice to the players about which to make and why.
2) You stated that it is the GMs job to reconcile any differences that may arise. So, if Player A makes a Nobunaga-esque Ruthless Samurai warlord ad Player B makes a Paladin with a pistol. And you have an adventure where they save the village from bandits. It's the GMs job to motivate the players and their characters to engage. Honestly, I think all the players present are equally responsible for the fun. I mean the GM can only do so much, right?
  What are your thoughts on this?

Message 29178#272403

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On 1/9/2010 at 7:16am, Solarsaurus wrote:
RE: Re: Cowboys and Samurai (WIP) ~constructive criticism wanted!

dindenver wrote:
  Sorry about the questions centered on mechanics. But, I love RPG mechanics, I love talking about RPG mechanics.
  About what you have posted so far two things concern me. either one of them probably wouldn't be a red flag, but together, I see an issue:
1) Player can make Heroes or Villains, nothing in between (I like this part, FYI). But there doesn't seem to be any mechanical difference between good and evil or advice to the players about which to make and why.
2) You stated that it is the GMs job to reconcile any differences that may arise. So, if Player A makes a Nobunaga-esque Ruthless Samurai warlord ad Player B makes a Paladin with a pistol. And you have an adventure where they save the village from bandits. It's the GMs job to motivate the players and their characters to engage. Honestly, I think all the players present are equally responsible for the fun. I mean the GM can only do so much, right?
  What are your thoughts on this?

Apology accepted. I can see where you're coming from! If you really love RPG mechanics, maybe we can talk about mine and I could get some help? :P
As for your questions...

1) Yourself or others: You're always working for one or the other. A villain is selfish, a hero selfless. If you choose to be a villain, it's more of the easy way out of things, to gain early. If you're a hero, you'll be taking a higher, harder path, but you might find others at your side in the future.
I still gotta work it out, but I hope you get what I'm saying.

2) Our Paladin would save the village for obvious reasons, but our Warlord (and therefore, his player) would have to search for a reason as to why he should even consider helping out the village. Maybe he expects a nice big reward in the end, or perhaps he just feels like cutting off some heads.

Hope that answers osme questions!

Message 29178#272404

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