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Topic: [DitV] Possessed NPCs and Sorcerers Question
Started by: Batarang
Started on: 1/13/2010
Board: lumpley games

On 1/13/2010 at 3:29pm, Batarang wrote:
[DitV] Possessed NPCs and Sorcerers Question

I've been looking through the rules back and forth and been trying to find an answer on here but am unable to. So, sorry for making an unneccessary topic if that's the case, it's just bothering me and I want to figure it out.

Now if the Dogs are in a conflict with the possessed person, the possessed person obviously in a relationship with a demon, what constitutes their relationship dice to the demon. I guess I just can't figure out what "The number of dice in the Relationship indicates how chronically the person has been possessed." means. What grounds do I determine this?

Also, Sorcerers always get 4d10 to their side no matter if the player characters have seen Hate & Murder in the town, correct? Even if the Sorcerer has committed murder? If the Sorcerer wanted help from the demon, would that grant them another 5d10 for the conflict?

I think that's all I have, thanks in advance.


Message 29224#272580

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On 1/13/2010 at 11:25pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
Re: [DitV] Possessed NPCs and Sorcerers Question

Batarang wrote:
Now if the Dogs are in a conflict with the possessed person, the possessed person obviously in a relationship with a demon, what constitutes their relationship dice to the demon. I guess I just can't figure out what "The number of dice in the Relationship indicates how chronically the person has been possessed." means. What grounds do I determine this?

I think that it means simply that, in a specific cult in a specific city, someone with a 3D4 relationship with a demon is "more possessed" than someone with 2d10. What does it mean, in the fiction, should be left to the cult description. Maybe nothing. Maybe it means that the first character had sacrificed 3 of his children to the cult instead of 2. It's your choice (as the GM).

Also, Sorcerers always get 4d10 to their side no matter if the player characters have seen Hate & Murder in the town, correct? Even if the Sorcerer has committed murder? If the Sorcerer wanted help from the demon, would that grant them another 5d10 for the conflict?

I think you are confusing two different sets of bonus dice. A NPC Sorcerer has 4 bonus dice to put in a relationship with demons, and during conflict they can be possessed at will, meaning that (choosing the right possession power) they can roll these 4 dice in the conflict. THEN, being the Sorcerer, he/she can call for the demon's help, and get OTHER bonus dice, depending on what was shown in the fiction.

So, for example, if the Sorcerer has a 4d10 relationship with demons and the Dogs did discover a hate murder, the Sorcerer can roll in a conflict 4+5=9d10

(Sorcerers are scary opponents...)

Message 29224#272596

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On 1/14/2010 at 12:27am, Batarang wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV] Possessed NPCs and Sorcerers Question

Okay, so to make sure I have this right: Possessed people's bonus dice are left up to the GM to decide how influenced they are, whether it be 3d6, 4d6, or 10d10, correct or am I just unable to grasp this concept? Well, I assume the relationship dice connected to the demon would cap at 4 since that would give the possessed person all of the manifestations, but the dice size is up to the GM's discretion, would I be right?

Then with Sorcerer's, it basically follows the same principles except in the fiction they have more say over what the demon is doing. If they choose to be possessed I assign dice of any number and any size that I deem appropriate and give manifestations equal to the number of dice. Then, the Sorcerer can call on the help from the demon, thus receiving the amount of dice equal to what Demonic Influence the PC's have seen. Is this correct?

I hope I'm understanding right. I guess I'm just looking for a rule governing the dice (how many, how big) I can provide to people in relations with demons.

I guess looking over the rules, I'm governed by the relationship dice that are given to the NPC's during Town Creation, yes?

I don't know why I can't grasp this. Also, thanks for the response, hopefully it helped and I have it this time.

Message 29224#272600

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On 1/14/2010 at 1:38am, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV] Possessed NPCs and Sorcerers Question

Batarang wrote:
Okay, so to make sure I have this right: Possessed people's bonus dice are left up to the GM to decide how influenced they are, whether it be 3d6, 4d6, or 10d10, correct or am I just unable to grasp this concept? Well, I assume the relationship dice connected to the demon would cap at 4 since that would give the possessed person all of the manifestations, but the dice size is up to the GM's discretion, would I be right?

Your post is making me doubt that you are not using the rules for NPC creation (page 125 in the current USA Edition). The GM has very little "discretion" in choosing NPCs dice, they are rolled in "batch" of proto-NPCs, the GM can choose the proto-NPC with the bigger dice as the Sorcerer, but he can't choose the dice at his discretion.

(Vincent has posted some new rules for NPC creation, but I must confess that I never tried them, I never had any problem with the ones in the book and I like to be able to use the online npcs creation page here and get a batch of proto-NPCs ready to play in half a second...)

The specific rules for possessed people are at page 129. As you can see, a possessed person has no bonus dice of any kind over the rolled ones, and at most a proto-NPC has 3 dice in a relationship, and at most 2d10 (the relationship with 3 dice are in d6 or d8).

Then with Sorcerer's, it basically follows the same principles except in the fiction they have more say over what the demon is doing.

A possessed person has really no say at all about "what the demon are doing", but what does this mean is left, as usually, to the specific fictional characteristics of your Dog's country.

The Sorcerer, instead, can command demons at will (see page 132).

If they choose to be possessed I assign dice of any number and any size that I deem appropriate and give manifestations equal to the number of dice.

As before: no, there are very precise rules about the dice the NPCs get.

A NPC sorcerer get 4 bonus dice, to use for a relationship to a Demon, above and beyond the other relationships he gets from the rolls. So the GM can choose the size of the dice, but not the number: they are 4. Always (this is for a newly created NCP Sorcerer. A PC Sorcerer doesn't need a 4-dice relationship, and the GM is justified in using the fallout the NPCs get to "buff" them if he want)

Then, the Sorcerer can call on the help from the demon, thus receiving the amount of dice equal to what Demonic Influence the PC's have seen. Is this correct?

Yes. In rules terms, he can use the Demonic Influence as a trait.

I guess looking over the rules, I'm governed by the relationship dice that are given to the NPC's during Town Creation, yes?

Yes (I didn't notice this part when I first read your post, so maybe I did wrote what you already know, but just in case...)

Message 29224#272604

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On 1/14/2010 at 1:57am, Batarang wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV] Possessed NPCs and Sorcerers Question

Sorry for my last confusing post, I was both thinking and typing at the same time rather than thinking then typing, it was probably a confusing read and I apologize.

I think you've been able to clarify it for me though, once more to check (and hopefully to be done as I feel like an idiot unable to grasp 1+1=2)

When I assign a possessed person a pre-gen NPC, I assign one of the pre-rolled Relationship dice, for that NPC, to the demon, which determines the level of possession as well as how many manifestations I may assign.

When I assign a sorcerer a pre-gen NPC, I assign 4 dice of any size just because they are a sorcerer, this does not take up the Relationship dice for that NPC but adds to them. Then, when I have the sorcerer call the demon for help in a Raise, I roll the Demonic Influence equal to what the PC's have seen in the town.

Hopefully I'm right this time, and thank you for the annoyance I'm sure I've caused (however small it may be), as well thanks for the link to the NPC Generator, I hadn't seen it before.

Message 29224#272607

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On 1/14/2010 at 3:28am, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV] Possessed NPCs and Sorcerers Question

Batarang wrote:
When I assign a possessed person a pre-gen NPC, I assign one of the pre-rolled Relationship dice, for that NPC, to the demon, which determines the level of possession as well as how many manifestations I may assign.


Do note that you can (and should) do this the first time that possessed person is in a conflict with a PC. There is no need to do this before (the NPC need no stats until they are involved in a conflict), so even if you have a lot of named NPC in your town you'll probably need only a single batch of six Proto-NPCs.

When I assign a sorcerer a pre-gen NPC, I assign 4 dice of any size just because they are a sorcerer, this does not take up the Relationship dice for that NPC but adds to them.


Then, when I have the sorcerer call the demon for help in a Raise, I roll the Demonic Influence equal to what the PC's have seen in the town.


Message 29224#272609

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