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Topic: Fiasco, my new best friend
Started by: Charlie_X
Started on: 3/29/2010
Board: Bully Pulpit Games

On 3/29/2010 at 12:35pm, Charlie_X wrote:
Fiasco, my new best friend

Wow. I heard about this on the Pulp Gamer podcast and went from abstractly curious to fixated in the last few hours, getting the preview, then the pdf.

I'm a UK Gamer and was wondering if the print version is available over here. I know Esdevium Games cover distribution in the UK, but am unaware if they stock it, or if I'll need to sneak-print it at work over the next week somehow. I already have a white-board, so I'm planning on using it instaed of post-its like the Gnome Stew guys did.

I've already got a couple of ideas of things to run and weirdly this fits a campaign one of my group ran for us, called "The Day I Shot Your Heart", involving Serbian painkillers expired in the 1980's, a rocket launcher, a fight in a theme park, an asthmatic hitman and a trunk filled with someone else's coke.

So yeah, any word on the print version being in/coming to the UK?
When I've had a playthrough or two and can put my own ideas together, is there any place I can post those?

Message 29579#275146

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On 3/29/2010 at 1:36pm, jasonm wrote:
Re: Fiasco, my new best friend

That's great to hear! I know you'll have fun with Fiasco. You can purchase the physical book from Leisure Games:

100 Ballards Lane
London N3 2DN

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8346 2327

Feel free to share your playsets here if you like - I'd love to see them! If we like your set and it fits with our schedule, there's a chance we'll work it up into an official free download, with your permission.


Message 29579#275147

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On 3/29/2010 at 1:38pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Fiasco, my new best friend

Oh, also - the white board works great. I like to use index cards or post-its because it creates a built-in set of notes for writing up what happened during the game, but it is a little more resource-intensive and prone to getting drinks spilled on it.

Message 29579#275148

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On 3/30/2010 at 10:26pm, Charlie_X wrote:
RE: Re: Fiasco, my new best friend

Fair play. If I run this at a friend's, I'll use index cards, but when at the flat, the giant whiteboard will be awesome.

I'll have to check out Leisure Games for the dead tree version. Thanks for the link.

Message 29579#275232

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