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Topic: Gencon 2010
Started by: SaintandSinner
Started on: 1/13/2010
Board: Conventions

On 1/13/2010 at 5:23pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
Gencon 2010

What's everyone's plans? Event registration is supposed to open today so I'm thinking about games to run and play.

Also, for those interested in the whole Indie Games Explosion and Games on Demand thing, how did this work for you last year? What would you keep and what would you like to see improved?


Message 29226#272583

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On 1/13/2010 at 11:04pm, Tim C Koppang wrote:
Re: Gencon 2010

SaintandSinner wrote:
Also, for those interested in the whole Indie Games Explosion and Games on Demand thing, how did this work for you last year? What would you keep and what would you like to see improved?

Just as a point of reference, I stand by my comments in the earlier feedback thread for GoD '09.

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Topic 28511

Message 29226#272593

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On 1/13/2010 at 11:38pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

Tim wrote:
Just as a point of reference, I stand by my comments in the earlier feedback thread for GoD '09.

Thanks and noted.  I have all that down.  Just seeing if anyone had more to add (or new ideas). 

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 28511

Message 29226#272597

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On 1/21/2010 at 9:03pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

Anyone who wants to apply for a GM badge using GoD time needs to contact me.

It can be done but I'll need to coordinate with you and you will need to do enough hours and have a Gencon ID in the system. Just get me the info as soon as you've finalized your event schedule and I'll submit the forms. I will not submit until after all event entry has been finalized.

Message 29226#272777

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On 1/25/2010 at 5:31am, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

@everyone: If when you submit a game you put the group as Indie Games Explosion then Gencon says they will try to get us in the same area. Also the more of us that have events and the earlier they are submitted the better location we may be able to get...

I'm getting a lot of people telling me that they won't be able to help this year. If I could get a show of hand for how many people are willing to help (and maybe what times) it would help a lot. As it stands I'm not committing to more than one event Friday afternoon and morning and afternoon slots on Saturday. I'm willing to bump up to two slots of Friday and a single slot Thursday and/or Sunday if there's people to cover it.

I'll be glad to cover Saturday Morning 10am-2pm.

That leaves:
Friday 12-4pm or 2-6pm (if we run two slots of Friday 10-2pm and 2-6pm worked well before)
Saturday 2-6pm
and other slots if there's an interest.

What are you willing to do to help? The more the merrier.


Message 29226#272878

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On 2/24/2010 at 3:47am, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

Just a reminder

February 13 - March 12  Event Review Cycle 3

This is the last Review Cycle. If you don't get in your games soon they won't
be considered. If you need any help with the submission forms, or need to know
what groups we're putting Gencon events in, or anything else about Gencon event
submission, I'll be glad to help.


Message 29226#273687

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On 2/26/2010 at 8:32pm, SirValence wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

For the last several years, Scotto and I have been setting up StoryCards events on our own. I'm kind of frustrated with the whole thing: sometimes we have more people than signed up, and other times the slot is full but no one shows up. I'd rather just participate in the Games on Demand area, but I've not done that before: what would I need to do?


Message 29226#273814

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On 2/27/2010 at 2:51am, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

Show up.  Although letting us know your coming would be nice.  GM's only have to be there find some players and pick up the tickets for the events.  You may even point people that way from the booths and have GM's waiting there any slot you'd like.

Message 29226#273825

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On 3/9/2010 at 11:25am, SirValence wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

SaintandSinner wrote:
Show up.  Although letting us know your coming would be nice.  GM's only have to be there find some players and pick up the tickets for the events.  You may even point people that way from the booths and have GM's waiting there any slot you'd like.

Okay, consider this your notice that I will be coming. :)

Message 29226#274275

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On 3/10/2010 at 9:35pm, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

I have a game in beta and will be attending gencon.  IS this something i need to do to show of the game?  What's the process, and where can I learn more about the review cycle and Indie Games Explosion?


Message 29226#274343

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On 3/11/2010 at 2:35am, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

The last review cycle by Gencon is over March 12th (this Friday).  You have to submit your game through their system which you may access with the same account you purchase a badge with.  I have nothing to do with this other than requesting tables for my games and for Indie Games Explosion. 

If you don't want to do that, or you miss out, you are welcome to run games at IGE.  We'll have 56 tables pretty much 1st come 1st served. 

Message 29226#274350

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On 3/11/2010 at 2:36am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

SaintandSinner wrote:
The last review cycle by Gencon is over March 12th (this Friday).  You have to submit your game through their system which you may access with the same account you purchase a badge with.  I have nothing to do with this other than requesting tables for my games and for Indie Games Explosion. 

If you don't want to do that, or you miss out, you are welcome to run games at IGE.  We'll have 56 tables pretty much 1st come 1st served. 

How do you submit the game I'm on gencon's site but can't find it.  I wold love to bring my game there and show people.

Message 29226#274351

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On 3/11/2010 at 2:54am, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

Okay i signed up to run on Sunday at noon.  I might be able to help with other things as well  whats do you need?

I assume I don't need to send the pdf of the game to anyone to read and approve so I should be set.

Message 29226#274352

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On 3/11/2010 at 5:31am, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

If you put Indie Games Explosion as the Group Gencon is supposed to try to get you in the same area as the other games and Games on Demand.

Message 29226#274362

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On 3/11/2010 at 3:05pm, Locke wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010


  you said something about help.  What do you need?

Message 29226#274371

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On 3/12/2010 at 5:11pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

Today's the final day for event submissions to GenCon -- if you're planning on running anything in, please do it now.  :D

Message 29226#274417

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On 4/7/2010 at 1:57am, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

Looks like Games on Demand will be in the Crowne Plaza, Grand Central Ballroom "B", Tables 1-6. Is that close to the Convention Center or are we in the middle of nowhere again?

Message 29226#275527

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On 4/7/2010 at 11:38pm, SirValence wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

SaintandSinner wrote:
Looks like Games on Demand will be in the Crowne Plaza, Grand Central Ballroom "B", Tables 1-6. Is that close to the Convention Center or are we in the middle of nowhere again?

It's on the other side of the big plaza. So yeah, in the middle of nowhere.

Message 29226#275571

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On 8/3/2010 at 3:11pm, SirValence wrote:
RE: Re: Gencon 2010

SaintandSinner wrote:
Show up.  Although letting us know your coming would be nice.  GM's only have to be there find some players and pick up the tickets for the events.  You may even point people that way from the booths and have GM's waiting there any slot you'd like.

As it turns out, it looks like my IPR booth schedule will prevent me from running or participating in any of the GoD activities, but I still hope to drop by and see what's going on. And I expect to point people that direction.

Message 29226#278231

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