The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GenCon Swag 4 Sale
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 8/5/2002
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 8/5/2002 at 2:59am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
GenCon Swag 4 Sale

After some crazy "run around like a chicken wit his head cut off" antics, I'm finally getting 'round to finishing up pre-Con preparations.

To wit, I'll have the following swag-in-tow to sell:

octaNe ($15): this is gonna be pretty nice I think -- I'll have 30 copies of it with me. Color wrap-around cover (check out the octaNe website to see the graphic I use...just picture it on the bottom of the page), coil binding and crazy retro-kool graffix by Matt Snyder. Needless to say, it's got superlative editing by Rich Forest. It's the phattest product I've done, in both senses of the word (60 pages, 8" x 5.5", B&W interior, US and UK/Australia char. sheets by Ben "Astro-Zombies" Morgan).

InSpectres ($10): that old chestnut. :) This is the pre-errata* version that some of you might have seen at Origins, BisbeeCon, EconoCon and PortCon Maine. Each comes with a character/franchise sheet insert. I'm bringing a cool dozen of these beauties (8.5" x 11", 39 pages, B&W).

InSpectres: GenCon edition ($15): Errata'd InSpectres, plus all three Ben Morgan specials (character sheet, franchise sheet and ID badge sheet), the micro-supplement UnSpeakable, Tim Boser's brilliant mini-supplement In-Speckers and a copy of the iSystem manifesto, all lovingly bound in a white 3-ring binder. I'll have 6 of these suckers (as above, plus 16 additional pages of material).

Schism ($6): my Sorcerer mini-supplement (Sci-Fi Channel Magazine called it "...a love letter to the films of David Cronenberg...") and my first "for-sale" product. 10 copies (8.5" x 11", 36 pages, B&W artwork by Q).

Squeam3 ($3): I'm bringing 20 copies of this sucker 'cuz it's dirt cheap, dumb and fun.

I'm also going to bring a few dozen copies of the iSystem Manifesto and some copies of one of my 1-pager games (any requests?). It should be fun. :) Thanx to all past, present and future patrons.

- J

* anyone who's bought InSpectres can email me and request an updated version of the PDF (v2.04). This includes folks who buy a printed version at the Con.

Message 2950#28598

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