Topic: Bullet point reminders - Producer - Scenes
Started by: stefoid
Started on: 1/21/2010
Board: Dog Eared Designs
On 1/21/2010 at 10:58pm, stefoid wrote:
Bullet point reminders - Producer - Scenes
Hi, Im going to create two or three threads, one for each type of list that I have in mind. The purpose is to collaboratively come up with a list of maybe 6 or 8 one sentence bullet points that players and/or producer can refer to, when they are learning the game. These points are not about the rules of the game as such, but the skills that need to be learned to play good, fun games of PTA. i.e. if the list was about tennis, one such point might be -" keep your eye on the ball".
Producer - Scenes:
Concerns things that a Producer should keep in mind when framing a requested scene
On 1/22/2010 at 12:22am, stefoid wrote:
Re: Bullet point reminders - Producer - Scenes
A good Frame should offer potential for Conflict