The Forge Reference Project


Topic: expanding the network
Started by: joshua neff
Started on: 7/3/2001
Board: Publishing

On 7/3/2001 at 6:20pm, joshua neff wrote:
expanding the network

While RPGs are a huge passion of mine, I'm not much of a game designer (not since high school, when I made my own Doctor Who RPG), & not about to start publishing my own game stuff. What I am interested in, though, is the indie-punk publishing of novels & story collections, poetry, political tracts, philosophy, & other stuff.
So, 2 questions, then:

--Does anyone know of any web fora like the forge, only devoted to other sorts of publishing?
--Ron & Clinton, have you guys considered linking this site up to other sites, not-RPG but "indie punk"? Being the fan of collaboration & collage (& the disintegration of boundaries), I'd love to see more RPGs bleeding into other areas (Invisible City is a cool site that leans this way).

Message 293#2631

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On 7/3/2001 at 6:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: expanding the network


That is an excellent idea. Now all we need is a volunteer who can do the requisite web-hunting, contacts with the other sites, link-exchanges ...

Why, Josh! Excellent! Thanks for volunteering.


Message 293#2632

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On 7/3/2001 at 6:42pm, Dav wrote:
RE: expanding the network

How about:

and, of course:


Message 293#2633

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On 7/3/2001 at 7:00pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: expanding the network

Why, Josh! Excellent! Thanks for volunteering.

D'oh! Er, no, what I meant was...

Just kidding. Of course I'll scout around. My deerstalker cap is on. The game is a'foot. (A foot-&-a-half, even!) I assume, then, that I'm authorized to make contact on behalf of the Forge? Or do you just want me to find the links & report back? Either way is cool with me (although, with my email in the state of flux that it is, I may just find sites for right now).


Cool, thanks for the links. Personally, I'd definitely include indie music as something this site should link to, especially as some folks here also produce independent music (Peter Seckler, I'm looking at you).

[ This Message was edited by: joshua neff on 2001-07-03 15:04 ]

[ This Message was edited by: joshua neff on 2001-07-03 15:11 ]

Message 293#2636

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On 7/6/2001 at 3:30pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: expanding the network

Hi Josh,

"I assume, then, that I'm authorized to make contact on behalf of the Forge? Or do you just want me to find the links & report back?"

You're authorized, PROVIDING that you first mail me & Clinton a draft of your inquiry-letter so we can get an idea of how you're presenting the Forge.

"Either way is cool with me (although, with my email in the state of flux that it is, I may just find sites for right now)."

That's fine too!


Message 293#2718

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On 7/6/2001 at 8:40pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: expanding the network


Well, so far my search has been less than fruitful (although I have been busy this week getting ready for my performance at an open mic night), but I did ask Jared to contact Invisible City Productions (which he has a link to at his website) & inquire about linking the Forge to the City. & I sent an email to Alan "the Great Quail" Ruch who runs the brilliant "The Modern World" (formerly "The Libyrinth"), a website for modernist & postmodernist lit. He's a gamer (mostly Vampire--he has a very cool site devoted to his ongoing chronicle) & a lithead, so I asked him if he knew of any good indie sites. But he's generally a pretty busy guy & hasn't replied to me yet.

As for my email--what can I say? For a communications megacorp (located here in KC), Sprint sucks. I can receive okay, & I can send okay, but replying & conversing by email is problematic these days. & this is only at home--when I leave the house, email correspondence is very hard. *grumble grumble* So, if anyone else wants to email, I'll be more than happy to scope out sites.

Message 293#2728

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