The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The tRoS Compendium
Started by: Mokkurkalfe
Started on: 8/5/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/5/2002 at 2:41pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
The tRoS Compendium

I'm wondering if anyone's interested in a tRoS "compendium", similar to what
Blizzard( has on their webpage to all their games. TRoS
combat system alone is deep enough to warrant such a thing. It could include:

* Tips for maneuvers(when, where and how to use them for maximum effet)
* Tips for weapons(same as above)
* How to get out the most of armor.
* Tips on how to fight an opponent with more dice.
* Tips on how to fight better without armor.
* How to beat big badasses(Hef, gols and similar creatures with high ST and TO)
* How to exploit weapon ranges
* Tips on using a horse.
* And probably much more...

And that is only the combat system. One might include a chapter for SA's and their
adventure hooks(e.g. Passion: Law and Order; hunt brigands, bounty hunting, join the
city watch, become a village-sheriff, investigating missions)

It doesn't necessarily have to be so organized as Blizzard's guides, and be more like
where everyone send in articles(long and short) about their tactics or SA's.

Any thoughts?

Message 2957#28624

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On 8/5/2002 at 2:51pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Are you suggesting that this be part of Jake's official page? A lot of the more popular RPGS have fanpages that do things like that (I'm thinking of Zanzibar's web of darkness for white wolf, and I know shadowrun has a few). just a point of clarification over what you intended

It sounds like it may be a real good idea as long as someone has the time and motivation to update the webpage and add new things periodically (be it written by him/her, or things sent in by others).

Message 2957#28626

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On 8/5/2002 at 3:38pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

It could be either on the official page or not, depends on what works out best. Altough Jake probably has enough on his plate, I think the official page would be a good idea. One of the strengths with the tRoS internet community is that it's so tightly gathered, and I think it should stay so as long as possible.
Besides, page after page of tactics and tips may show the potential customer how deep the system is.

Message 2957#28629

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On 8/5/2002 at 4:13pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

I'd love to see it, and I'll host it, but currently I can't create it. If someone wants too, I'd love to help put it up.


Message 2957#28630

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On 8/5/2002 at 4:24pm, Sneaky Git wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

This sounds like a great idea!

Jake Norwood wrote: I'd love to see it, and I'll host it, but currently I can't create it. If someone wants too, I'd love to help put it up.

And it looks like we would have a centralized location as its home.. thanks Jake!

My concern, however, is in line with Nevermet's comments concerning the administration of such a site. Too often, sites such as these languish.. not for a lack of content (player submissions!), but rather a lack of time/motivation on the part of the administrator.

Another concern centers around the topic of quality. TROS is a great game. It would be critical for such a site to have some form of "quality control" in order to maintain the high standards evident in the published material.

Nonetheless.. I love this idea!

Message 2957#28632

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On 8/5/2002 at 5:36pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Sneaky Git wrote: This sounds like a great idea!

Jake Norwood wrote: I'd love to see it, and I'll host it, but currently I can't create it. If someone wants too, I'd love to help put it up.

And it looks like we would have a centralized location as its home.. thanks Jake!

My concern, however, is in line with Nevermet's comments concerning the administration of such a site. Too often, sites such as these languish.. not for a lack of content (player submissions!), but rather a lack of time/motivation on the part of the administrator.

Another concern centers around the topic of quality. TROS is a great game. It would be critical for such a site to have some form of "quality control" in order to maintain the high standards evident in the published material.

Nonetheless.. I love this idea!

Both of these issues seem to revolve around the administrator. One could put up some rules for submitting(harsh or not so harsh) which might scare of people who submits "W@rFl@Il r0xZ!!" and nothing else.

We'll have to put up an "volunteering administrator job available" ad somewhere.

BTW, with "quality control", which quality do you want to control(i.e. rules-wise, typos or literary skill)?

Message 2957#28652

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On 8/5/2002 at 6:11pm, Sneaky Git wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Hmm. Quality control. I thik I was referring to rules-wise.. but the others are important as well.

Mokkurkalfe wrote: We'll have to put up an "volunteering administrator job available" ad somewhere.

I wonder if a group (or "board") of administrators would make going through submissions easier? I understand that things typically run more smoothly if there is only one person in charge but.. considering the amount of information that could come in, a "submissions board" could make life easier..

Message 2957#28654

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On 8/5/2002 at 6:22pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

If someone will actually assemble the stuff and (if possible) put it into HTML we'll put it on the riddle page. Really. I'll edit it for "yeah, I like it, go with it" or not, and I'm a flexible buy. BUT...I don't want to edit for spelling, grammar, etc. So I'll be one of the "editors" of the thing, if someone else will do the grammar part.


Message 2957#28657

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On 8/5/2002 at 6:54pm, Sneaky Git wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Well.. I'm nearly useless when it comes to html, etc. But, I'm an experienced editor.. so I could do the spelling & grammar bit. And I'd love to have a hand in the "yeah, that's a keeper" process.

Message 2957#28661

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On 8/5/2002 at 7:13pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Well, there seem to be people available.
BTW, I'm curious. What would the administrator(s) have to do, assuming it's on the Riddle page and Jake will take care of putting up the stuff(chewed and ready)?

And what about putting up a temporary place(or e-mail adress or perhaps a thread on this forum) to submit things to. If enough stuff is submitted, then make a webpage, if not, then...Well, Damn.

Message 2957#28663

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On 8/6/2002 at 12:49pm, Sneaky Git wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Good ideas.. I'm curious, however. How many would be interested in submitting articles to a TROS Compendium? If we can get a sizeable response from players/designers/etc., then this can definately work. On the other hand, with only limited support from the community..

So, I guess here it is.. How many of you have ideas kicking around that you would want to submit to something like this? Or, perhaps more importantly, how many of you would be willing to work at something like this?

Message 2957#28696

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On 8/6/2002 at 3:05pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Count me in. I've got an idea kicking around in my head for using the combat for tournament style play, rather than roleplaying, that I would definitely like to share with the community. And that's only at current...

Message 2957#28703

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On 8/6/2002 at 4:36pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Wolfen wrote: Count me in. I've got an idea kicking around in my head for using the combat for tournament style play, rather than roleplaying, that I would definitely like to share with the community. And that's only at current...

We've had people say this before, and it got us really excited, but we never saw the rules. So, uh, let's see yours, huh!


Message 2957#28712

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On 8/6/2002 at 7:42pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

Thats what I mean with a temporary place to submit. If that place recieves enough stuff, then just go ahead.

I've got a few (small though) things I would submit.

Message 2957#28732

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On 8/7/2002 at 3:43am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: The tRoS Compendium

You'll see 'em, Jake. It was Darren (from IO) that got me thinkin' about it, when he told me that IO will one day be sponsoring a tournament where each player ran a "stable" of gladiators. I'm going to work out some rules, then I'll throw 'em up here for evaluation, then suggest 'em to Darren, hopefully with the distinction that "Jake liked 'em..."

More on this tomorrow.

Message 2957#28756

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